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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 5, 2012 - Citizens Communication

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>> Let's take up Citizens Communication.
We'll get to the resolution.
For persons assigned to speak on the citizens communication, and they are -- four persons, ronnie reeferseed no.
1, gus pena no.
2, cindy peern ta and claudia garcia together for no.
3 and morris priest no.

>> Yippie.
yes, thank you.
yes, I'm ronnie reeferseed, yelling, yes, we can say no to the political schemology behind our own truly evil lieutenant governor david screw loose, remember, dewhurst or screw loose as I refer to him, he single-handedly hijacked our Texas state legislature from stopping the entire tsa madness, our own heks house of legislators unanimously demanded that our traveling public no longer be victims of the tsa perverts who continually assault men, women, children, babies, et cetera.
by the way, nothing is actually achieved with all this torture and abuse of our traveling public except humiliation, and programming you need for future torture and abuse and on top of that we're subject to deadly, unmitigated, I have a yaition, chertoff's adding machine.
I guess we're all guilty of something, huh?
no, we're not guilty of anything.
please check the 4th amendment of our precious u.s.
our founding fathers somehow new centuries ago that tyrants would use any and all excuses to abuse us as they are doing now.
lieutenant governor screw loose made sure that the Texas state house was hijacked from stopping the

>> [inaudible] by holding the entire state of Texas hostage to nonsensical threats of retaliation, as if the thousands of texans who dared to just say no, I mean, imagine, our own state of Texas was on the verge of stopping the evil tsa from assaulting all of us, but our good ol' lieutenant governor dewhurst demonstrated that he does truly have a screw loose.
if he thinks we texans are just going to forget about that.
no, dewhurst, you're done.
ted cruz, a long time conservative political activist has recently risen from the ashes to hopefully beat dewhurst in a runoff.
we still can retire david screw loose dewhurst right now by voting for ted cruz.
nobody is perfect, but ted cruz is light-years ahead of former cia evil black operative david dewhurst, and to learn more shut off your tv, go on-line at info, lew
american free and listen on the phone, dial (512)646-5000, and by golly, several organs of our otherwise useless lame scheme media are now finally reporting on build a berg, that shad owey that only jim tucker has been reporting on and still today in american free press it was just now available on-line, american free
thank you.

>> Thank you, mr. Reeferseed.
mr. Pena.

>> Thank you.
gus pena, united states marine corps receipt van.
I served in vet -- veteran.
I don't know if you had a memorial day proclamation but we need to remember those who died in saving our country for -- alex was my classmate from allen jr.
and johnson high school.
I miss my brothers.
I came close to dying also and I leave it at that.
judge and Commissioners, you know I wanted to say that lucio, my son, has graduated from high school.
proud graduate, 2011-2012 graduate.
I love you, mijo.
it was a challenge and I'd do it again, hmmm, maybe more vitamins but I want to let you know, and you know it, that there are so many of you unemployed because of graduation, we need commission development, commission development, commission development economic development, good paying benefits.
it's not happening.
I sound like a presidential candidate but we need job creation here in Austin/Travis County, it's slow but we should be ashamed we don't have enough economic development for our people.
the unemployment ranks and statistics don't clearly reflect the unemployment ranks because people are giving up and filing compensation requests, not listed in the unemployment ranks.
not a true picture.
I want to thank moses, ted coffey, school to work, ms. Moses the counselor, ms. Deshay the registrar, all who helped lucio graduate.
I don't take you will the credit, nor does my wife.
I want to thank who is at Austin high school who helped him graduate and the teachers and people like leroy nellis, find mentors and tutors, and thank god you all listened and helped these individuals graduate.
judge and Commissioners, veterans need help.
iraq and afghanistan war veterans need mental health treatment, john creation.
they need our help.
they -- let's show our appreciation for them and the sacrifices they made in defense of our country, freedom and democracy and the turmoil in iraq and afghanistan.
judge and Commissioners, job creation for our people.
we need help.
they need help.
and please, I didn't bring lunch and supper and let's try and keep citizens communication in the morning.
I have other things to do.
I don't have time.
I'm not in good health.
I don't have time to sit here and wait all the time.
they have priorities but I do too.
thank you for your help and continue to March in job creation and remember our veterans and remember the dead who died for our freedoms. Thank you very much.

>> Thank you.

>> Thank you, mr. Pena.

>> Afternoon.

>> Good afternoon, judge and Commissioners, cindy peerington, with me is claudia garcia from hrmd.
we want to take a minute to remind the employees of the benefit meetings going on, where you can learn what the proposed benefits recommendations are for fy 13 before the employee hearing, and we've also scheduled one in spanish for the 11th and I'd like claudia to say that in spanish for everyone so that they can understand exactly what we're trying to do.

>> [speaking in spanish].

>> Gracias to both of you.

>> And we'd like to mention that we are -- we taped one that I did in english and we're going to tape one that claudia is doing in spanish so that we can send those out to all of the employees that maybe don't have the benefit of being in the downtown campus where they can come down to the meetings.
We are holding them throughout the county, however, so that's an added resource for everyone because we want them to be informed before they come to the employee hearing.
Thank you.

>> Thank you.
Keep up the good work.
Mr. Priest?

>> Thank you, judge, Commissioners, morris priest speaking on my own behalf.
I want to thank all of those who came out on election day.
A great special memorial day weekend weekend on klre and I'm sure you saw a lot of our joint chiefs of staff and I thank all the generals and admire ales for their service to our country and veterans and memorial day is a great time to honor them.
Lieutenant dewhurst has great problem solving skill that he's practiced in the state here, and this is what we need in washington to tackle our economic chaos caused by obama and the liberals in congress.
We don't need another do nothing academia.
We need someone that will reflect our social issues, a free market businessman and a compassionate conservative.
He has a track record in dealing with many issues we'll be facing, such as energy and transportation.
His experience and sense of loyalty to our country as he is a veteran himself, is really what we need in washington and we hope -- and I think surely we believe he'll be our u.s.
Campbell was in the runoff for state senate and I do believe she'll be successful as well.
Toby j.
Miller, when we have our election for precinct 2 constable.
Live action has showns how gender-based abortions are performed or recommended by planned parenthood, and I know that even Ron paul voted with sheila jackson lee on this gender-based abortion.
I think ted cruz and Ron paul have one of the biggest folings -- one of their biggest followings their supporters.
Texas issues -- such as local issues with no medical taxes are coming to the forefront.
Support for afd on their wildfires and training and equipment is being felt down at city hall, along with a second opinion much like you would go to a doctor on the yogurt shop cold case as well as others.
Criminal justice issues will come to the forefront this legislative session, campo and the long-term

>> [inaudible] transportation issues will also be in the forefront.
Environmental situations such as simagra and pxi and other issues we fought, we're going to prevail.
Financial issues of this debt crisis that we're having on all levels of governments being addressed by many activists and community leaders, energy regulations and also currently for quite some time I've been working on some va solutions for some of the veterans suffering from injuries from combat as well as other things in the veterans administration but I wanted to encourage you all to also recognize that there's other organizations such as Texas right for
Check them out on their web site, and thank you for supporting david dewhurst.
Thank you.

>> Thank you, mr. Priest.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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