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Travis County Commissioners Court

July 3, 2012 - Executive Session Items

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>> That brings us to Executive Session.
24 has been postponed.
25 is to receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action regarding mutual release of claims with graebel affiliated companies for 700 lavaca moves.
Consultation with attorney exception.
26, receive briefing and take appropriate action regarding circuit of the americas and formula one.
Do we need 26?
Mr. Nuckols stepped out.
Let's announce it anyway.
It will be under the consultation with attorney if we discuss it.
27, c.f.o.
Briefing and take appropriate action regarding lease issues at 700 lavaca with Austin suites, consultation with attorney and real property exemptions to the local government act.
A-1, receive legal briefings and take appropriate action regarding steps necessary to conduct Commissioners' court meetings at 700 lavaca.
Anything else we will discuss in open court, for example, with the records management.
I'm not sure that's a legal issue.
We'll discuss these matters in executive session, but will return to open court before taking action.

We've returned from executive session where we discussed the items that were announced.
25, the matter involving graebel affiliated companies suggested we wait until next week to take action on that.
Let staff do some additional due diligence.
We'll have it back on.
We got a briefing on 26, the circuit of the americas.
In my view no action today.
Any view to the contrary?
Austin suites we discussed a possible counteroffer.
That's item 27.
Do we need to mull over that another week?
Or is there a motion today?
Let's take another week.
And indicate to mr. Holmes, I think his name is, we'll take action next Tuesday.
A-1 is a matter involving the Commissioners' court ability to meet at 700 lavaca in the future.
And we did discuss the legal aspect of this item.
There is some open court discussion regarding the logistics.
Especially involving the need for us to meet maybe at a couple of places for a short period of time.

>> Good afternoon, judge, Commissioners.
Steven brobert, director of management and communication resources.
With me is al jackson, director of media services.
We're just getting word of this last week that there may be a need to broadcast or to use this facility to record and/or broadcast between now and the end of the year.
Sounds primarily like they're budget sessions, but there may be a couple of others.
The technical and the operational issues are as follows: our ability to record other than doing shoulder cams or movable shots is an additional cost attached of about 25 to $30,000.
That is to keep this facility operational while we're in our new facility.
And the reason for that, of course, is that we can balance eyes much of the equipment from our studio in order to keep the cost down.
Fiscal responsibility ruled in this case.
In order to broadcast from this room once we move, the cost is about $60,000.

>> What's the cost just to broadcast audio?

>> Good question.
That's an al jackson question.

>> Broadcast audio on the tv channel?

>> Yeah.
What I'm thinking is just to do live feed audio.

>> Just putting up a slide and broadcasting the audio?
You will still use the same equipment to broadcast it.
I mean, you still will have to have a video carrier signal of some kind.
It's not like you're all of a sudden doing a radio thing.
If it's still on channel 17 on a tv set, even though you're not having moving pictures, you have a video signal of some sort.

>> What about audio streaming on the computer and just not doing it on channel 17?

>> That's possible, I suppose.

>> Just as a stopgap.
What I'm going for is the cheapest possible way so that individuals who want to monitor realtime can at least monitor audio via computer and then we could do, you know, a live shot static for archival purposing to up on the web as we normally do with text and video.

>> Yeah, that's the first time that idea has come up.
So I think it's going to require a little more research to determine what the parameters are to do live streaming.
But if we're going to do live audio streaming there isn't any reason we shouldn't do video streaming as well.

>> It doesn't save us a lot in terms of money.
It's already set up to do everything.

>> No, she's talking about just going to the web.

>> I'm talking live streaming just to the web.

>> Not to tctv.

>> Why don't we get you to review the options between now and next Tuesday.
And any court members requests or suggestions let media know and next Tuesday we'll come in more prepared to have a discussion.

>> Good.

>> In the meantime it seems to me that if we need to delay for a short period having meetings over there, we can do it, especially in view of some of the construction completion issues you mentioned and moving over there.

>> That's true, judge.

>> We need to put a pencil to it and decide whether we're talking about one week or three weeks.
If it's an issue we need to go ahead and address it now.

>> Yeah.
We need to address that fairly quickly.
I think next Tuesday we'll be prepared to have that discussion too.

>> Yeah.

>> Okay.

>> Unfortunately we kind of -- it was sort of brought forward on our radar at that meeting last Friday which is why I stuck it on the agenda late Friday afternoon.
But y'all didn't get a whole lot of notice of it.
Now I think we see some of the issues and appreciate them, so let's plan to have fuller discussion neck week.

>> Very well, judge.

>> Move adjournment.

>> Second.

>> All in favor?
That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

July 3, 2012: Travis County Launches New Video Playback System

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