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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 24, 2012 - Item 20

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20, consider and take appropriate action regarding approval of financial incentives policy, including but not limited to: a, a deadline for delivery of a draft policy; b, a process for preparation and appropriate consideration of a final document; and c, a schedule of action steps necessary for the Commissioners court to take final action.
what I have in mind basically is us setting out a rough schedule indicating how we plan to proceed from today to final action on a policy that a subcommittee of the court has been working on for some time now.
I guess the first question would be whether that subcommittee needs to have additional meetings to prepare the draft policy.

>> we met with the subcommittee on April the 9th to kind of refresh where we were at.
I think that was primarily a refresher for me.
but -- then to get additional feedback about how we might make revisions to the draft policy that had been worked on to date.
we've got that information, marietta gearhart and katy and leroy have all been working to update that policy.
I just need to kind of take a final review and recirculate that to the subcommittee for additional review.

>> I would like to make a suggestion, the subcommittee has three people on it, it makes it difficult to meet.
and I'm more than willing to step down from the subcommittee to facilitate the scheduling of the meetings.
it's been very difficult to make that work.

>> just in terms of getting the draft policy circulated, we would hope to do that later this week or really no later than early next week.
so that's our tentative time frame.

>> we had a very productive subcommittee meeting, judge.
in my opinion.
there was a lot of exchange and of course the -- the final -- well, let me put it like this.
the things that we discussed in the subcommittee meeting I think were very relevant.
of course, there were some things that I agree with, some things I didn't agree with.
but of course to each his own.
and -- and I want to basically look at that draft and make sure that I have an opportunity, I guess in the future, to indicate the things that I feel that I need to echo as I'm sure that the other subcommittees probably have similar concerns.
so I'm going to need some time to -- to examine exactly what was -- what was stated.
and looked at in that particular meeting at the draft in essence and -- and to -- to make those changes and -- and getting back with -- with the -- with the -- our staff.
our county staff.
so I don't know how long that would be.
but the point is that I think if we can get that, we may start looking at that, reviewing it, maybe have another subcommittee with those changes, then maybe sometimes bring it back to the court, judge.
I don't really know just trying to feel for where -- where we're going with this.
but I need to have maybe another meeting.
I think.
after we have a chance, the subcommittee have a chance to look the changes that we discussed.
of course Commissioner Gomez, Commissioner Eckhardt, I with staff and persons in the audience that listened to us.
during that subcommittee meeting, the economic development subcommittee meeting.
so I need some time to review that and -- and at least get my portion of it.

>> okay.

>> available for the subcommittee when?

>> either probably by the end of this week or early next.

>> okay.

>> so in terms of delivery of a draft policy to the Commissioners court, what if we say three weeks from today?

>> that would be fine.

>> so that's may 8th.
may 15th.

>> will the court entertain me stepping off in order to facilitate the -- the meetings?

>> the county judge will.
if you need to.

>> I think it would be helpful to the schedule.

>> so if you deliver to the Commissioners court, is that for us to have it on the agenda by may 15th or --

>> I think we can do that.
we'll get it circulated to the committee members, we could actually circulate it to the entire court here by the end of this week or early next and then shoot for may the 15th for discussion.
if that would work for the court.

>> I think it kind of depends on Commissioner Davis, how long do you believe it would take you to review?
as a member of the subcommittee.

>> I have to get a chance to look at it leroy and go through those things that I feel -- I guess it depends -- more than Commissioner Davis serves on the committee.

>> I understand.
but you did indicate that you needed some time and I was thinking -- we were thinking we would get it back from the subcommittee in about a week and I'm just asking do you think a week would be enough time for your internal review?
and comments?

>> more than likely, but like I say I like to get it first and then I probably will let you know.
let me get a chance to look at it.

>> I do think we need to have a public hearing.
if we have the public hearing two weeks after the firms time it's on the agenda, that will be may 29th.
and as to a date for final action, we can be guided by what happens during the public hearing.
how's that?

>> sounds good.

>> so my motion would be for us to have set may 15th as the deadline for delivery of of the draft policy to the Commissioners court and may 29th for a public hearing.

>> second that.

>> that's not set in stone.
if the facts change, we will come to court and discuss another schedule, but let's try to meet this one.
I did not say that the -- indicate that the -- that the members of the Commissioners court would get a copy of the draft policy that goes to the subcommittee.
I think that subcommittee should make some recommendations to the Commissioners court to act on.
I will not have pride of ownership of anything in that draft.
we talked about flexibility this morning in Commissioners court.
I will exercise flexibility on the draft that comes

>> [laughter] that was seconded by Commissioner Gomez.

>> all right.

>> or was it Commissioner Davis?
which one was it?

>> I think it was Commissioner Davis.

>> I don't --

>> okay.

>> nobody seconded the judge's motion.

>> I will second.

>> I will second

>> [laughter]

>> okay.

>> I would second it again I guess.
I guess they didn't hear me.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
with Commissioner Eckhardt -- acting appropriately.

>> thank you.

>> so if the time allows participation, I think you should.
if not, then we understand.
now ...

>> well, thank you.
I should attend the meeting.
if time allows it, three weeks there.

>> I think it's just been a difficulty in scheduling three people to attend and have a public hearing because of the quorum.
so I was intending to not attend in order to facilitate any meeting that needed to happen.

>> okay.
staff has been attending those meetings anyway, right?

>> yes.

>> they have been there.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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