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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 19, 2012 - Citizens Communication

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First on the agenda is Citizens Communication and this item gives residents an opportunity to address the court for up to three minutes on any matter not on the agenda.
Morris priest is speaker number 1.
Speaker number 2 is ronnie reeferseed.
And if you did not sign in but wish to speak under citizens communication, you will be number 3.
Mr. Reeferseed, if we could get you to come forth, and speaker number 3, if you did not sign in, if we could get you to come forward.

>> Morris priest speaking on my own behalf.
I did want to say we're still having issues with campo not getting information and not giving information to the public, but I did get the information from the ctrma.
And you know, this is something that we see quite often, failed leadership, and I think with txdot and the city of Austin and ctrma and these other agencies have a free flow of information we see what happened when we don't see a free flow of information.
And we saw that in the

>> [inaudible] race.
Most of what we were looking at and many people were looking at in that district attorney race in Williamson county was if people were going to get full disclosure.
We have issues here at the county level.
Many issues beyond the email issues and things of that nature.
But we have these organizations such as keep mopac that run full-page ads in the chronicle and they speak on campo's behalf, if you read that paragraph, dead center in the paragraph, they are speaking for campo.
But txdot does have s.h.
45 southwest in their plan, to the ctrmo and so does campo so the misinformation continues.
But it's really hard to get information because we have these bureaucrats that impose words contrary to our founding fathers and people in public want so we see this in races such as donna howard which looks like she is going to have a very successful run against wentworth who did author a bill this latest legislative information to keep the information coming to people.
It's amazing our elected officials don't understand documents such as title 6.
Campo should be reaching out to community leaders and activists such as myself and others for those who have been involved in transportation issues for years but we see this failed leadership from our current executive director maureen mccoy.
I really do think the song was written about her because she's so vain.
We have taylor swift and other entertainers who have written about her because she is mean, but I do live in a big old city.
We have misinformation, we see people come up here and, you know, when I say these are our papers and paper clips and things and I agree with you, Karen Huber, these are not for the public to use for school supplies or personal use or to bum off you, but these are used for our use to have county government.
And these -- this is our -- this is our paper and paper clips, but it's there for the purpose of county government or whatever government body it is.
And you know, I'm still going to challenge this court again and campo, starting to get quite a bit of traction --

>> [buzzer sounding] -- at the state level, but we're going to isolate campo this next legislative session.
I still would like this court to put it on our future agenda to have the executive director of campo, maureen mccoy, to come up and explain to the court and to campo what she thinks our policy is and how it relates to title 6.
Thank you.

>> Thank you, Mr. Priest.
Mr. Reeferseed.

>> [applause]

>> Okay.
Howdy, I'm ronnie reeferseed.
Singing hallelujah, god is love and god is peace.
If you want it.
War is over if you want it, paraphrasing john lennon.
Stop the killing.
No more excuses.
So what if some other country is or is not just like us in every way.
Get over it.
Let's stop our arrogant high falluting attitude at our so-called president so-called peace prize, time to wake up and stop the killing.
Sharing the facts and truth with everyone you love is a joyful duty for us all and what is more important in reality, facing reality and trying to truly act accordingly is my tired same old motto along with the killing.
Enough about me.
What about you?
Do you -- do you care about any of these things like me?
Join me down here some day.
Throw in your two cents.
We all need to learn more from each other and so listen up, just show up here, the granger building, between 11th and 12th and guadalupe and lavaca and anyone can speak about kenyan born indonesian subject to queen and thus easily blackmailable and controllable so-called president so-called war pig barry sotoro but we must you night and impeach and remove our latest sociopath in chief and that means he enjoys killing people.
He's on a mission.
He must be thrown out of office now before he just keeps killing people and making more enemies worldwide.
Why do we need -- why do we have to regime change anywhere?
Why not start here at home?
Let's all use our precious gift of the u.s.
Constitution to fumigate our government from corrupt creatures of habitual schemeology, ie nonronnie reeferseed.
We just had a face here.
The incomparable clay dafoe had been doing more than his fair share to help Austin awake from her self-induced fluoride befuddlement.
Act accordingly about our toxic sludge laden water supply and we can actually save money in the process.
No more slimy kickbacks for you criminals in charge.
To learn more visit info, american free
Matt drudge dollar.

>> [buzzer sounding] and there's lots of info out there.
Thank you so much.

>> Thank you, Mr. Reeferseed.
Those are the two persons who signed in to speak under citizens communication.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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