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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 5, 2012 - Item 19

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>>19, consider and take appropriate action regarding a new civil and family court house, including but not limited to: appointment of a court house committee to recommend a delivery method and receive update on committee activities; proposed membership for a second community advisory committee; and other related issues.
>> We really don't have a whole lot to report today.
We were coming to see if y'all had some additional names for the larger community advisory committee.
And we're still working with the county attorney's office to get the conflict of interest form to you because I know you want to see that to send to your potential members.
We did meet with our group last week and they signed the -- we finally worked out an agreement with ernst & young so they could have the report in their hands and appropriate sharing parameters.
So they are in possession of the report, they're coming together tonight at 5:00 and the consultants from earn is and young will be there as well as the attorney.
And other than that unless y'all have names for us, that's what we have to report today.

>> Remind me of the schedule the first committee is on.

>> They'll be back with their report in early to mid July.
They have presentations scheduled for them this week.
Last week was procurement.
This week is ernst & young and the report next week is the financial and affordability, preliminary analysis.
Then they have two meetings scheduled for deliberations and preparation of a recommendation.
So right now unless they see the need for more meetings to discuss amongst themselves, we expect them to be posting in early July to come like the second or third Tuesday in July.

>> Okay.
Anything else on this item?
Thank y'all very much.
Thank you for your patience.

>> On the b portion of that, I still am looking for that affidavit.

>> We're poking the county attorney's office, if you're listen.
They're still playing on it.

>> Well, I saw it this morning and of course in order for me to go forward, I really do need that affidavit that we had looked at, whatever we discussed when I was here last.
And I still don't have that in my possession.

>> Okay.
Well, again, we'll get with these folks and see if we can get you something as soon as possible.
I know it's been out standing for a couple of weeks.

>> Okay.
Thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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