This is the official website of Travis County, Texas.

Travis County Commissioners Court

January 10, 2012 (Agenda)
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next and this item gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda.
for up to a full three minutes.
sydney crosby is first followed by gus pena, who will be followed by ronnie reeferseed.

>> good morning.

>> good morning.

>> good morning, Commissioners, judge.
daniel bradford for the parking county.

>> and as I understand I can't crosby.

>> we wanted to come and let everybody know about our parking committee public hearing that will be next week this time and place.
come and tell us what you think about all of the parking things that have been going on, specifically the interim parking policy rules that we implemented back in --

>> months ago.

>> yeah, a few months ago.
and the pilot that's going on in the 700 lavaca parking garage and any other things you want to talk about about parking.

>> what's the date of the hearing?

>> it's the 17th, next Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.
in addition to this hearing we'll also be sending a survey today to the people parking at the 700 lavaca parking garage so we can get their correspondence.
if you can make it send a e anemail so your feedback could be included.
and we have met with several departments.
if any other department would like to meet directly with the parking committee, then we'll set these meetings up as well.
just let us know, send me an email and we'll arrange a time for you to meet with the parking committee.
thank you.

>> when do you expect the court to take action on the parking policy?

>> well, after the hearing, then the committee will review all the feedback we've gotten and make alternative recommendations to the court after that time.
so we can expect within the next month and a half that you will get a full report on zoned parking as well as the policy feedback.

>> okay.
thank you very much.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> mr. Pena.

>> good morning, judge, Commissioners.
gus pena, proud native east Austinite, proud united states marine corps veteran.
I want to say this as respectfully as I can.
we come in early, let's not be like the city of Austin.
if you are here early, you put up the sign-in sheets over here, give the opportunity for the people that are here already to sign up instead of having already a person sign up on whatever floor it is.
that's not respectful.
he that isn't the way we should be doing things.
let's be equal opportunity to everybody instead of having a pre-signed slip over here.
it's respect, courtesy to the people who are already waiting here.
that's happened before, judge, and that's not acceptable.
number 1, I would like to thank james silas, former san antonio spur basketball player, the founder of midnight basketball.
they need our support.
they keep a lot of kids out of trouble and not only do they provide basketball opportunity to keep out of trouble, they provide social services needs for their family.
they are for at risk in getting in trouble.
also the millennium youth center is going to celebrate their -- I can't remember, back in 1995, councilman eric mitchell, may he rest in peace, he's the one who supported, Commissioner Davis, you were there also one of our supporters.
I am one of the founding fathers.
I didn't know that until vanessa silas called me, she said we're going to have a celebration for I can't remember how many years.
I'm getting old.
support the millennium youth center and the midnight basketball and also the renovation of the turner and roberts recreation center.
we need to keep that going and keep it renovated because there's problems there.
electrical rates at the city of Austin are proposed to be going up.
I said this to you in the public churches, they want to change the

>> [indiscernible] from residential to commercial, higher rate.
how can do you this in this bad economic time.
it's not good for the public, not good for the churches.
a lot of churches help out the needy.
house the homeless and salvation army needs blankets, thermal underwear to provide to homeless.
let's help out these people who are in need of something warm to wear in the cold.
please show support for military personnel who served in iraq and afghanistan.
they need our help and a lot of support and our appreciation.
a lot of families are becoming homeless, not enough affordable housing in Austin.
I already told the mayor and councilmembers many times you need to set some sort of priority so we can have affordable housing for those at risk of losing their homes and having lost homes.
mentors and tutors for kids, judge, you missed a good meeting at city of Austin before christmas and they talked about the need for mentors and tutors.
it's a rising issue.
we have to have our youth educated.
they are our future.
we need to get them educated so have good jobs and provide for their families.

>> [buzzer sounding] thank you very much, judge.
Commissioners, have a good day.

>> thank you, mr. Pena.
ronnie reeferseed followed by john k.

>> thank you, sir.
yippee, yes, I'm ronnie reeferseed.
yodeling yayhoo.
Ron paul
we can all join the Ron paul revolution and rejoice, it's easy, just type in p-h-o-n-e.ron paul.2012 to get started.
they give us script to follow.
they dial the numbers for you.
they even give you the names of potential voters to speak with with respect.
and hey, it's not a perfect system but it does help the ever extrapolating road to the white house and in the meanwhile our so-called president pays prize must be impeached, convicted and removed now for any of these many crimes he is committing.
the latest those unconstitutional, illegal recess appointments while the congress is not in recess.
so-called president peace prize has hijacked our nation's precious constitution by canceling checks and balances on his expansion of dictator's rule.
no, the congress is not in recess.
so no recess appointments made now -- none of them are valid.
please read our precious u.s.
constitution, mr. So-called president peace prize.
you swore up to hold and defend it.
not only those parts you happen to approve of.
heading up our international bodies is yet another unconstitutional violation, so-called president pays prize has violated so far sending our armed services to die, yet another violation.
no, the u.n., the united nations, international body, united nations does not have the authority to send our troops to kill and be killed in libya, sudan, somalia, iran or anywhere else with approval of the american people through congress.
delusional dictators must be removed from office now before more people are killed.
how about our tragic laughing stock of a mayor lee las las veg well.
he says he can deny me my constitutional provided rights to ridicule them.
sorry, charlie, it doesn't work that way.
reading our precious u.s.
constitution is a good idea for everybody.
we all need to be -- we all need for example a smart person in charge as an Austin city council of scheming charltons killers and christmas.
I suggest day dafoe to be that powerfully intelligent, competent, devoted young man to lead our city to even greater heights.
to learn more, visit american
be sure to visit info
check out my favorite, lew

