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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 1, 2012 - Citizens Communication

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Citizens Communication is next.
this item gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda.
gus pena.
please come forth.
second is mr. Dillon, who just had his comments.
and ronnie reeferseed been the second speaker.
if mr. Reeferseed will have a seat.

>> judge, Commissioners, gus pena, proud east Austinite, proud u.s.
marine corps veteran.
I'm going to continue to ask we're in the last six weeks of the school year.
this is the fifth week.
we've five your weeks, students are going to be taking final exams. I'm asking, begging anyone who can give time to mentor a student, math, reading, whatever, please do so.
we need to get these students educated, pass the subsequent grade and graduate.
miko is scheduled to graduate and I've been talking to students at various campuses, learn farsi and mandrin.
not just spanish and english, but being multi lingual.
economic development, economic development, economic development.
I can say tonight hispanic but I can say it in english better.
we need more jobs.
kids are going to be out there not having to do anything with their summertime.
please increase the summer job positions and the funding.
we need to get these kids active in positive organized activities and not organized crime.
I'm just going to keep it short because we have other people that want to speak.
the ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world it leaves to its children.
there have been many advances including technology still we have not learned to live together on this planet.
some of our leaders failed.
I can tell you which ones I'm going to talk about.
I'm going to leave it up to you.
the hungry are not fed, homeless are not housed.
our youth are our future.
a society's worth is measured by treatment of the less fortunate.
ladies and gentlemen, I ran for elected office too because I wanted to make changes, but sometimes I feel I'm more -- I guess more better at the outside than I am being an elected official.
I don't want to die of a heart attack or cancer.
somebody leave here, city council, I have anger management problems. I'm going to speak to that, but we need to change this life for our people, our kids, our youth.
god bless you all and I'll speak further on other items on the agenda.
thank you very much for your time.

>> thank you.

>> mr. Reeferseed.

>> thank you, sir.
hot dig itty, I'm ronnie refer side soon to be mayor clay dafoe is gaining and more people are learning every day about clay dafoe the only candidate for mayor who is not yet another same old, tired old political hack who has offered fresh new ideas to shake up the system.
yes, we need everybody to wake up now to help hold back the sociopathic tyrants who have taken over Austin politics as of late.
remember randy shade?
she has yet -- she was yet another same old, tired old political hack who now is a has been because she just sold her soul to truly evil fluoride pushing poison promoters who have been mass medicating us all with a toxic brew against our will for decades.
no, we do not need the Austin city council of criminals to keep shoving toxic waste into our water and down the throats of you, me, our kids, our babies, our pets, gardens, pools, rivers and streams. Let's all demand to stop the killing with toxic sludge masquerading as fluoride.
just read your toothpaste.
it says if you swallow the toxic waste, call the poison control center.
that's only one of the many issues we can truly help everyone by voting may 12 for clay -- soon to be mayor clay dafoe.
laura presley, shawn ireland.
yes, we can.
in china a blind, long-time political dissent has somehow escaped house arrest and now in our u.s.
embassy seeking political asylum, but not a peep about this headline has passed the lips of our so-called president peace prize, the war pig.
look, I know it's hard to grasp, but we all have been, still are and probably always will be lied to about 9-11, but the truth is out there and continually gathering momentum.
building number 7, people.
just like the kennedy assassination, the truth is continually percolating about 9-11 scam of treason.
guess what, it's that came kabal of killers who are killing us all.
the american public are still in a trance, purposely dumbed down about fluoride, football, dancing with the stars or whatever else these truly evil criminals keep shoving down our throats.
don't buy it.
don't put up with it anymore.
instead check out info,
american free
the truth is out there people.
for the sake of the innocent babies, let's take charge and grab hold of our lives by merely voting for the best candidates like dr. Ron paul, clay dafoe for mayor, et cetera.
we can all do it.
yes, we can.
let's take the

>> [indiscernible] and vote for peace, love and liberty may 12, be sure to vote for clay dafoe to be mayor of Austin.
let's shock the world together.
thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you, mr. Reeferseed.
that clock is working?

>> it's working.

>> [laughter]

>> jim dillon.

>> thank you, judge.
thank you, ronnie.
Sunday's edition of the "new york times," but no mention whatsoever in the Austin unamerican-statesman, referred to in their headline, front page headline of the "new york times" referred to how a certain company by the name of apple side steps billions of dollars in taxes every year.

>> [inaudible] it almost causes me to want to rename the company onion or turnip or something.
but the article goes on to say that this company is the most profitable in the entire world.
$50 billion in profits every year.
and for that reason I was surprised to see that not only the city of Austin but the state of Texas and the county of travis were willing to offer incentives and rebates and refunds and all -- all manner of bribes to this corporation who is possibly a criminal -- criminal organization, according to the headline of the "new york times," side stepping taxes is called tax evasion.
are they going to try that here if they come?
and why would Austin need to entice a technology company to move here when by every survey, like I mentioned earlier, Austin is ranked as the most attractive, most desirable place to live and work, companies moving here daily without incentives.
companies who may need some financial assistance to relocate, but aren't offered that, yet apple is, who doesn't need it.
and then they bring up the extortion card when the bribe isn't high enough and say we'll just go to phoenix if you don't give us $8 million.
we'll just go to phoenix.
if anybody ever told me that, I'd say well, phoenix is pretty far, but you better start walking now.
I don't understand why Austin has such -- this is actually Travis County, has such a inferiority complex that they need to solicit these companies to come here.

>> [buzzer sounding]

>> you could build a park for $8 million.

>> if you would do us a favor putting those chairs back where they are.
thank you very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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