This is the official website of Travis County, Texas.

Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, November 29, 2011 (Agenda)
Citizens Communication

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Citizens comments is next.
this item gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda for up to three minutes.
three residents have signed in, ronnie reeferseed number one, clay defoe number two and morris priest, number 3.

>> mr. Reeferseed.

>> thank you, I appreciate it.
yippee, yes, I'm ronnie

>> [inhale] reeferseed, yodeling yahoo that me and john bush who have been supposedly banished from city hall threatened with warrants of criminal trespassing, but now dozens of occupy wall street protesters are being similarly abused.
remember mayor laughing stock, he threw his little hissy fit about how I use to pronounce my own name.
obviously he has never read the u.s.
constitution, however his dilutions driving his own dictatorial spasm are giving the voters of Austin the opportunity to liberate themselves from nonsense at city hall.
support clay defoe for mayor!
hey, remember randi shade, she was yet another smug, delusional incumbent sociopath thrown out of office by the voters.
look out.
again, here comes future mayor clay defoe.
Ron paul, loving of liberty has scored yet another huge advantage again, recently dr. Paul won yet another debate with his wisdom about our precious u.s.
constitution and the need for our nation to stop killing people everywhere.
so get what?
our sadly predictable, shamefully scheming media huck centers have now decided to annoint the truly evil newt world order as the latest anybody by Ron paul scam to date.
imagine, conservatives are now supposed to support the man who one divorced his dying wife, two, has received endorsements from truly evil former president still predator slick trader who campaigned with nancy pelosi who campaigned about the hog wash of global warming.
the true conservatives within the republican party primary voters don't buy the hog wash.
dr. Ron paul, also appeals to peace loving democrats.
constitution enthusiasts.
independent voters.
libertarians, on and on and on.
I predict a landslide for the good doctor come November.
join the revolution.
grassroots activismion online.
just type in
phone dot Ron paul
to speak with potential voters for dr. Paul.
face it, these huck centers will never give you, me or anyone permission to help dr. Paul win the white house to stop the killing.
defy the pundits and hucksters, we are winning.
please visit Ron, info, american free and ignore the shame scheme from media hucksters.
thank you.

>> thank you, mr. Reefer seed.

>> mr. Defoe.

>> thanks for letting us get that set up.
usually before every city council meeting there's a prayer said.
while I'm not a particularly religious person in either one way or the other, I find it kind of nice to hear words of wisdom, I'm here to just give a brief story and read a brief quote.
patrick henry is one of the most famous patriots in american history.
while now his name rings throughout american history as an important leader in our cause for freedom and liberty, he was probably inimprobable one.
born to more or less working class family in hanover county, virginia, most people didn't suspect him to become the great leader he did.
in 1763 he garnered fame in the parson's cause.
that day he was carried on the shoulders of men of hanover county after winning the case against the clergy.
1765 he introduced the stamp act resolves which eventually led to the american revolution.
he was -- he was decades before his time.
and in 1776, he signed the declaration of independence.
1788, he gave a speech to the virginia ratifying convention opposing the adoption of the u.s.
constitution and the dangers it brought to the consolidation of government in central lands far away from counties and cities.
he was one -- one set of facts which shows his statesmanship is the facts that he declined an appointment to the united states senate, as well as declining an appointment to become the chief justice of the united states of america on the supreme court.
among the papers found after his death was a copy of the stamp act resolutions.
written in its own hands, with the letter explaining the events surrounding their passage and how they brought on the war that established american liberty.
he concluded the letter with the warning to all american citizens, an exhortation to all future leaders.
whether this liberty will prove a blessing or a curse will depend upon the use our people make of the blessings which a gracious god hath bestowed on us.
if they are wise they will be great and happy.
if they are of a contrary character, they will be miserable.
righteousness alone can exalt them as a nation.
reader, whoever thou art, remember this, and in thy sphere practice virtue thyself and encourage it in others.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> morris priest.

