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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 (Agenda)
Item 2

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approve a resolution to support the ending community homelessness coalition's 100 homes campaign.
let me indicate my intention to call up 27, a related item, next.
so number 2.
we do have a resolution, do we have a reader?
should I read it?
it reads whereas the Travis County Commissioners court understands the need for affordable, safe and decent housing for the county's most vulnerable residents and fiercely supports the end to homelessness, whereas the Travis County Commissioners court acknowledges and supports the Austin city council's March, 2010 resolution, to develop a comprehensive strategy that would prioritize the city's affordable housing resources, including federal and moneys for the construction and operating of 350 supportive housing units, whereas the ending community homelessness coalition echo is coordinating the 100 homes campaign as Austin Travis County's contribution to the 100,000 homes campaign, a national three-year program whose goal is to house 100,000 vulnerable homeless individuals and families by 2013, whereas as part of the 100 homes campaign initiative, echo is coordinating Austin Travis County registry week, November 7 through 9, when more than 150 volunteers will identify and survey Austin's most vulnerable homeless individuals and families in order to create a -- a by-name registry that will prioritize those homeless individuals who are the most medically vulnerable and then move them into permanent supportive housing by November, 2013 and whereas the 100 homes campaign engages policy makers and the community in support of permanent supportive housing consistent with the commitment to effect 350 units of such housing in the Austin area.
now therefore be it resolved that we the Travis County Commissioners court do hereby support the ending community homelessness coalition's 100 homes campaign to ensure the successful execution of the reg -- registry, housing and goals of the 100 homes campaign.
move approval.

>> second.

>> good morning.

>> thank you, judge, Commissioners, my name is anne howard, I'm the new executive director of echo.
your and the rest of Austin's ending community homelessness coalition.
I have colleagues today who have worked very hard to bring this registry in the 100,000 homes campaign to Austin, Texas and Travis County.
and we appreciate your support.
I would like for them to introduce themselves.

>> hello.
my name is hillary

>> [indiscernible], I'm a graduate student at the u.t.
school of social work.
I have been partnering with echo since June of this year?
my name is tim bailey, also a graduate student at the university of Texas Austin and also the individual representative on the echo membership committee.

>> hi, I'm jess community arch, I'm the -- jessie arch, the project manager for 100 homes campaign.

>> I'm edward

>> [indiscernible], I chair the echo board of directors.

>> I have some testimony prepared.
good morning honorable Biscoe and Commissioners.
I've been like I said before collaborating since June of this year through classroom to community projects that support the 100 homes campaign.
I'm a strong supporter of both echo's 100 homes campaign and the city of Austin permanent supportive housing efforts.
my hope is continuing and effective collaboration with the entities and the counties to house the most vulnerable in our area.
I'm here to support the work of echo and the 100 homes campaign and the successful execution of the registry housing and community awareness goals.
I extend my gratitude to the court, judge Biscoe and Commissioners Huber, Eckhardt and Gomez, Davis as well even though he is not present for considering this resolution.
the battle to eliminate poverty and end community homelessness cannot be fought alone.
it requires strategic partnerships and collaborative leadership to create effective solutions, all stakeholders must join efforts across the community to coordinate resources and maximize our potential to impact greater social change.
I have learned from my brief time working with echo to appreciate the diversity and interconnectedness of stakeholders involved in this initiative.
I also realize the complex issues surrounding homelessness and understand the importance of representing this problem as many faces, one voice.
permanent supportive housing programs with wrap around supportive services are critical to positive client outcomes.
these effort require comprehensive approaches from multiple perspectives in order to be effective.
this translates to many community partners working together towards a common goal.
another important fact about homelessness is about where it occurs.
homelessness is not isolated to any one community or part of our town.
it is a problem in all of our back yards.
therefore the process of creating solutions must be a shared journey across our city and county.
this is why such political action as the county's resolutions and in support of permanent supportive housing in the 100 homes campaign is a critical factor to continue forward momentum.
the collaborative process should continue to reach out to new community contacts and expand the network of partners united in ending community homelessness.
the 100 homes campaign is an opportunity for addressing the needs of the most vulnerable homeless individuals and families in our area.
we will see sustainable change as we continue these collaborative efforts focused on this population.
ending community homelessness can be a reality, but it requires the continuous commitment to conversation and action among all stakeholders.
Travis County Commissioners court support of this resolution would demonstrate such a commitment and partnership with echo and the city of Austin in leading in homelessness initiatives, thank you again for your time and attention to this very important community issue.

>> thank you.
any other comments?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
who receives this powerful resolution?

>> I would be happy to, your honor, I love the word fierce both in the resolution and mission statement for the agenda item later.

>> I think the way y'all say your honor, it makes me feel real important

>> [laughter]

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 6:32 PM