>> [buzzer sounding] there's a lot of info.
every workday listen --

>> thank you, mr. Reeferseed.

>> also 4:00 to 6:00 on Sundays.

>> thank you.

>> dr. John k.
kim followed by andrea shields followed by deece eckstein.

>> good morning.
thank you everyone.

>> good morning.

>> I really appreciate america, Texas and Travis County and especially my honorable judge Sam Biscoe.
who did not keep me from this court so far and

>> [indiscernible].
I really appreciate.
this is my most appreciated happy time to pressure america, Texas and all of you.
I experience some changes.
last week I said I met the angel right here and she said happy new year.
I have a great happy new year.
January 3rd I filed lawsuit aa peel to the southern court of appeals.
yesterday court clerk called me, said we did not have your appeal right here.
a that is the way american court cheated and violated human rights right here.
and another one, so-called nonpro tunc order was written by defendant acc attorney.
they wrote the court order

>> [indiscernible] language.
before hearing, without the hearing, and judge susan covington refused to sign that nonpro tunc, but court administrator lauren warren barbara and

>> [indiscernible] attorney took me to another judge, rhonda holly.
she hasn't ever heard the case.
she signed it within dis.
in english, you cannot sign nonpro tunc order in the united states.
it's not -- no

>> [indiscernible].
that order they signed dismissed the case and court of appeals said based on that court order the district court closed my case.
so the district course dismissed the case December 28.
based on that court fraud.
the judge's name is justice david

>> [indiscernible].
he wrote the court order, and another justice, rosen.
why not first name.
jeff rosen.

>> [buzzer sounding] and melissa goodwin signed it like a communist, like american enemies.
they should resign from the court permanently.

>> thank you, dr. Kim.

>> thank you, sir.

>> miss shields.

>> good morning.
andrea shields, corporation manager.
I would like to introduce Karen, the new assistant corporations manager.
she started last Tuesday.
Karen comes to us from my former employer as well.
she was evaluation this the manager and has over ten years experience in the affordable housing industry in Texas and if you want to elaborate on your background a little bit.

>> my background started with rent and mortgage restructures for existing section 8 property and that was national, not just relegated

>> [inaudible] and I did market surveys and appraisal work and feasibility analyses and that sort of thing.
looking at extensive economic information and local market information in addition to the situation in the affordable housing market.
both in Texas and nationally.
so --

>> Karen's research skills are impeccable.
we're excited to have her on board.

>> we are too.

>> looking forward to working with you.
if you've got a full week under your belt, that's a good sign.

>> thank you.

>> no, thank you.

>> mr. Eckstein.

>> good morning, judge Biscoe, members of the court.
the court will have some agenda items today about appointments, but I wanted to take this opportunity to mention during citizens communication that one of the appointments the court makes that's very important is to the central Texas regional mobility authority, and we now have an opening that is going to have to be filled by the court later this month, and the deadline for applications is this Friday.
the central Texas regional mobility authority is, if you will, a joint venture between travis and Williamson county to try to improve mobility in our region, and Travis County appoints three members to that board and we do have one vacancy.
the court set in motion a process, and I just want to remind our viewing public particularly of the fact that the deadline for applications to the ctrma is this Friday, and if they need more information, they can get it on the Travis County website.
it's right there on the front page about joining the ctrma.
but we're really looking for qualified candidates for that position.
it's very important to our entire community.
I just wanted to mention that with this opportunity during citizens communication.
thank you judge, thank you members of the court.

>> remind where those applications are filed.

>> they are -- you can send them online, you can email them to igr at c o.travis.tx dot u.s.

>> to your office.

>> yes.

>> let me basically remind -- inform the court that our combined charities initiative so far has raised 209,126.22 as of this morning so that great lie exceeds what we raised last year but false short of the dana debouvier target for amount two years ago.
so $209,000.
we'll have to figure out a way to thank those who supported this initiative and a lot of departments did chip in, a lot of individuals went above and beyond the call of duty.
and so we are very, very thankful for that.
those are the ones who signed in to speak under citizens communication.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 6:32 PM