Travis County Commissioners Court
March 20, 2012 (Agenda)
Item 22
>> number 22 approve contract award for long-term care insurance for Travis County employees to the sole bidder unum life insurance company of america.
>> in the backup, judge, the court was provided with copies of the primary contract.
there are three small documents that unum requires.
it's the application, it's a single page that says if we -- if they give us a policy and we accept it, then we'll be considered to have made a contract on that basis and their policy is attached to the contract that you were provided.
second one is called group master application compensation disclosure incident.
that's three pages and that's talking about the commission that will be paid to the brokers.
and I understand that commission was lowered in our case below what it normally is.
and the third one is called rejection of inflation protection option and rejection of nonforfeit you are benefit.
these are two aspects of coverage that could have been included in the long-term care policy and because of the expense involved to add this additional kind of coverage, these weren't offered under our policy.
I've looked at a number of long-term care policies and we have a very fine coverage with what we've got.
we could have made it a bit richer but we chose not to because of the costs because it's not an inexpensive product for our employees and they are paying for it.
>> this is one of the benefits that the employees pay for 100%.
>> yes.
>> if they want to take advantage.
>> yes.
>> questions for miss wilson? Or comments?
>> move approval.
>> second.
>> any discussion on the motion? The all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
thank you very much, miss wilson.
>> thank you.
>> thank you.
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