Travis County Commissioners Court
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 (Agenda)
Item 19
consider and take appropriate action on extending the temporary subdivision, plat approval requirements regarding the availability and protection of groundwater from the trinity group aquifers in chapter 82, Travis County code to allow for rule adoption.
>> thank you very much.
anna will take the lead on this.
>> good morning, anna bolen Travis County tnr.
the current temporary suspension of using patrolinging from the trinity group aquifers is said to expire on October 31st.
we are working oncoming up with a permanent rule but at this state we are not ready for something for adoption.
so we are recommending the temporary prohibition of using trinity ground water for final plats extends to January 31st.
we hope to get it done before then but we do propose to come back to court with a list of alternatives for the various pieces of the code and get some direction and then come up with a new draft and take that out to some of the members of the community that have expressed interest and then finalize the draft and have a public hearing before we adopt, before January 31st.
>> we did announce our attention do that at -- our intention to do that at our work session and community members were there as well as some residents.
have we gotten any feedback?
much of the feedback I have received are along the lines while people aren't necessarily crazy about the temporary suspension, they would prefer for us to extend and continue to work with the community and come up with something that is workable for all sides.
>> we think we can do that in 90 days?
>> I hope that we can get that done before then, but I am sure we can get that done in 90 days.
>> okay.
ninety days will take us through what date?
actually, we proposing 92 days to January 31st of 2012.
>> questions, comments?
>> move approval.
>> motion and second to approval.
exto -- through January 31st, 2012.
discussion on the motion?
all those in favor?
this passes by unanimous vote.
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