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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 31, 2012 (Agenda)
Item 14

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>> 14, judge.
oh, yeah, 14.
consider and take appropriate action on a request for additional funding in the amount of $12,000 to the coalition of central Texas utilities development corporation.
we simply indicate that it may be taken into executive session under consultation with attorney.
do we need to go into executive session first?

>> no.
judge, john white, t.n.r.
we've had some discussion on this.
you will recall that -- that the court entered into an agreement with the central Texas coalition of utility -- what do they call it?
coalition of central Texas utility development corporation last summer under which you provided some $12,000 to aid them in their efforts to help develop a bid for the purchase of water and wastewater utilities from lcra.
they've had an ongoing process with that.
they've put out a call for some additional funding.
as you know, they have entered into a purchase agreement for a subset of those utilities two weeks ago.
they have some -- they have some additional ongoing activities.
what we have done is negotiate with them a -- an agreement, a potential amendment to the original agreement under which the county would contribute an additional $12,000 and in return, the udc would provide us with a manual for how you go about acquiring these kinds of utilities on behalf of a group of communities.
so this is -- this would be something of a template that could be used for any kind of future endeavors that might present, you know, the opportunity for us.
so what we would be looking for you today, if -- if the agreeable to you, is for -- first for the court to approve the amendment authorizing the judge to sign the amended agreement.
it's a simple one-page agreement, I have a copy of that for you here to look at.
that you provide $12,000 from allocated reserve and that you authorize automatic transfer of those funds so we don't have to come back when we are actually ready to make the payment.

>> so move.

>> second.

>> Commissioner Huber?

>> I just want to say that we still have a couple of systems in precinct 3 that are not completely resolved in the lcra --

>> [multiple voices] -- their work is ongoing.
secondly, as recently as last week we have additional notice of another rate case appeal that failed with the private water supply company.
and that is an issue -- I mean, an appeal -- failure of the tceq and the rates were tremendously increased.
those are the kind of things that we have lessons learned from working with this edc as far as potential solutions how we can deal with these exorbitant rate cases and perhaps look at a different structure.
so I think this is a very good template that we do need to take and look and analyze it in accounting.
so I -- I think we should complete this.

>> should we also go ahead and indicate who is supposed to attend the meetings?

>> they have offered to us a space on their executive committee.
the original agreement authorizes the Travis County Commissioners court to appoint one member to the executive committee of the udc.

>> do we want I guess either we want a court member or staff?

>> that would be -- that would be my expectation.
either way works for me.

>> I think that's what's used in other jurisdictions.

>> staff would be john white.

>> I would not elect

>> [indiscernible]

>> just wrap that into the motion.

>> yes, sir.

>> that motion was made by Commissioner Eckhardt, seconded by Commissioner Huber?
any more discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
congratulations, mr. White.
Commissioner Huber is the Commissioner that -- that precinct that covers most of those, right?
so you would be the appointee in your absence, then john white would go.

>> is that what you understood?
I understood that --

>> no, that's not what I understood.

>> can we -- can I move to reconsider the motion?

>> second.

>> well, we can just make it happen.
all in favor of the motion to reconsider?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> move that we amend the contract for the additional $12,000, with Commissioner Huber as the appointee to the executive committee and john white as her alternate.

>> second.

>> when I looked at you I thought that you indicated that you preferred not to.

>> I figured by default.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
sorry about the demotion, there, mr. White.

>> you will go to all of the meetings

>> [laughter] they have many, many meetings.

>> [laughter]

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 6:32 PM