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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 24, 2012 (Agenda)
Executive Session

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Let's go into executive session and see if -- how much we can get done.
there are just a few items there anyway.
33 we have postponed for the last month.
do we postpone it and make it again a month and a week?

>> I actually heard from the team.
they're in trial right now and they're asking you if you could just don't actually postpone it, but if it's needed to be discussed later on today, if you could just leave it on.

>> 33 we will not take into executive session at this time.
we may take it into executive session before we adjourn the meeting today.
34 34, consider and take appropriate action regarding employment of leslie broader, county executive, planning and budget.
that will be under the personnel matters under the Texas open meetings act.
a-2 --

>> I don't know if we can get the consultant here that quick.

>> do we need him here?

>> we told him that we were going to be expecting a 3:00 executive session.

>> I don't like for you to underestimate this court's efficiency, mr. Hille.

>> [ laughter ] so we need to the way on that one?

>> he's not that far away.
we could try to get him here.

>> let's call and see if he can make it it in 10 or 15 minutes.
a-2 is to receive legal briefing and take appropriate action regarding involvement in legal action objecting to the congressional redistricting by the Texas legislature.
and the other item was one that we -- 22 -- by the way, that was consultation with attorney, the one that we just mentioned regarding redistricting, a-2.
22 and 22, consider and take appropriate action on a request for additional funding in the amount of $12,000 to the coalition of central Texas utilities development corporation.
and we'll take it into executive session under the consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act.
so those three cases.
and it is now 11:31.
and so we'll get as much done in executive session as possible.

>> > we have returned from executive session where we discussed two of the items that we announced, we discussed 22 and a 2, I move that we recess until 1:30.

>> second.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

Anything else on this item?
we probably ought to give ourselves a little bit of time on executive session, one is to discuss item number 2 that we just discussed.

>> was that item, number 32, is that voting for the entire list so that we are done with that?

>> we definitely have one more week on that, I think.

>> every time I have looked at it so far I have glanced at it.
I need to take out some time and go over it.
so if it is okay, I will bring that back but the letter I sent out because promised a at the last meeting of cap cod that I would do it.
but number 2 is the proposal amendments of the Travis County code establishing water availability rules for subdivisions, consultation with attorney.
and we will take that one first.
item 30, we need to postpone.
I chatted with legal about a specific request and ms. Aldridge was not able to get that done by late yesterday, so we will have that ready next Tuesday, though, okay.
thank you ms. Porter.
and we also need -- 34 is the consider and take appropriate action regarding employment of leslie browder, planning and budget.
that would be the exception and john, do we need number 33, just in case?

>> not that I am aware of.

>> we will announce it anyway, I guess?
3 is to receive briefing on rudolph jackson 33.
receive briefing and take appropriate action in regina jackson and rudolf Williamson, individually, and on behalf of the estate of rachel jackson, deceased v.
john a.
ford, m.d., and Travis County, Texas; action no.
1 consultation with attorney, three cases with we announced.
we will discuss them but come back to open court

>> we have returned from executive session where we discussed the two items that we announced.
item number rathathathath&n;l8qq department to execute the appropriate paperwork.
and further that we commence ms. Browder's employment at Travis County March 1 of 2012.
long motion.
seconded by Commissioner Davis.
discussion on the motion?
by the way, we'll authorize leroy nellis to work with her and through the parking issues that we've addressed, but not resolved yet.
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
I believe that does it for today, doesn't it, ms. Porter?
what do our lawyers say?
that's the jackson case.


>> [inaudible - no mic].

>> you're not tired are you, yet, miss porter.
it's been only six or seven weeks.

>> move adjourn.

>> second.

>> yeah, we did kind of discuss that in court and kind of gave staff direction.


>> [inaudible - no mic].

>> yeah.
it came out and we gave staff directions.
I think they see where we're headed.

>> we have drafting to do.

>> and I have a postponement, so I'll have it back on next week.
thank you much.
with that.

>> move adjourn.

>> second.

>> all in favor?
that carries unanimously.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 6:32 PM