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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 20, 2012 (Agenda)

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The consent items are next.
and there is a long list that I will recommend that we add to the items that are posted for consent, and they are c 1 through c 3.
any issues with any of them? C 1 through c 3.
since we're on that page, let's add a 1 and a 1 is simply the revenue and expenditure reports for the month of January, 2012.
which we are a bit late in approving.
that should be very routine, though.
and going back to page 1 of the agenda, on item number 2, the fire marshal recommends no action so by taking no action we do not impose a burn ban.
so there is not one in place and residents may burn outside in unincorporated areas and hopefully they will do so safely.
number 3, the one we had the public hearing on.
5 a and b.

>> if I could have a week on 5.
there's new information calculating it.

>> 5 will not be included on the consent motion and in fact it will be postponed until --

>> does it create hardship to wait a week, steve?

>> no, it doesn't.

>> next week is 3-27.
that's 5 a and 5 b.
in my view, we need to take number 7 into executive session.
for a discussion with legal.
about the signage in view of the fact that guest suites has raised that issue, so I think we ought to discuss it with legal before we take action on it.
that's number 7.
number 8.

>> judge, did you call out 6?

>> no.
6 we need just a brief discussion so I can --

>> okay.

>> I don't have any issues with -- pardon me.
number 8 I mentioned that, right?

>> uh-huh.

>> number 9.
and that is the purchase of the property from the housing authority.
all of 10.
so 10 a through 10 f.
do we need to discuss 11?

>> I don't think so, judge.
it's up to you.
it's pretty straightforward.

>> all right.
then we recommend 11 be included on the consent agenda.

>> I have a question.

>> we will pull 11 up separately.
then to 13.
15 we've indicated we will bring back next week.
and make sure we discuss the part related to compensation.
then to number 17.
18 a and b.
and just for the public, these are the people who travel different places to deliver inmates and this is a card for them.
number 19.
the let's keep our lawyers busy item.
and 28.

>> move approval of consent.

>> remember that we put a 1 on the first.
would anyone like for us to pull any of these items for discussion separately? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 3:17 PM