This is the official website of Travis County, Texas.

Travis County Commissioners Court

December 6, 2011 (Agenda)
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next.
this item gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda for up to three minutes.
gus pena is number 1.
chris tall b.u.s.
activity bustelious.and ronnie reefersee.

>> judge, before we start, out of respect for miss crystal, she's on the job and I am not.
would it be okay to let her go first?

>> that's fine with me.

>> thank you, judge.

>> I know she is eager to get back to work.

>> I am eager to get back to work.
I've got a lot of work going on.
good morning.
I am here as a last push for our combined charities campaign.
hrmd has hosted a total of four events over this six week or eight week for charities.
we have two wrapping up Friday.
our goal is raise $10,000 for combined charities and deliver that to 9th.
but we have a silent auction that is going on right now online at travis central and you can click on there.
we've got a lot of good items for bid.
we've got nine different baskets that have various items, chocolate lovers basket, a night out on the town and we're hoping people will continue to bid on them.
we've got some golf bags, some other additional things besides the baskets.
bidding closes on Friday and people can go on to travis central, click on the auction and submit their bids online.
the winner is going to be announced on the 12th.
we also have one other event that's happening on December 9th and that's a co-ed nine ball pool tournament at slick willie's on south lamar.
we still have some openings if people are interested.
you don't have to be a great pool player, you just need to be able to come out and have some fun.
we are also going to have a professional pool player, jeremy double j jones out and he's going to be able to interact with the people that are in the pool tournament and also anyone who would like to come and play the pro, you'll be able to do that for five dollars a game or a race to seven for $20.
if you would like to participate in a full tournament, you can contact me at hrmd at (512)854-9166, or email me and the entry fee is $25.
as I said, we're opening it up so if you -- if you don't want to play but your spouse does, we're more than happy to add them to our roster.
thank you.

>> it's a very creative campaign this year.
thank you.

>> it's been a lot of work, but it's been very rewarding.

>> it's for a very good cause.

>> it's for a great cause.
thank you.

>> mr. Pena.

>> good morning, judge, Commissioners, gus pena, proud native east Austinite and marine corps veteran.
a shoutout to veterans of american foreign war to attend this outstanding benefit.
it's for the good.
judge, Commissioners, our unemployment rate.
I continue to come before you and city council and a lot of senators and even the lieutenant governor and speaker of the house to tell them this is not factual.
everybody is happy throughout the washington that unemployment rate dropped down to 8 point something, 8.9.
it's not realistic.
a lot of people given up are not included in the rate.
I've been telling you this for many years and I get very concerned our elected officials are putting a positive image for us.
it's not true.
no more jobs out there.
you have jobs out there that don't have benefits and not below minimum wage, that's not -- it's counter product active.
people can't live, can't pay rent.
the apartment unit, affordable apartments were torn down a couple months ago on riverside drive, Commissioner, that's our precinct.
I don't see anything affordable being built.
I don't see anything affordably being built expeditiously.
we have a lot of people becoming homeless.
homeless veterans with families.
the last motel that was affordable was the suburban.
the city bought it for 2 million and leased it to alter mauro and his nonprofit organization for one dollar a year.
no work has been done on that hotel.
a lot of families in there.
now they are homeless.
got to go to a hotel if you can't afford an amount or house.
we have to work on affordable housing and let's have a true definition of affordability.
we've seen a lot of homeless veterans with families.
it's increasing.
it's a bad economic time and it's not going to get better that we see.
economic development, we need to get jobs created with high wage with benefits.
so people can rent, purchase, whatever.
it's not happening.
downtown development is a priority for the city council.
it ain't for us.
look outside to the outlying areas in the community.
the city council about a month ago authorized up to $556,316 to study how to finance a regional rail system.
come on now, guys.
come on.
you know, outside consultants, outside lobbyists.
this is not fiscal, true fiscal responsibility.
a lot of people are angry at this.
we have people without jobs.
how can we justify allocating over a half a million dollars just to study how to finance.
come on.
priorities, priorities.
I ask you respectfully to please show your appreciation for all the military veterans coming back from iraq and afghanistan.
show your appreciation.
a lot of them, the 23rd weapons battalion just came back.
thank you all very much.

