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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 15, 2012 - Item 2

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Number 2 approve recognition recognizing Jesse R. Cortez on his retirement from Facilities Management Department after 26 years of service to Travis County.
If Mr. Cortez would please come forward and his huge entourage.

>> [laughter] maybe his one friend.

>> judge and Commissioners court, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you today one of our finest having given 26 years of just outstanding service to us, jesse cortez.
jesse is a jack-of-all-trades and he did a little bit of everything for us.
welding, hvac, you name it, carpentry, jesse could do it.
and on top of that, he's also a connoisseur, just an outstanding cook.
so I know hisc wife is really welcoming this opportunity to take full advantage of that.
jesse has served us well and we really hate to see him go, but as I told him, this is just chapter 1 and he will be starting chapter 2 very soon.
and we're also saying good-bye to mr. Ralph ramos.
he was in our grounds department.
he gave us 14 years and six months of outstanding service.
for those of you that don't know what our grounds folks do, get out in 105-degree weather and still get the job done and those guys served us, hot, cold, just like the mail person, it doesn't matter, they were there.
we're going to miss them and it's our pleasure to present them to you.

>> thank you.
mr. Cortez's resolution reads: whereas service, dedication and leadership should always be recognized.
whereas jesse cortez has spent the last 26 years in service to residents and employees of Travis County through his performance and responsible positions within the sheriff's office and facilities management department.
whereas he ultimately served as the senior building maintenance worker responsible for the performing and supervising of the maintenance and repair of the Travis County exposition center.
whereas he has demonstrated his commitment to service, his dedication to his duties and his leadership through his willingness to assume these responsibilities.
and whereas his efforts have resulted in the successful resolution of the numerous maintenance challenges of this events center and complex.
and whereas jesse has decided to retire from county service.
now therefore be it resolved that the Travis County Commissioners court of the state of Texas gratefully recognizes the contributions of jesse cortez to the citizens and employees of Travis County and wish him happiness and continuing good health as he enters this well earned retirement.
and mr. Cortez is deserving of a rolex watch instead of this paper certificate.

>> [laughter] but in addition to being a hard worker, he's always been ethical so let's remain consistent with that.
mr. Cortez.

>> yes, sir.

>> any words?

>> no, sir.
I appreciate having the opportunity to work for y'all.
I raised a good family.
I've had an excellent superintendent.
I've had an excellent supervisor.
and I appreciate the opportunity.

>> thank you for your service as well.

>> thank you.

>> we appreciate it.

>> thank you very much.

>> in addition to being a man of few words, he's a diplomatic individual too.

>> absolutely.

>> thought about a career in politics, mr. Cortez?

>> no, sir.

>> [inaudible].

>> now you are talking my language.

>> I second that motion, judge.

>> we appreciate your many years of dedicated service to Travis County.
good luck to you in the future.
if we can ever be of assistance, you know how to reach us.

>> yes, sir.
thank you.

>> no, thank you.

>> motion and seconded.
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> [applause] mr. Cortez, when you -- when we give you one of these, you are obligated to take it.

>> congratulations to you.

>> thank you.

>> congratulations.

>> [inaudible].

>> okay.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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