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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 3, 2012 - Citizens Communication

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4, Receive 2011 annual report from Travis County Health Care District, dba Central Health.
and if we could just hit the highlights of that report, we would be appreciative.
if you will give five copies to Commissioner Gomez, she will pass them down for you.

>> good morning, judge and Commissioners.
I'm mike mckinon and I believe christy garvey, communication and planning direct is on her way town.
she's doing work in the attorney's office.

>> do we need to wait on her?

>> she's right here actually.

>> tom cooperwood, former board chair.
sitting in.
good to see you all again.

>> good morning, christy garvey, chief communications and planning officer for central health.
pleasure to be here this morning.
I was upstairs just working away and watching y'all and just got down in elevator so thank you for having us.
mr. Mckinnon, he was responsible for the creation of our report this year and I'm going to ask him to give a short presentation and we'll be happy to entertain any questions you might have.

>> okay.

>> okay, just for a brief overview, the past couple of years we've tried to tell more of a narrative about central health and what we've done over the past year.
and so for the 2011 annual report, our focus was on all the ways we've expanded access and not just access to actual health care, but as you can see we had some other areas we are focusing on and I just wanted to briefly hit the high points there.
so I will -- I have the presentation up here and this is the actual report so if we want to switch to that.
we have introduction of the president and c.e.o.
and this focuses on the expansion of health care in Travis County.
we talked a bit about our h.m.o.
and expansion to eligibility services department.
we also talk a bit about just the overall expansion to our network of health care providers.
the next section is access to community and this is where we kind of diverge a little bit.
in here we're talking about our community outreach specifically in the southeast Austin area, but also through central health connection which is kind of our multi-year community planning initiative.
and the success we've had there with reaching members of the community, business leaders, just a number of folks who are helping us with some long-range planning.
we also talk a bit about our white paper which I have copies of.
I'm not sure anyone has been able to obtain copies of this.
this is health care trends and innovations in central Texas.
it's a pretty substantial comprehensive report on the state of health care so I do have several copies if you would like to take one before I go.
the next section of our annual report, discussed access of information.
talking primarily about our gem in the iccs I care system.
that's the health information exchange system.
we have a number of providers participating in that.
it just helps providers and clinics in the area collaborate, share information about patients just to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of care.
and then access to infrastructure is really the last section of the report and here the main subject is the construction of the north central health center, which is now called the community care north central and that's on braker lane at park field and this is the first new construction central health has undertaken and it's a substantial project that was primarily completed in 2011.
it actually opened for business in the 2012 fiscal year, but I think I can report that it's going swimmingly up there.
and we also talk a bit about how we expanded and enhanced our pharmacy network for community care patients through medical access program.
and then, of course, the statutory bit which is statement of net assets and our statements of revenues and changes and that asset which is basically just the financial analysis for the year and we have a handy dandy chart that shows break down of revenues, expenses and the bulk of our expenses about 88%, is health care expenses so we have a chart that shows how that breaks out as well.
and then, of course, our lovely board of managers on the back cover, including dr. Kupla.
so in a nutshell that is our annual report and we're happy to answer any questions if you have any.

>> questions?
so that document is different than this one?

>> yes, sir.
this is the white paper that was produced by central health connection.
it was released, I believe, in --

>> in October.

>> in October.
so this -- this is more of an analysis of the state of health care in the region.

>> can you leave us six copies of that?

>> absolutely.

>> one for the clerk and one for each court member.

>> this is also available on our website as a pdf so if you would like to view the document, it is available online as well as the annual report.

>> questions or comments?
thank you very much.
also thank you for your patience.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, April 3, 2012 1:32 PM