>> [buzzer sounding] sponsor a homeless family for christmas.
thank you, junk.

>> dr. Kim.

>> thank you.
merry christmas to all of you and merry christmas to america and state of Texas and Travis County.
I really appreciate you all, all of you for my speaking at this time to you.
I was homeless at this time 2006 when the Austin community college crazy, wicked president steven john kinslo

>> [indiscernible] fired me and evicted me from the campus.
they lied to the government, they going to fire you.
they refuse to release student comment sheet distributed to me as available professor.

>> [indiscernible] to other profession.
they release to me.
student very good professor.
they fired me and they lied.
we did not fire you.
and I received a letter from the court of appeals saying that -- this one here, appellant john kim

>> [indiscernible] 53 pages of student comment sheet to southern court of appeals, evaluating john q.
kim as very good professional.
received in this court on October 3, 2011.
document was received and was not filed because it fails to comply with the rules of appellant procedure.
it's a

>> [indiscernible] of american court.
court of appeals know they cannot apply the law.
american law school

>> [indiscernible].
american law school including

>> [indiscernible] law school.
they do not know the law.

>> [indiscernible] american democracy right now.
80% of people do not trust their government.
I am here teaching all american government lawyers

>> [indiscernible] Texas attorney general, they should know the law.

>> [indiscernible] they tried to conceal, cover up violation against me

>> [indiscernible].
the court of appeals must have directed the trial court to correct -- to correct

>> [indiscernible] 40.4 remedy.

>> [buzzer sounding] the court of appeals must direct the trial court to record the enter.
700 pages of trial court document.
every page contains fraud and violation by the attorneys and lawyers and judges from the district court right here.

>> thank you, dr. Kim.

>> thank you.

>> you're welcome.

>> ronnie reeferseed.

>> thank you, sir.
hot digety I wish you would vote for morris priest and me and claire and something more specific, make it will come up.
and hot diggety, as I'm ice cold, ronnie reeferseed, sick and tired of freezing all night long just like ob-gyn -- ob-gyn dr. Ron paul is being frozen out of republican party debate by zionist cooks.
supposed to limit ideas about war and peace because israel, israeli militants have decided that only war pig republicans are allowed for u.s.
citizens to choose from.
and guess what?
devoted peace activists like me percolating nationwide within and without all political persuasions in the usa, peace love and democrats, independent, libertarians, we're sorting through the hog wash.
the every extrapolating community of conservative republicans reallying behind our ongoing ob-gyn -- ob-gyn dr. Ron paul revolution of love for liberty in our precious tyranny shattering u.s.
traitors in washington, d.c.
has been trying to high jack our u.s.
constitution since its inception.
no, we're not going to let them.
wake up everybody, now is the time to get out, register republican and help share the love for liberty.
dr. Ron paul and defy pundits who arrogantly announce they alone have the privilege of picking and choosing who they decide are so-called leading candidates before a single primary and caucus vote has been cast.
who gave them that authority?
nobody but themselves.
and those who write their scripts who absolutely control them.
not unrelated to those zionist cooks trying to promote super patriot five-year veteran with overwhelming support from armed services personnel dr. Ron paul.
headline, this hog wash dissolving, dr. Paul's support keeps growing while everyone else just keeps fading away.
paraphrasing buddy holly, my love, ob-gyn dr. Ron paul not fade away.
to learn more, turn off your tv.
type dr. Ron
join the grass roots revolution online.
visit info 24/7 and radio show is broadcast 11 a.m.
to 2:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday, 4:00 to 6:00 Sunday afternoons.
online visit, daily and Ron paul

>> [buzzer sounding] help celebrate our love for liberty by attending our first ever free speech Austin party, 7:00 a.m.
grave new books on guadalupe and martin luther king across from u.t.
help stop the political pressure.
I'm banned from city hall.
brave new books tonight at 7:00.
thank you.

