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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, November 29, 2011 (Agenda)
Item 29

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29, consider and take appropriate action on Travis County appointments to the central Texas regional mobility authority board of directors.

>> good morning, judge, members of the court.
deece eckstein from intergovernmental relation.
as the judge mentioned, we have two appointments from Travis County, a total of three.
but two of those appointments will expire on February 2, 2012.
the two appointments are henry gilmore, who has been a member of the board virtually since it was started in 2002.
I think he cycled off and then went back on.
and charles heimstath who was appointed to replace lowell letterman and accept another term that began in February 2010.
the rules are that the board members must be residents of Travis County and that there are no term limits, their terms are for two years.
at the judge's suggestion, I have contacted both members to ask about their interest in continuing to serve on the board.
mr. Gilmore informed me he would like to cycle off the board in February and mr. Heimstath said he would be continued to serve on the board if that is the will of the Commissioners court.
so that's where we stand.
in the past the court has chosen to reappoint people who have stressed interest to serve and -- expressed interest to serve.
the board has also chosen to take a process where it sort of educates the public about the work of the board and the importance of having good people on that board, solicits applications and the court has those two options with respect to ctrma.

>> will a letter have to be submitted to the court, something in writing?
I hear what you are saying, you've talked with them individually, but is there something that we may need to have in writing to express their wishes, in other words, example, hey, I want to continue, whereas mr. Gilmore said we just want to cycle out so that means there would be a vacancy.
so my question is, though, something in writing from these two individuals, something that we need to see before we proceed?

>> their terms expire on February 2nd.
you know, whether the court takes action or not.
I think that's a great suggestion, Commissioner, and I certainly can follow up with them and ask them if they will communicate formally in writing to the court what their preferences are.

>> it appears to me that would be something appropriate to do.
I would like to see it in writing.
but in the same vein, if that is the case and the person's term expires in February, then it appears the court will probably start looking for applicants, I guess, to fill some of these deals.
let me ask this question.
is this the same -- these rules are applicable not only to -- to the board members that we have within the ctrma but also applicable to those up in Williamson county and also I guess the governor, I guess he still makes his appointment, I guess.

>> that's correct, Commissioner.

>> go ahead.

>> there's seven members on the board.
three appointed from Travis County, three appointed from Williamson county.
those appointments are staggered with two in one year and one in the other year, and then as you mentioned the governor appoints the chair of the board.

>> exactly.
so it would appear to me that we need to see something in writing.
I would like to see that if that's the case.
I don't know how anybody else feels bit but I would like to see it.

>> I'll be glad to follow up with them and ask them to do that.

>> I move that we have a similar -- similarly worded item on the agenda next week, December 6th, and that in a we look at the process that we plan to employ and that we look at the process that we've used in the past.
we've invited applications in the past and trying to provide information about the ctrma.
david, maybe that's sufficient, maybe it's not, but we should give ourselves a chance to revise that.

>> second.

>> in my view, let's touch base with the ctrma about mr. Hamseth and unless there's reason not to reappoint him, have an item to reappoint him or take action, whatever that is.
so I think that will get us moving and put us in a position to -- if we can get out the invitation to apply, we can short list an interview by late January.

>> yeah.

>> six or seven weeks.
how's that sound?

>> that sounds good.

>> that's the motion, seconded by Commissioner Gomez.
any discussion on the motion?

>> just one comment, judge, I think that is a great way to proceed.
I'm all for it.
I would love it if we could be mindful as we put this process together that hopefully it would be a repeatable process that we could utilize not only for the r.m.a.
but central health appointments and other kinds of appointments that the Commissioners court as a whole makes so that we can just deploy it each time.

>> we can have another item on for that next week if it's ready.

>> I hope to have a draft for you by the end of the week.

>> thank you.
anything else?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you, deece.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 6:32 PM