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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 15, 2012 - Item 7

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7 is consider and take appropriate action on budget amendments, transfers and discussion items. Commissioner Eckhardt.

>> I would like to vote against a 2 but everything else is fine.

>> move approval of everything except a 2.

>> second.

>> discussion on that motion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
a 2 is the request to move from allocated reserve $868,000 into I think it's actually 700 lavaca specific line item, right?

>> yes.

>> now, this is an earmark, right?

>> it was an earmark that was -- it's on the c.o.
reserve so it's on the certificate of obligation, 517, that has a large chunk of that c.o.
fund was budgeted for 700 lavaca construction and renovation.

>> move approval of a 2.

>> second.

>> that 868,988 is specifically for the cafeteria in the basement, correct?

>> it's part of the -- the whole -- the whole budget was a little short because when the

>> [inaudible] first brought in their proposal, the cafeteria wasn't included in the budget and it was added on later.
it's overall the whole project lower levels, first and second floors.

>> so according to the backup, it's for $600,000 for the construction and equipping of a lower level cafeteria and 268,988 in contingency.
so it's a contingency toward the cafeteria, toward the basement, first and second.

>> I can respond.
I'm with project management.
david is enjoying a well deserved vacation.
the contingency was not just associated with the cafeteria.
it was our recommendation that the overall project be funded with a slightly larger contingency.
this is a pretty large renovation project which are always plagued with the unknowns and this one in particular because it had such a large demolition component including demolition of a vault, we thought we could use a little extra contingency especially with the construction manager sat risk, any moneys not spent come back to the county at the end of the project via return savings.

>> I don't have any issue with the contingency.
my issue really was with the cafeteria which I would --

>> my understanding of that was from our subcommittee, and correct me if I am wrong, was that initially when they spelled out a budget, they just did estimates on what things might be.
and that's how that line item got assigned to the cafeteria.
but it was known that there would be massaging of these line items and that's why the contingency was in there.
and I also understand it's really -- that we have a firm contract.
so except for things like just recently the seal that's going on.
we had to spend some extra money on that to define the detail because we didn't have that already done.
so we are choosing and the process the refinement of these line items and it's easier to transfer the allocated -- the reserves in a lump and then everything that is not -- that is left over comes back to the court anyway.
if we go ahead and transfer only a portion of this or don't transfer the whole amount, then we may be caught short with the timing issue in being able to meet something that's unknown frequently which does happen at the tail end of a project.
but this was -- my understanding is this was never just particularly focused on the cafeteria.
it was in an estimated budget line item from the beginning that changed.

>> that's accurate.

>> but only contingency if it's not needed.
the money is just there in the line item.

>> correct.

>> I have no issue with the contingency.
my only issue is with the $600,000 for the cafeteria.

>> any more discussion on the motion?
all in favor?
show Commissioners Davis, Gomez, Huber and yours truly voting in favor.
Commissioner Eckhardt opposed.
voting against.
thank you all very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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