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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 1, 2012 - Item 6

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Number 6, approve resolution recognizing May 2012 as Older Americans Month in Travis County.
Commissioner Huber.

>> good morning.
I think this is a significant resolution as our baby boomer generation ages and it's important because Travis County and capcog and other areas, entities in the area have resources for elder americans and I think that this is an opportunity to call attention to those resources.
I know a lot of us don't know they are there until we need them and have to go looking for them so this is one place people can go looking for a resource if they need one for an elderly family member or themselves.
I want to take a little editorial here.
whereas Travis County is a community that includes over 118,000 citizens age 60 and over.
whereas the Austin, Round Rock metro area has the fastest growing pre-senior, that's age 55 to 64, population and the second fastest growing senior, age 65 and over, population in the united states.
and whereas Travis County and coming of age Austin metro are committed to helping all individuals maintain their health, wellness and independence in later life.
and whereas we use the term older in here.
I'm going to call it golden years because I think that there's a very special -- that there's a special attribute to our older citizens, elder citizens, of which I am fortunately or unfortunately fall in that category.
but whereas golden years adults in Travis County play an esteemed role in sharing their knowledge, wisdom and understanding of our rich community history with children, youth and adults from all generations.
and whereas the inletter actions of these golden year adults with family, friends, neighbors and neighbors improve the lives of everyone in our community.
and whereas Travis County and coming of age Austin metro can provide opportunities to enrich citizens young and old.
by emphasizing the value of including golden age adults in public and family life.
encouraging golden age adults to remain actively involved in strengthening our community through volunteerism.
creating opportunities for golden age adults to interact with people in different generations -- of different generations.
and providing informational services, learning opportunities, hands on activities, and support systems that allow golden age adults to participate in social activities throughout our community.
now therefore be it resolved by the Travis County Commissioners court that all citizens of Travis County are urged to observe may 2012 as older americans, I would say golden years, americans month in Travis County.
in recognition of the contributions and achievements of golden years adults who have enriched our community and continue to enrich our community's quality of life and to the professional family members and volunteers who care for those in need.
and I move approval.

>> second.

>> miss fleming.

>> good morning.
sherri fleming, county executive for health and human services and veterans services and we thank you this morning for this resolution on behalf of the coming of age, Austin metro program, but also on behalf of the many programs that you invest in who ensure a significant quality of life for our golden -- golden year adults in our community.
it becomes very important for us as a community to do what we can to support our golden -- golden year adults to ensure that they are able to maintain a quality of life that is to their choosing, which often includes being able to remain in their homes, to have appropriate transportation to and from various appointments that they must keep.
and so all of your investments across the board make those kinds of quality of life opportunities available to folks in our community as they go into their golden years.
so we thank you for your investments.
we thank you for this resolution, and we look forward, all of us, getting a little closure to our golden years.
so we appreciate you --


>> [inaudible].

>> another thing we have to add is these folks, these adults, golden age adults vote better than any other group of citizens in the county and in this country.

>> thank you very much.

>> keep working real, real hard, you will be at that golden state at some point.

>> [laughter]

>> we wouldn't know about that, would we, judge?

>> all in favor?
it will be a big relief when you get there.

>> thank you.
thank you, judge.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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