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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 31, 2012 (Agenda)
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda for up to three minutes.
the following residents have signed in.
bob barnes, if you would come forward, morris priest and gus pena and ronnie reeferseed.
those are the four that I have.
mr. Barnes, good morning.

>> I'd like to address the issue of stealing that's going on at the Travis County park in webberville.
two people that run that park are stealing, they are padding time sheets and misuse of company vehicles.
they've been reported numerous times by fellow employees to their superiors.
and even the county park rangers have told me the same thing, they know better.
so why are they still there?
why is something not being done about this?
that's my tax money they are stealing.

>> have you provided those names to the --

>> it's foray and jelo, the two guys that run that park.

>> not necessarily in this court.

>> that's the only names I know them by.
I'm sorry.
I didn't get their birth certificates.

>> we'll look into this, mr. Barnes.

>> I appreciate it.

>> we appreciate you coming down.
do we have -- and this is a daytime phone number for you on -- this your daytime phone number on here?

>> yes, sir.

>> okay.
thank you.
mr. Priest.

>> thank you, judge, Commissioners.
morris priest speaking on my own behalf.
quite a few people gave me feedback last week on the events I announced and they were all a great success.
I did want to mention some environmental justice issues such as title 6 strategies from the campo documents that say to identify and engage community leaders some of you have seen this in your campo backup material.
campo is going to open up their public comment period which by their rules say they are supposed to last 45 days and I'm going to ask everyone to encourage them to extend that to 90 days.
would like a little feedback from the human rights commission.
I went up to talk to them, tom Davis and others.
but basically many people in the community such as myself have worked with access television, telecom infrastructure meetings, Austin fire department issues.
of course, you know the city just recently repealed their sign ordinance on clinics and, of course, when I announced that la bears would be closed it was.
during that situation at the city which that encompasses all the time, I've spoken at the city many times.
people in the public tell me I've gone to the city many times but I really haven't.
but with the la bear situation, we realized there was a need to address neighborhood contact teams. I was the one that went to damian house, got that on the planning commission and then the neighborhood association rules, but campo backup information wasn't really what a lot of people thought I was talking about pretty much when I went up there and talked about la bear.
it was really about a bigger issue.
and this last vote on campo I think

>> [indiscernible] work with others in other communities such as san marcos.
susan with the shipping of animals on animal i.d.
issues and r.v.
park issues out on harold court.
but during this transportation issues the last several years, I've spoken at the federal

>> [indiscernible] session invited speaker of the house select committee, spoken to transportation commission as well as the d.p.s.
commission and I've sent letters and even a speech.
my may letter was response to my actions.
txdot, campo, city and county, been on all their agendas.
but many of us are not the Ron paul fraud or the current academia failure we have in our white house.
many of us are out here doing constructive things working very hard in our community.
and I just wanted to let you know that we're going to prevail on this matter, but would like my Commissioner and you, judge, as well as Commissioner Huber to contact me on some of these issues that we have with campo not providing backup.
this is clear title 6 violation.
they have clearly violated their bylaws.
we're not only working on these issues --

>> [buzzer sounding] -- but working on other issues such as replacing bradley in Williamson county and some elected officials locally.
we're going to keep working and prevailing and leave the results to god.
thank you.

>> thank you, mr. Priests.
does anybody have sign-in slip number 3?
mr. Pena.

>> good morning, judge, Commissioners, gus pena, proud east Austin native, proud united states marine corps veteran.
$179.8 million in the kitty.
how interesting when a year or two years ago we were in a financial disaster at the school district, layoffs of teachers.
you know something, you know, I'm a former i.r.s.
investigator, something fishy smells here and it ain't good for the taxpayers.
I urge all taxpayers to hold these people accountable at the school district.
millennium youth entertainment center we had a good meeting last night, going to take a survey, vanessa silas, thank you very much for everyone who attended.
I am one of the founders of the -- it used to be called central city entertainment center.
millennium youth center, former city councilmember eric mitchell may he rest in peace was a big help in instrumental and bringing that about to fruition.
economic development, jobs.
we need jobs.
I don't care who says what, the unemployment rate is not 7 or 8%, it's more than that.
people have given up.
people have not filed for unemployment.
those people are not counted in the unemployment rate.
midnight basketball founder james silas a good job, keeping a lot of youth and young adults off the streets playing basketball and not only that referring to jobs.
they need jobs to be able to be employed.
veterans issue.
we're going to meet with v.a.
officials from washington to expedite pension, benefits, disability applications, housing the homeless veterans, housing the homeless veterans who have families.
this voucher, judge, I think I've spoken to you a little about that, is the big -- I was going to say big fiasco.
you have to go through h.u.d.
it's very difficult, red tape.
it shouldn't be like that for veterans.
veterans need ptsd treatment, mental health treatment, jobs, housing, reentry counseling.
Austin energy is proposing a rate hike.
I've been to many of them and let me tell you, folks, I thank barbara day and they were one of the most brightest people saying we don't need an increase.
this is just part of what I've gotten from Austin energy.
I'm going to have to go to open records act.
it will hurt the churches, nonprofits, people on low-income, the poor, the needy.
why in 17 years, after 17 years of not raising the rates, now we are in a recession.
we're not out of recession.
last item, I wanted to let you all know that we need jobs out here, like I said, for our kids and more funding for summer job programs. The society's worth is measured by its treatment of the less fortunate.
please, please, please if you can donate to the housing initiative, do it.
caritas needs more hours.
thousands need help.

