Travis County Commissioners Court
Tuesday, July 26, 2011 (Agenda)
Item 25
Am I correct that that gets us to executive session, miss porter?
>> 25.
>> oh, yeah, 25.
I'm not sure why 25 is to consider and take appropriate action on a request to approve a project partnership agreement between the department of the army and Travis County for design and construction of the colorado river Travis County, Texas stream bank protection project in precinct four.
>> I can understand why we didn't approve that on consent, judge, because we've been working on this since 1995 to try to get this done, and it's badly needed to keep the erosion from getting worse at that point of caldwell and the colorado river.
I would move approval.
>> second.
>> I did have a few changes.
I did want the court to be aware of it.
I just handed you out a correction to the backup memorandum and the highlighted areas are changes from what was originally distributed to y'all.
I wanted to read the break down of the budget numbers if you don't mind just for the record.
and also let you know that there are also some minor formatting changes being made to the agreement with the county attorney's office and we'll get those towvment it's minor formatting issues.
in the fiscal impact source areas you see that the total project cost is $1,952,000.
the court will pay 65% of that or 1,268,800.
Travis County is responsible for 35% or 683,200.
of that 683,200, we will use in kind surveying services to pay our share of that.
we use our survey crews to go out and provide them with all the engineering design surveys this they need and it amounted to about 250,000 dollars' worth of effort.
that leaves us with $6,000.533000 cash contribution.
those funds will be coming from the caldwell lane 2005 bond project, $461,000.
and also from the 2005 bond monies, unallocated to projects, in the amount of 169,543.
that's where all the funds are coming from.
it's all 2005 bond money.
the Commissioner is absolutely correct.
we've been working on this ever since it's been approve by the voters in 2005.
it's taken apile whiel, but we're getting moving on it now.
>> at least the army corps of engineers willing to get moving and we have government assistance on it.
it's a big deal.
>> we believe we have their money?
>> they say they've got it, judge.
>> okay.
>> motion to approve by Commissioner Gomez.
seconded by --
>> Commissioner Davis.
>> discussion on the motion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
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