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Travis County Commissioners Court

July 17, 2012 - Consent Items

Captioned video
Length - :02:06, Start time - :25:33 what does start time mean?
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The Consent Items we skipped over.
Let's go back and pick them up.
Posted for consent are c 1 through c 5.
Any issues with any of them?

>> No.
And let's consider adding the following items to the consent motion.
If anyone would like for us to discuss any of these separately, please say so as we call out the number of the item.
Number 4, nobody here on that one, right, the seton hospital item?
Number 6, 7, 9 a and b, 10, 11 , number 12, 13, 14, 15, 18 -- not 18 but 19.
So we go from 15 to 19, and number 20.
I move we approve adding those items to the consent motion.

>> I have a silly question about number 9.
You can tell me right off, but there's two companies and one for fire alarm and one for fire sprinklers so there are two different companies that do those -- I always those those things were unified.

>> They are separate here.

>> Oh, okay.
All right.

>> Two different contracts.

>> All right.

>> Any more discussion in all in favor?
That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

July 3, 2012: Travis County Launches New Video Playback System

Our new streaming video system uses a single video clip for each session and items are linked to specific locations on that clip. Some browsers and mobile devices do not recognize the location information and display the entire clip. If this happens the "start time" will help you find your item's video within the larger clip.

If you encounter playback issues check out our video playback help page. If you still encounter problems let us know.

On July 3rd, 2012, Travis County began leveraging free resources by posting Commissioners Court meetings on Youtube. Previously every video clip was edited separately and hosted on the county's video server. The old system also required RealPlayer to view the video clips.

The new systems save time and resources -- and that saves taxpayer dollars!


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