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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 27, 2012 (Agenda)
Item 4

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Let's go to item number 4.
4 is Approve proclamation recognizing the retirement of Lieutenant Richard Gruetzner after 29 years in the Travis County Sheriff's Office.

>> good afternoon, judge Biscoe and Commissioners.

>> good morning.

>> seems like I've been here.

>> kind of slow today, but it's not afternoon yet.

>> but I would like to thank you all for recognizing lieutenant gruetzner.
he's been the Travis County sheriff's office 39 years, three months, 14 hours and two minutes.

>> [laughter] he's been here a long time.
he is the longest serving employee from the sheriff's office.
and I know that this was hard on him to make this decision because he is still having a great time.
and harder on his wife that's sitting here too.

>> [laughter] but I'm pretty sure that he's going to find a lot to do.
I know that his parents are still active with boerne county sheriff's office.
lieutenant, would you like to say anything?

>> I would just like to say that I thank the court for this resolution that you are doing.
it's been a marvelous time working here at Travis County.
Travis County is where itself born and raised.
started my career here and I'm finishing it here.
I'm not as old as the years of service may make it seem because I started when I was an infant, but --

>> [laughter] -- I have enjoyed every bit of i.
I met my wife working here.

>> the uniform diapers are really hard.

>> yeah, they are.
but you don't have to have them dry cleaned.

>> [laughter] I've worked with hundreds and hundreds of officers both retired and passed on and still working here and I just can't say enough how much I've enjoyed it.
so thank you.

>> thank you.

>> [applause]

>> and we see a lot of your colleagues here.
if you all would like to come forth.

>> Travis County, come forth.

>> don't be shy now.

>> any other comments or if you just want to come forth.
should I read the resolution for you?
should I read the resolution or -- forego it.

>> no, we would like the resolution read.

>> and if you would like to give comments, please come forth at this time.
it reads whereas lieutenant richard gruetzner is retiring from the Travis County sheriff's office.
whereas as a christian believer, lieutenant realized early in his career the godly wisdom in proverbs 16-9, the lord establishs his steps and the lieutenant served in many capacities in law enforcement starting in as a dispatcher in 1973.
his illustrious career has included the following appointments and promotions, patrol deputy, ought though theft detective, detective for crimes against persons, senior deputy, patrol division sergeant, lieutenant of patrol information services, and special operations, director of the training academy, captain of the operations support, administration and support bureau and west command.
everything but sheriff.

>> [laughter]

>> no thanks.

>> whereas people rarely succeed professionally unless they enjoy their work.
described as, quote, a quiet soul, end quote.
in addition to being a tireless and outstanding employee, lieutenant gruetzner, he leaves behind the conviction and will to carry off and he has done just that.
and whereas this well deserved retirement will allow lieutenant gruetzner and his wife to spend more quality time and tranquil moments together.
now therefore be it resolved we the members of the Travis County Commissioners court do hereby extend best wishes to lieutenant richard gruetzner on his retirement and ask all residents of Travis County to join us in showing our appreciation for his out standing service and I move approval.

>> second.

>> others have comments?

>> judge, Commissioners, the Travis County shaw u.
sheriff's law enforcement association would just like to say that the lieutenant has always been a member of our association, a valued member and we're very proud to have had him and a continued member of our association and we would like to congratulate the lieutenant on his retirement.

>> thank you.

>> [applause]

>> jim sylvester, chief deputy at the sheriff's office.
had a lost fun with him as my supervisor over the years and enjoyed it and had the opportunity to supervise him in my current position and enjoyed that.
he's been a constant, positive contributor to the organization and he will be missed.
and I'll go by and see him at the museum at camp mabry, he will be working over there as a docent.
the sheriff talked you're abouts tenure, he served almost -- he's going to set a record at the sheriffs that will probably be hard to beat.
thank you, rick.


>> [applause]

>> any additional comments?
if there were ever a time when a rolex watch would be appropriate, it would be today.
but if we gave it to you, we would have to take it back before you left this courtroom.
we do have this beautiful proclamation that we would like to give you.
congratulations to you.
we appreciate your many years of outstanding service to Travis County.

>> [applause]

>> thank you for your patience.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 6:15 PM