>> [buzzer sounding] judge, thank you very much and god help us all.

>> thank you, mr. Pena.
mr. Reeferseed.

>> bless you.
thank you, sir.
thank you, mr. Pena.
yippee, yes, I'm ronnie reeferseed singing governor romney care, newt world order are dissolving.
dr. Ron paul support is growing.
nationwide peace loving democrats, independent voters, constitution enthusiasts and republicans who want to retire so-called president peace prize are reallying behind dr. Ron paul who is a five-year veteran who gets more money and thousand stick support from more veterans and more active duty personnel than all those other candidates combined.
why do our troops love dr. Paul so much?
because dr. Paul loves our troops.
works hard on their behalf for less unconstitutional wars, more peace and freedom.
ob-gyn dr. Ron paul who by the way has delivered well over 4,000 babies so far as tirelessly worked for the u.s.
government to treat our troops with the honor and respect they deserve.
for putting their lives on the line, serving our nation.
when meanwhile, dr. Ron paul has been married to the same wonderful lady for well over 50 years.
now serving his 12th term representing Texas in the u.s.
house of representatives, dr. Ron paul has been leading the u.s.
congress with legislation such as to audit the so-called federal reserve.
the banksters who are neither federal nor reserve.
this week dr. Paul introduced legislation to cancel that wildly unconstitutional mdaa, national defense authorization act.
what a misnomer.
just like the patriot act.
phenominally even worse.
the absolute treason at the heart of such legislation has earned each and every lock step goon who is part of such hog wash a fast ticket home.
not only is 2012 focused on dr. Ron paul's revolution of love for liberty and our precious u.s.
constitution, but Ron paul enthusiasts across the country are stepping up to the challenge.
for example, the city of Austin will finally let go of the delusional laughing stock of a mayor lee leffingwell to spread grab on to the dynamic learned leadership from your friend and mine clay dafoe.
for many years Austin has been hijacked into attempted political oblivion by scheming criminals like tom delay who broke up the city from being one hemp friendly community years ago and despite that Austin, Texas was home to the world's largest Ron paul group in 2008 as she continues to earn her new political face to world stage.
I'm hoping to earn a slot on the ballot with more details available soon.
yes, you, me, clay dafoe and others often inspired by the ideas of dr. Ron paul are working hard to help change things for the better.
imagine true representation of political leadership replacing tired old back room schemership from has beens.

>> [buzzer sounding] we are experiencing our home grown revolution of peace, love and freedom.
info, Ron

>> thank you, mr. Reeferseed.
john k.

>> yes, sir.

>> good morning all of you.

>> good morning.

>> it is my most pleasant and happiest time during the week all the time.
I greatly appreciate all of you.
I have been very busy last week talking to american government officials, lawyers and the court.
even the court of appeals.
I told them you make america better than heaven.
they like it, they love it.
sitting gentleman next to me in the bus this morning I asked him who do you think will be elected president.
most of the people sitting next to me in Texas, they told me obama.
and last week I

>> [indiscernible] in san antonio.
I have talked to them.
actually I taught them.
they don't know what they are doing.
they had appointment to see me.
they asked me to come over there.
they said we have no documentation of yours.
they are not supposed to have my documentation, no.
they should not have it.
I told them.
and I told most of americans -- america is better than heaven, greater thank kingdom of god.
he receive the letters from your office couple of times recently.
your office, the letter to me had no documentation at all like a piece of trash.
from the Austin community college, court of appeals and the other court, they don't know what they are doing.
I am here to teach all -- most of american lawyers, the judges, the justices involved in my cases, in my son's case.
this morning my wife told me don't say anything about my son in front of a television.
if I do not listen to my wife, I should have been evicted from my house.
I have no place to go because Austin community college illegally fired me.
they hired five lawyer -- no, four lawyers from two law firms. They treated district court of Travis County court of appeals.
I received the final order from the court of appeals from six justices, like trash.
I declared I'm not a vectious litigant.
the court of appeals six judges must be rejoined from the court.
they go to home.
they came from their own business.
home business.

>> [indiscernible].
they are not supposed to take care of

>> [indiscernible] of Texas.
no, they need to study law.
I am teaching them here.
I'm teaching american government --

>> [buzzer sounding] -- the president, they need to take care of

>> [indiscernible].
I wrote but I did not write it.
I wrote some papers, two pagees.
my wife told me don't read it so I will not read it.
my wife is my boss.

>> thank you very much, dr. Kim.
anybody else for citizens communication?

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 6:32 PM