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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 17, 2012 (Agenda)
Citizens Communication

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>> we have come to the citizens communication part of the agenda.
and the following three individuals have signed in to speak.
morris priest, clay dafoe, and ronnie reeferseed.
if we could get those three individuals to come forth, there are six chairs there.
mr. Priest.

>> thank you, judge, Commissioners, norris priest speaking on my own behalf.
I did want to say that being active over the years I've done such things as call in a point of order while watching a legislator in session.
and killed a bill on the house floor.
many other things I've been involved in in the community.
I've been pretty active over the years.
many of the fast track items. Of course, the local access station.
Austin fire department.
issues such as midtown live, rv parks, many times I've been successful.
one of the reasons why I've been successfully put a lot of prayer into the effort and also I realize that you can't do anything against the truth, you can only do something for it.
that's a scriptural principle.
what we basically have at campo is an executive director that was an extremely bad hire.
not only was she hired and promoted, she was then given a raise very shortly after having been given a raise being elevated to executive director.
there's been a lot of things that's happened at campo over the years.
of course, we remember when kirk watson said we were going to have a kickoff meeting and come to your living room and meet you where you live.
that meeting was canceled due to a posting error.
we see many other situations that's happened at campo.
we have an executive director that doesn't know, says she will get back to you, the public or staff, and never does.
we have many other issues with this executive director of campo.
once she was asked at a meeting recently by our county judge why they were getting more money than before and she said well because we left money to table last year and normally you lose that money.
but fortunately txdot gave it back to them, which is very unusual.
basically as an executive director that has lied, as Commissioner Huber has lied from from dais regarding this issue of not gotten the -- cynthia long to call me or return a call when she was vice chair.
normally my county Commissioner, sarah he can hearted and Commissioner Huber said that I could pick this information up at the office.
but anyway, basically we have a campo director that wants to withhold information from the public.
it's more racist than the toll roads.
we have more lane per miles on the east side of the counties than we have anywhere else.
and, of course, I appreciate Commissioner Davis and Commissioner Margaret Gomez for making their attempts to get this information.

>> [buzzer sounding] that basically this matter is going to be hopefully people will come out during citizen participation and I would ask some of y'all to make an appointment and see if we can't get something to address this matter and other matters.

>> thank you, mr. Priest.
mr. Dafoe.

>> good morning, Commissioners court.
it's good to be here today.
I didn't prepare any comments but I'm here today to support the appointment of ronnie reeferseed to ctrma's board of directors.
that's the central Texas regional mobility authority.
and a few of the reasons why I think ronnie would be great for that position is he's been a very dedicated citizen over the years, as you know.
he's pretty much at Travis County Commissioners court every week and that's not something that could be said of a lot of people that live in Austin or Travis County.
he's also devoted.
he's very involved in the campo board meetings.
this is, again, a volunteer opportunity that ronnie has taken on himself to be informed on the transportation issues.
he also has business experience from his vice presidency at half price books and the great work he's done there.
so I think you should seriously consider ronnie as a great candidate.
he's someone in touch with with citizens, knows about balancing a budget, knows how to run a business with and knows how to do these things and I think he would be great for the position.
I hope you consider him and thanks so much for listening to me.

>> thank you, mr. Dafoe.
mr. Reeferseed.

>> I would like to thank my good friend clay there.
what a blessing, I tell you.
but hey, ronnie reeferseed, here singing soon to be president ob-gyn dr. Ron paul keeps winning these debates.
off the far right edge of the stage, dr. Paul was mostly ignored throughout the latest romney care bait and switch spasm, but by golly those traitors, pundits kept asking for former governor romney care and king of the slogans former governor romney care just owns all of those slogans.
I mean he's given multiple opportunities to parrot dr. Paul's ideas.
after a while it begins to sound like romney care now loves limited government and he now -- he's for less waist.
just like president so-called peace prize romney care wants to keep on killing people.
former governor romy care is truly making him one of the perfect candidates for the shamelessly scheming so-called main scream media.
but the only republican besides newt, so-called peace prize and the chicago mobs, they are the only once.
for months now dr. Ron paul has been polling as the strongest opponent to so-called president, so-called peace prize with the troops.
more troops contribute to dr. Ron paul than all the candidates combined.
these heroes have put their lives on the line for us, overwhelmingly support dr. Ron paul because he knows he loves them.
type in Ron paul 2,012, click on the word issues and find out a whole lot more of his stances on all kinds of ideas.
things he's been doing for years.
in fact, just type in the word phone, p-h-o-n-e.ron paul.2012 and make your own, your very own part in our ongoing ob-gyn dr. Ron paul revolution for love and Ron paul enthusiasts can channel some of their love and energy into the phone from home program.
you are given a script to follow in the form of a survey.
and frankly, me and my dear friend clay dafoe were finding success actually comment a converse for dr. Paul with our hard felt testimonials that we chose to leave on people's answering machines.
now, I know that I am -- I know that I am much more likely to at least listen to a message from a person than a so-called robo message.

>> [buzzer sounding] but they made up their own rules.
sorry, your ability to made calls has been canceled by the manager.

>> thank you, mr. Reeferseed.
those are the three citizens who signed in to speak under citizens communication.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 6:32 PM