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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 8, 2012 - Item A1

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Miss Gonzales is here and a1 is approve resolution in support of the River City Youth Foundation's 29Th Annual Youth Recognition Program that honors youth and those who support them.

>> you know you all are going to be the best part of our day, right?

>> I hope so.

>> don't play video games on that computer.

>> judge Biscoe and members of the court, we are so delighted to be here today celebrating our 29th annual youth recognition.
and with us today are some of the honorees.
we had our big bash on Saturday night and it was stellar and wonderful.
we're here to thank you for your support.
did you know that Travis County, in fact, was the group, the organization, the funder that started river city youth foundation back in 1983?
so you can give yourselves a round of applause.
in fact, I think we're going to applaud them right now.

>> thank you.

>> [applause]

>> when they were just an idea or a thought, a lot of us were busy creating something very unique to the Austin community and it would be the river city youth foundation serving children and youth with the absolute most cutting edge programs. Back then we weren't talking technology.
that was '83.
but through the years it went from counseling, from after-school activities, even programs at 6:30 in the morning.
something called early bird programs where we used to feed the kids bananas, orange juice, get them ready for school and give out pencils and pens and paper and make sure they were ready for school.
and it's evolved over time to what it is today.
and what it is today is the technology center right in the heart of dove springs.
we have a partnership with dell, a partnership with you, with the city, with many different funders and with the schools and the faith community.
as a result of all of those efforts over a quarter of a million children and families have been helped since 1983, and we just couldn't be happier.
so here we are no dove springs.
it is the fastest growing latino population in our community and some of these children reflect those demographics.
today we're here to honor our awardees for the youth of the year and those joining us today are the youth leader of the year, raise your hand, the most responsible child, jasmine.
the most likely to close the digital divide, treyshawn Moore.
the future computer leader matthew gonzales.
the most motivated boy, tian Moore.
who has been practicing raising his hand.
the river city youth foundation 2012 peacemaker award winner.
the family of the year award goes to mr. And mrs.
daniel and antonia avila.
daddy is at work.
missus is here.
here's a quiz, repeat those names.

>> [laughter] because mama still get the Travis County Commissioners court confused.
and a very special award, volunteer of the year to the adult category.
debbie horn.
raise your hand.
debbie has been working with the kids in fitness.
she has something called the run buddies and if you've heard of leo manzano, the olympian runner, we have a partnership through debbie and these children run like the wind.
the tech win service award goes to brooke binstock.
brooke is a licensed master social worker and is our youth out reach coordinator.
and we have a whole list of supporters of the year, including dell, but not limited to dell.
there are churches, like the Austin new church that has just merged and is focusing on dove springs.
and, of course, our friends at the police department, the glimmer of hope foundation, fathers of education, active community education and numerous corporations too lengthy for me to mention at this time.
without all of the power of partnership, what would we do?
but because of the support and love and care and concern here we are with kids that did not fail, wouldn't even consider that because they are on a track for success.
you are looking at the future bilingual tech workforce of Texas, certainly of Austin.
and yes, of the globe.
all of these children are becoming experts at something and that is technology, but in order for that to happen, they have to receive nutritious meals, fitness programs, counseling, mentoring and many other services, which we call simply wrap-around and holistic.
does it work?
yes, it works.
and we are here to prove that.
what does the future hold?
I believe that river city youth foundation is positioned in 2012 to expand the facility in the next couple of years.
you know we met about the expansion a couple years ago just as the recession had hit.
I believe that it's going to be expanded, and I know for a fact that the support is swelling for an organization that could be very much like the little train.
what is the -- yeah, the little engine, the little train that could.
because oftentimes when you are small people say you can't.
but Margaret mead said never doubt that a small but committed group of people can change the world.
indeed that is the only thing that ever has.
so we're here, we're fast growing, we are proud to be river city youth foundation.
proud of our children and our families.
we want to also invite to you the father's day parade.
that has to be in the guinness book of world records because it's probably the shortest parade in the world, only a few blocks long, but does that matter?
no, because what's important is the message and we'll be back to invite to you that.
it will happen on June the 9th.
so around you you have a couple of banners that reflect what our aim is.
where we spend our hours and time and our love and care just like you do.
from all of the children, all of the volunteers, all of the corporations, everyone that supports this wonderful endeavor, thank you to you.
it wouldn't have happened without you and that's the truth.
thank you very much.

>> thank you very much.
so do the kids get to have the day off from school?

>> well, they wish they did, but we're going right back to school right after this.
and their teachers and principals were so proud of them.
that's why they were allowed to be here today.
after all, some day some of them may be seated in your seat.
and this is, in fact, a field trip.

>> let them know if they sit up here, I'll sit out there, okay?

>> this, children, takes a lot of work.
you've got to learn really well to read and write.
right, Karen?
and you've got to make tough decisions, right, mom?

>> right.

>> but I think our children will be ready.

>> oh, yes.

>> so again, thank you so much.
we appreciate you and I know that you appreciate each one of these lives.

>> we sure do.
thanks for coming down.

>> thank you.

>> thank you all.

>> good to see you all.

>> congratulations to all of you.

>> they are going to swing around and shake hands, if that's okay.
that is their dream and desire.
let's make the dream come true today.

>> so they are coming up here?
I think Commissioner Gomez presented them a proclamation.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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