Travis County Commissioners Court
December 20, 2011 (Agenda)
Item 21
is miss moffett nearby?
okay, 21, consider and take appropriate action on items related to the program year 2010 consolidated annual performance evaluation report for the community development block grant provided by h.u.d.
a, review the comment, et cetera, b, approve the final draft of the report, and c, approve submission to the u.s.
department of housing and urban development, san antonio field office, region 6.
I thought she said -- I thought she indicated miss moffett was near.
>> [inaudible] what lawyer would be here on the clean air force question?
19 is smoking policy.
do we have the right people here on that one?
>> yes, sir.
sherry is coming down.
all right, we'll take up the other item that we just announced involving cdbg later.
the cdbg item is fast, right.
let's do that, get to the two j.p.'s, then we will try to get mr. Johnson a chance to speak.
the 21 consider and take appropriate action on items related to the program year 2010 consolidated annual performance evaluation report for the community development block grant provided by hud: a, review the comments received during the public comment period; b, approve the final draft of the report and c approve submission to the u.s.
department of housing and urban development, san antonio field office, region vi.
>> thank you, sherri flemming, county executive human services and veterans service.
the consolidated performance evaluation report basically details our activities with -- with funding that we receive from the u.s.
department of housing and urban development.
so -- so we have a mandatory public comment period as a part of our citizens participation plan.
that public comment period occurred between December 1st, 2011 through December 15th of 2011, a public hearing was held here on Tuesday, December 16th at Commissioners court at 9:00 a.m.
one comment was received during the public comment period, that comment affirmed the need for home rehabilitation which is one of our approved projects within the -- within our cdbg program.
the project is already on the project list and an environmental assessment, which was used to review the properties enrolled in the program, has been drafted.
so this program -- this project is progressing and it is responsive to the public comment.
so staff would recommend that -- that the court accept that public comment as a part of your submission.
>> so moved.
>> second.
>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
Commissioner Gomez temporarily off the dais.
>> the b item of this agenda language has to do with the -- within the time that the draft of the caper was approved November 29th, there were some grammatical changes, other formatting changes to the document, staff also made changes to correct math errors, some charts and other financial numbers during the drafting process.
so staff would recommend that the court would approve those changes to the document.
>> plus submission to the --
>> yes.
the c item references the submission before December 30th of 2011, so we would also request your approval to submit the caper.
>> so move.
>> that motion covers b and c.
>> yes, sir.
>> second the motion.
discussion on the motion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
Commissioner Gomez still off the dais.
thank you very much.
>> thank you.
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