>> thank you judge, Commissioners, morris priest speaking on my own behalf.
I wrote a song for y'all on the way up here this morning.
so I thought that I would give you a couple of verses of it.
it was gloom, dispair and agony the first time I laid my eyes on nancy pelosi.
deep dark depression obama's legacy, gloom, dispair, it's anthony in his underwear.
those democrats have brought us nothing but bad luck.
if it weren't for them republicans, we wouldn't have a buck.
I guess I better go ahead because I'm going to run out of time if I don't start reading my top 10 reasons why the campo transit working group is a complete failure.
or as they call it, direct connect.
number 10,

>> [laughter], because democrat senator kirk watson created it.
number 9, because Travis County Commissioner sarah Eckhardt interrupts and talks too much.
number 8, they are all a about of tollers, flip floppers, promise breakers.
number 7, that's enough about sarah already.
number 6, you better watch out, mayor lee leffingwell is going to charge you with criminal trespass.
number 5, it sounds like a nut off of campo's decision tree.
number 4, because tom, I just really like saying, don't delay, vote republican today.
no wait a minute, that was on my top 10 republican list.
number 3, citizens input is always last on the list.
and number 2, I'm not on it.

>> [laughter] and then the number one reason why the top 10 reasons why the campo transit working group is a complete failure or as they call it direct connect is because it's all about rail.
and the way Austin does rail, that's not good.

>> [laughter] but anyway, I hope y'all had a great thanksgiving.
and -- and, you know, I got -- I read that article in the statesman today and of course y'all now I love ya.
but I was thinking, judge, it reminded me of a dave gardner joke, I don't know if you remember him, a comedian from way back in the day.
I'm not really getting sick of you, I'm just getting kind of tired of you.

>> [laughter] now, you've been good.
there's some things we don't agree on.
and I think that -- that you are all right.
so we need some change.
I think we'll see it in 2012 and just like 2012 I don't think they will be able to stop 2014 or any other year in between.
but it's sad that our city council didn't move our city of Austin elections to November as they should have.
because that would have brought single member districts, it would have brought -- what --

>> [buzzer sounding] the overwhelming majority of the people want in the city of Austin is to move all of our elections to November.
so thank you.
god bless you and have a great day.

>> thank you, mr. Priest.

>> dr. John kim.

>> good morning.

>> good morning.

>> this is Travis County, democracy news.

>> [indiscernible] american legal and traditional battles for 23 years.
how to keep american democracy perfect in Travis County of Texas.
his retirement from a.c.c., as of August 31, 2011, is neither solution nor answer to his official fraud as president and c.e.o.
stephen b.
kinslow of Austin community college, it's a fraud and constitutional violations to unfairly terminate john kim's college teaching appointment from american democracy at a.c.c.
in 2006.
within two months and 20 days, despite a.c.c.
board policy and

>> [indiscernible] of one year initial appointment.
by american legal and traditional

>> [indiscernible] to fix american democracy, since April 20, 1988 until today, found this a very difficult for me, john

>> [indiscernible] kim, to educate and to teach american government officials, especially teach and educate american government lawyers, attorneys, judge, justices, several attorneys,

>> [indiscernible] case managers, and all kind of police officers.
there main opportunity is to make me, non-lawyer, lose and to make american government officials, especially american lawyers, win.
we non-lawyers need to fix most of american legal and

>> [indiscernible] officials by teaching them proper english and a good human heart.
most of them do not understand english.
they wrote to me most of them do not have good human heart.
the letter from the court of appeals, the court of appeals of Texas.
on the date noted above, November 17th, 2011, appellant john kim's motion for mandamus

>> [indiscernible] the order and

>> [indiscernible] relief sought under rule 10, motion in the appellate court the motion to avoid, recuse, was denied by this court.

>> [indiscernible] by ray

>> [indiscernible] this english is horrible and crazy.
after avoid recuse you need what?
it's incomplete english.
this kind of a court order from the court of appeals of Texas sent to me!

>> [buzzer sounding]

>> thank you, dr. Kim.
next is --

>> [indiscernible]

>> good morning, I'm

>> [indiscernible], thank you for having me.

