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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 24, 2012 - Item 8

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Item 8, consider and take appropriate action on a Travis County appointment of a local physician to the Austin-Travis County EMS Advisory Board.

>> thank you very much, I'm danny hobby, the county executive for emergency services.
I have before you as far as backup, two excellent doctors for you to consider to serve on the e.m.s.
advisory board.
as you know, this board is important because it's -- because it deals with the performance and service delivery of our emergency medical services.
and so we do need to have a county representative as far as a local doctor and so at this time I have two that I -- one is from the west side, that you can consider and the other is from the eastside.
and as -- as the requirement is that they have some knowledge of trauma and emergency medical services and they do.
if you look at their resumes.
they are both medical directors.
and they are both familiar and work in ers, emergency response areas.
and so -- so I would ask that you appoint one.
I wish that I could appoint both.
they are both excellent.
I have spoken with both.
they are both willing to serve and this board meets quarterly.
this is a three-year appointment that actually begins August the 1st.
and they are going to have a meeting in a couple of weeks and so I would like to have this particular person attend that particular meeting or -- so that they could be given the oath.
and move forward.

>> so what's the definition of a local?

>> it's just that they be a physician in the local area.
it didn't define it to be in Travis County, didn't define it to be in the city of Austin, outside the city of Austin, it's just your discretion, it's someone that we would designate at a local physician in our region.

>> so one of these is from Travis County, the other one is from another county.

>> even though it says marble falls, she lives in falcon head, which is Lakeway.

>> Travis County.

>> yes, sir.

>> court members, questions?

>> what's our current geographic distribution of members on the committee?

>> currently two from the westside and one from the eastside.

>> so it does seem like we need for geographic diversity there is a benefit to having the citizen from -- the physician from the eastside.

>> which one would that be.

>> that would be dr. Curtis.

>> second Commissioner Eckhardt's motion.
was that a motion?

>> yes, sir.

>> discussion?
we can have the other one available for the next opportunity.

>> yes, sir.

>> how's that?

>> yes, sir.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
thank you very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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