>> thank you, mr. Reeferseed.
mark sals.

>> good morning, judge, good morning, Commissioners.

>> good morning.

>> I'm going to lighten things up a little bit this morning.
I wanted to be the first to let you know that the Travis County sheriff's office along with the Texas police athletics association will be hosting the 2012 Texas police games here in Travis County.
we hope to also enlist our partners throughout state of Texas law enforcement, fire and e.m.s.
to help us with that task.
the Texas police games will run from June the 20th through June the 24th.
that's Wednesday through Sunday.
and the Texas police games encompass everything from bowling, archery, track and field, 5-k, 10-k, biathlon, shooting events, karate, submission wrestling, dominoes.
there's the better part of 25 or 30 events and we're also hoping to bring an event or two for this year's games that are specific to the Travis County sheriff's office.
so I want to let you all know and let our partners and our counter parts in Travis County government and throughout Travis County know that this is on board for this summer.
and if y'all have any questions about it, if y'all hear anything and you have any questions about it, I'm the guy to come to.
please feel free to let me know.
we're hoping to bring the better part of about 3500 folks from across the state of Texas to enjoy our wonderful county and wonderful city during those four days and hopefully they will kind of compound that with a nice little vacation.
the omni south park is our host hotel so everything will be run out of there and we're hoping for the best police games they've ever had.
with that --

>> please define certified peace offer.

>> police defined as certified peace offer?

>> no, sir.
the Texas police games now allow folks from e.m.s.
and fire as well.
so there are -- this will be folks not only in law enforcement but fire and ems coming.

>> but no county Commissioners?

>> I don't know.
I guess it's open for discussion.

>> [laughter] I hear Commissioner Davis is a good arm wrestler.

>> [laughter] so we may bring that in.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thanks.

>> nala sancotha.

>> thank you for having me again.
this is my second time here.
I was here last week speaking about the issue of people's property being sold from rental facility spaces.
and I was rushing trying to in three minutes give you a little background of what happened with my particular situation.
and all of you should have by now received an email from Commissioner Davis' executive assistant with the email that I originally sent him and which further explains the situation and also includes one of the emails or two of the emails that went back and forth between myself and the person who acquired our things.
so what I'm here today to do is to basically offer a possible solution or a way of looking at the whole situation.
because this didn't just happen to me and it doesn't just happen in isolated cases.
I mean, this happens to literally hundreds of people every month in every county in this state and across the country.
so if you could imagine that you were maybe purchasing a car or renting a car and you had -- you know, maybe you had your dissertation in the car because maybe for some reason you are using your car as a storage facility or office and you have your photo albums and your birth certificate and just really things you consider very personal and precious to you, and then when you don't make a payment or two and the car is repossessed and the person repossessing the car says you can't have any of those things back and they summarily throw them away.
and that is the case with us and it happens to at love people.
an excuse is they don't have time to go through people's things.
my things were very, very organized and labeled and very distinct.
so there is no way that you could have gotten the things out of my space and not known what they were because they were marked tax records, business records.
the fact that this is happening to me is an opportunity to maybe help other people and to prevent this.
so if, for instance, Travis County has a -- maybe a policy, if you will, that when someone's home or property, real estate property is foreclosured on or for taxes, a person isn't paying taxes on their property, isn't there sort of a rule that says if the property goes up for auction that the person who wins the property cannot -- they don't legally own it outright for six months because the person who originally owned has six months to pay those taxes back.

>> [buzzer sounding] I'm out of time.
what I would like to do is ask if this could be put on the agenda -- made as an agenda item so that maybe this can be discussed more and the solution that I actually didn't get to mention can get talked about, and so that's my request is this be made an agenda item to look at the legal aspects of what can be done.
thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> those are the persons who signed in to speak under citizens communication.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 6:32 PM