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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, October 18, 2011 (Agenda)
Citizens Communication

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Item -- first is citizens communication.
and this item gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda.
for up to three minutes.
and two residents have signed in.
ronnie reeferseed followed by john k.

>> can I have one, sir?
thank you so much.
yes, yippee, I'm ronnie

>> [inhale] reeferseed, singing praises to all peace enthusiasts everywhere, israeli soldier shalit was returned after five years as prisoner, proving that peace is always possible, despite dismal expectations.
but meanwhile, our lame scheme media has been virtually orgasmic about the Texas plain from that black political power house by cain simplistic tax plan.
simple is good usually with policy, versus our president loophole land mine of schemes, special deals, however cain's gives big government pathways to steal even more taxpayer dollars.
we don't need the prices of all things to go up at least 10% overnight.
now it's -- it's not only a new regressive vat tax like europe, it's also a brand new national sales tax.
a repressive national sales tax.
which is the -- that means the poor paying more, on the other hand ob/gyn dr. Ron paul's revolution of love for liberty and our precious u.s.
constitution means that it proves that our present punitive tax schemology is a goner, start making plans, spending more of your hard earned dissolving dollars on your own behalf.
not only with all taxpayers have a big time permanent raise to spend your own money, to buy gold, guns, ammo, food, fluoride, free water, you know, the real necessities for hard times that are happening right now, but also the rest of the world will rejoice with the cash and the money they will share from dr. Paul's ideas, leadership by example, not bullets and bombs is dr. Paul's pathway to peace and prosperity ...
can come to an end.
no, the proudly productive people worldwide are not to blame for any of this hog wash, we're not going to take it anymore!
even here at home, with our continually brain injured befuddled population, finally once again we are going to the streets to say something, we can all expect that evil powers that be will use our lame scheme media to try to edit out any reflection of our ongoing dr. Ron paul revolution, so be it.
not only despite, but because of our lock step lame skied media's blatant conspiracy to keep quiet, anything positive about dr. Paul, that we all, we all can see it now.
every day, both dr. 'S paul are helping to lead our nation back to the genius of decent inherent to our u.s.
constitution and also thus helping our nation lead by example.
legalize liberty and peace, share the joy, help save our world.

>> [buzzer sounding]

>> stop the killing support fiercely founding father among us now, dr. Ron paul and defy those scheming lock step pundits -- everyday ongoing revolution of love keeps exploding, thank you so much.

>> thank you, mr. Reeferseed.
dr. Kim?

>> good morning.
I have in here for just one year, almost every Tuesday for -- for speaking and appreciating of american government and also to democratickize in america and Texas and Travis County and of course is the court, the course of appeals, the supreme court of Texas, more democratickize to keep it right here.
the paper I gave you, this is the so-called student evaluation form.
they said that Austin community college faculty, assessment,

>> [indiscernible] form a, that they have to write my name, professor name and the other title, they have to write and then they should -- they should write the comment here for me to read and respond to the college.
but praise evil Austin community, kinslow, new president, he retired, new president is richard rhoades.
he refuse to release this.
they release only right side half.
the right side half.
the left side they did not release it.
and attorneys, they hired four attorneys, four attorneys, one attorney died and the city attorney -- they cannot have four attorney, only one party two attorneys, four attorneys, they lied to me.

>> [indiscernible] Texas attorney general, appears to release it to

>> [indiscernible] enough to release it.
and a.c.c.
rules clearly says Austin community college rule the evaluation reports and the copies of the students

>> [indiscernible] will be sent top the members and department chairs.
they say it's the rule.
that Travis County attorneys, Travis County attorney district attorney general, attorney general of Texas and all lawyers they refuse to release it.

>> [indiscernible] they treat the county judge, Sam Biscoe, this they said

>> [indiscernible] let me see it.
I sit here five years, I took those papers to the court.
five years.
the court five years dismissed it.
court of appeals dismissed it.
supreme court of Texas dismissed it.
and now they declare to me as a

>> [indiscernible] that's a crime.
discrimination, discrimination, $300,000 because the court is broken.

>> [indiscernible] is broken.

>> [buzzer sounding] broken -- April 20th, 1988, 23 years ago, they continue.

>> thank you, dr. Kim.

>> thank you.

>> you're welcome.

>> those are the two individuals who signed in to speak under citizens communication.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 6:32 PM