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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 22, 2012 - Item 36

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36, consider and take appropriate action regarding a new civil and family courthouse including but not limited to reappointment of a courthouse commit to recommend deliver method and receive update on committee activities; b, proposed membership for a second community advisory committee and c, other related issues.

>> public safety, I'm here with belinda powell, strategic manager.
we're affiliated with the courthouse project.
we don't have a lot to report to you today.
we thought we might have a new member of the committee, worn person, I think rebecca bray from rica is thinking about recusing herself but has not made that discussion to our knowledge, we might be back again.
the committee did meet last week, they took a tour of the civil courthouse.
and got to see, you know, why we need that, perhaps.
and then they meet again next week, that is when we are gonna talk about -- we're going to define, help them understand what the different procurement options are.
in the following week, we will have the consultants come in and take your questions.
that is really it, on that.
oh, the -- we are working with the county attorney's office on two different things for them.
one is the conflict of interest form and I think you guys are working on tweaking it a little bit for this particular committee.
I think we pointed out last time that ernst & young has dropped their requirement for them to sign a nondisclosure thing, but we are waiting on some language that just keeps them from being held accountable for some of the information.

>> if they released report.

>> ok.
thank you for the clarification.

>> we wanted to see if y'all had names for the larger committee.
if not, we can get those another time.

>> I have my three.

>> well, my concern is, number one, I want to make sure that the affidavit that is being prepared by the county attorney, when will we have a chance to see that?
because I want to make sure --

>> he wanted to have his own hand in it.

>> I understand.
my point is, before I submit anything to any of the persons that I'm considering for selection, we'll have an opportunity to see what the affidavit has in it and on that, to have an opportunity to see what -- I guess I'm talking about the b portion of this, see what letter that we need to come up with to ensure that was it the one that showed the different levels of expertise or either the ones that do not show that.
so I'm still wrestling with those before I show it to a person that needs an interest in it.
I'm still not there because I don't have all of the information that I need to put in the person's hand that I'm considering to be appointed to the particular community committee.
I'm still wrestling.
if I could get time lines, that would help me to give persons accurate information.
hopefully they will say yes, I would love to see because it is a three-year commitment to some degree.

>> we talked about the issues.
jim and I talked about the issues on Thursday.
where we left it was I don't know if he was doing the drafting or I was doing the drafting.

>> I don't know.

>> that is for our office to sort out.
I will make sure that he and I get together before next week.
hopefully we'll have a document to show you.

>> that would be good.
you know ...

>> ok.


>> [indiscernible] nominating.
they're ok with conflict of interest affidavits.

>> yeah.

>> you want to read it into the record portion.

>> rios valdez.
frank rodriguez and frank jauntez.

>> ms. Porter, if I give you my copy will you --

>> I will give her mine.

>> I was going to say, would you give it back to me real soon.
but if she has Commissioner Gomez would rather take the risk.
we will let her do that.

>> do we have a deadline for having our candidates ready in this sort of time crunch time?

>> they really can't do a lot of work until the other committee finishes its work and we act on that right?

>> a few weeks, at least.

>> I would think.

>> do we know what target do we give the small committee.

>> we have estimated with a couple of little delays, probably the first of July when they finish up.

>> ok, that is at least a month in.

>> yeah.

>> ok.
but if a girl scout wants to go ahead and be incredibly timely, I salute her.

>> having an office e-mail.

>> we'll e-mail those, yeah.

>> ok.

>> thank you.

>> those files.

>> anything further on item 36 today?

>> yes, sir.

>> ok.

>> as I was going through the possible list, I'm not as good of a girl scout.
I don't have my three names yet today.
it occurred to me as I was going through the list, we have good defined categories and I was wondering if we ought not add the category of the Texas facilities commission and see if we can get some state representations, since we are sandwiched between two state buildings.
I thought perhaps, we, as a court, could make an invitation to that quadrant as well.
so we could seize any opportunities that come down the pipe with regard to the hobby building or garage on the other side.
they might also, having their input might place us in a better position with regard to the synergy with the state, the feds, the city.

>> you're talking for the first committee?

>> no, the second committee.
I figure for the first committee we need to move fast.
I don't have to slow it down.
it will be key over the next three years because you don't know what will be happening with the hobby building, garages, the constellation of state garages.
it would be nice for there to be representation on the first committee, but I feel like that is a light brigade and might take us a little bit to get someone to be blessed to work with us.
I didn't want to slow it down.

>> I think it is a good suggestion.

>> me, too.

>> meanwhile, try to get a person on that.

>> ok.
wrote that down.

>> anything else on this item today?

>> no, sir.

>> should we have it back on next week?

>> yes, sir.

>> all right.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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