>> [no microphone] for those of you who don't know me

>> [indiscernible]

>> [microphone cutting out]

>> professional artist, designer, multi-disciplinary artist, designer.
and cultural and community activist and I have the misfortune last month of having all of my most personal and precious personal items as well as my cultural and spiritual items sold in auction from my storage facility space.
several people in this community as well as actually outside of the state of Texas and across the country were actually -- actually came together to -- for a fundraiser for me to -- to save my things, but -- but as the universe being what it is, it didn't happen in time.
so -- so -- a long, long time ago I had a similar thing happen.
it not any less painful.
you just maybe more braced for it.
but this was very, very hurtful and -- and damaging.
not only to me as -- as a person, but also as -- as a spiritual elder within our african an says sore traditions -- ancestor traditions here in Austin and also as an artist because that's what I do to make a living when I'm not working on and off at u.t.
or other day jobs.
the situation is very, very unique for me in that was -- in that I was told, but I pretty much was promised by the storage facility that their -- their sort of protocol is to let folks know who are bidding on people's spaces that they have to -- that they should return their paperwork and personal items because, you know, that's -- I mean, what are they going to do with those things?
and the person who bought my storage space refused not only to sell me back my things, because actually later on that day or that next day, after the auction, I'm sorry, that weekend because it happened on a Wednesday by that weekend we had raised enough money to actually buy my things back.
she bought my entire storage space for $540.
this is a woman who has a thrift store down in gonzalez, Texas.
we came up with the money to buy the things back, plus some.
she refused to sell me my things back or even to give me my paperwork, my birth certificates, our legal documents, all of my tax records for the past 10 years.
original drawers and art work.
so -- original drawings and art work.
so I am asking that you all please look at the Texas property code regarding storage space rentals and amend that code so that there's remedy for consumers, the poor and people who are just unknowing, so that we don't have our lives turned upside down for someone who doesn't actually care about our personal items, let alone the things that create our livelihood.
thank you.

>> thank you.
we can try to find out who regulates that.
and get that information to you, okay?
sarah black.

>> Commissioners court, I was here in this building a couple of weeks ago when you guys declared hunger and homeless awareness week.
I just wondered why not have a whole year?
I don't feel that -- I feel Travis County can do more than just declare a week for those issues.
Travis County happens to be in the area where -- where places like health and human services, which is over food stamps, has their headquarters.
and also Texas workforce commission has their headquarters.
and you guys have jurisdiction over when they are doing wrong.
so if you want to really help with hunger or homelessness, how about helping with -- with the fraud by the hhsc workers.
and the problems with -- with twc.
because I came in here, came to this court in 2009, because when I would try to appeal to twc to get my benefits, they would -- I would fax it from right here in the law library, that's why I'm here.
and they would change the date and say, well, your appeal wasn't timely, you can't appeal.
and I took that to david escamilla's office and they didn't do anything.
but I gave this court a copy of those fax documents, a copy of my receipt from the law -- Travis County law library and from -- from what I sent them, that -- what they had -- they showed me at the appeal because they did let me appeal, but they would just leave it on timeliness issues and you can't go on to the next issue until they determine timeliness.
so I know david escamilla is an elected official, I know rosemary lindbergh is an elected official.
because david escamilla denied to help me with that.
why don't you help citizens with that?
I saw an article in the statesman that rosemary lindbergh seemed to give a state legislator a light pat for his actions, you know, can you call rosemary and ask her why you do those things?
david escamilla why, why don't you help people with twc?
why instead is da's office prosecuting claimants.
they helped the twc prosecute claimants.
when a claimant comes here to Travis County we can't get help from the da's office, david escamilla's office and also it's a felony, class a felony for an employer to try to keep you from getting your benefits.
that's -- that's something for Travis County to help us with.
so -- so please don't just think that you are limited to saying -- to saying a week for homelessness when you have all of this power and authority and jurisdiction here in Travis County.
thank you.

>> thank you, ms. Black.

>> [ applause ]

>> those the persons who signed in to speak under citizens communication.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 6:32 PM