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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 31, 2012 (Agenda)
Item 28

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consider and take appropriate action regarding the Travis County appointment to the central Texas regional mobility authority (ctrma) board of directors, effective February 2, 2012 through February 1, 2014.
john's legal opinion is that we are not authorized bylaw to discuss these applicants in executive session.
as the county judge desired.
where we did get -- we did get applications from what I consider to be outstanding applicants.
with outstanding qualifications.
and when I talked to the ctrma, they are interested in just getting a professional person to work with who is level headed and has our community at heart.
and what's in our best interests.
and so really they were just speaking generally about -- about what they preferred and I appreciated that input.
with that, any more discussions?
Commissioner Huber?

>> I move that we appoint david am brust to our appointee to the ctrma.
I would like to offer that mr. Armbrust has a proven record in a variety of mobility interests and supporting those historically.
I think that we have three excellent candidates, I believe that the ctrma needs more transparency and public outreach.
I believe the avenue to get that is best by working with staff and consultants to be sure that there's a breadth of outreach.
and the other candidate who is also excellent brings some talent that I believe we should try to use in another area of our -- of our county operations, because he's just exceptional.
so for that reason, although I'm very supportive of all three, I would like to move that we appoint david armbrust.

>> second.

>> just.

>> motion by Commissioner Huber to appoint david armbrust, seconded by Commissioner Davis.

>> I have a substitute motion to appoint mr. Don martin.
I believe mr. Martin has long history in public outreach and demonstrated skill with regard to not only public education, but also setting a standard for hearing from the public.
making it a truly two-way conversation that could be of maximum benefit to the ctrma in what they have on their plate.
also mr. Martin demonstrated a deep knowledge of the issues that are before the ctrma in the near term and the long term.
and so I offer that substitute motion.

>> I will second it.

>> Commissioner Eckhardt offers the substitute motion that we appoint don martin.
seconded by Commissioner Gomez.
discussion on the substitute motion?
the first vote will be on whether we take up the substitute motion first.
this is a procedural motion.
and if it passes, it means that we would discuss the substitute motion further and vote on the merits of it.
all in favor of the motion?
show Commissioner Eckhardt and Gomez.
those who oppose?
show Commissioner Davis, Huber and yours truly.
we are now back to the original motion, which is to appoint david armbrust.
any more discussion?
all in favor?
show Commissioners --

>> I will vote for mr. Armbrust in the spirit of making a unified of a court as possible for the ctrma appoint.


>> [indiscernible]

>> that motion passes by unanimous vote.
a unified -- but a unified Commissioners court.

>> judge, let me say this, too.
I think that we have some excellent candidates, really, really tough call.
those persons such as karl richards, don martin, mr. Moore, I mean, they -- they did very well.
and -- I want them to not lose those when I -- that I selected the other day to not lose interest in participating in county government because I think their skill sets are very well needed and -- and in the structure of what we are trying to do there.
I know there will be some other opportunities where those skill sets that they present can still be utilized in the future.
so -- so I just want to make sure and I -- to thank them and I thank everybody who had -- who had an interest in these -- in this position.
I thank them for applying, even though they weren't selected.
I still thank you for your interest in serving on the ctrma board.
thank you.

>> thank you.

>> fine slate of candidates.

>> sure did.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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