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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 10, 2012 (Agenda)

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The consent items are next.
and posted for consent are c 1 through c 4.
any issues with any of them?

>> no.

>> no, judge.

>> then we'll have them on the consent motion.
let's consider adding the following items to it.
if anyone would like for us to discuss any of the items I'm about to list, say so as I call out the number of the item.
the 5 in its entirety.

>> I'd like to --

>> which one?


>> [inaudible].

>> okay.
we can hear you right now, mr. Reeferseed.

>> again, I'm ronnie reeferseed.
I'm trying to help spread the news about why number 5 is worth -- I have no objection to it and that is a through g we can thank our own laughing stock of a governor slick gardasil for yet another scheme to get his name in some kind of positive light despite all his other problems. So that's just a propaganda vehicle for governor gardasil that I object to that part of it.
I'm not objecting to the programs, but putting him name on top of it is nonproductive.
thank you.

>> and you believe those comments are relevant to item number 5?
I'm just -- yes or no.

>> yes, I do.
thank you.

>> okay.
thank you.
any objection to all of 5 being part of the consent motion?

>> through h?

>> right.
all of it.
5 a through -- did I say g?
all of it.
item number 7.
that's just a letter of interest basically.
number 14.
then to 18.
and a 3, more of a correction than anything else.

>> move approval of consent items.

>> seconded by the county judge.
would anyone like for us to pull any of those items we just listed?
dr. Kim.

>> yes, sir, excuse me honorable judge.

>> we need to get you on the microphone.

>> excuse me, honorable judge Sam Biscoe.
I have a question about 27.
that case is a judicial case filed in the united states district court, the western district of Texas.
and I requested several cases, judicial case.
this court said we have no judicial case.
you have this case right here.
that's a judicial case.
it has two sides, the defendant and the plaintiffs, and it was filed originally united states district court of appeals for the western district of Texas.
the case number a 10 ca 522 ss, that means a case filed to the united states district court, the western district of Texas.
how could you review this case here if you --

>> we are a party.
we have been sued in this matter.
this is a wrongful death in the jail lawsuit.
and the family of the deceased sued the doctor and Travis County.
so we are a party to the lawsuit.

>> okay.

>> we're not adjudicating the case.

>> we're trying to defend it as a defendant.

>> okay.
Travis County is a party because my case that my son was kidnapped from Travis County because he received county community supervision by district by Travis County.
Travis County is a party.
he has

>> [indiscernible] jurisdiction.
I requested to review this case right here.

>> thank you, dr. Kim.

>> yes, thank you.

>> judge

>> [inaudible]?

>> it was.
it was.

>> okay.

>> it's postponed and those are apples and oranges.
any discussion on the motion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 6:32 PM