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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, September 27, 2011 (Agenda)
Item 28

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28. Consider and give direction regarding proposed amendments to chapter 82, travis county code, establishing water availability rules for subdivisions.

(...Some text missing...)

At what time do you think you'll be ready to suggest -- bring to the court on where we need to go in pursuing or looking seriously at everything after all these things have been done.
maybe putting out the spot maybe a little early, but I'm just trying to get an inkling of how long it's going to take to exhaust all of these particular situations, the meetings and the input that's necessary, but at the end of the day I want to look and see what projection, time line, timetable that you feel will be a good one where the court can kind of start looking toward that end.

>> that is a good question and we have been discussing that a lot.
I would anticipate probably having to extend the temporary suspension either 30 or 60 days.
part of -- I would like to get this done in 30 days.
after the work session and we get direction and after we've heard the public comments and concerns and answered the questions, I think then we'll have a pretty good idea about what changes if any we would need to make and depending on the scope of the changes we would be looking to our attorney to see what we would do to satisfy public notice.
while I don't think it would take 60 days at all, if we do have to take 30 days to post a new public hearing, that would be a wild card.
I would anticipate hopefully being able to have a draft recommendation, you know, within two weeks after the -- the work session, would be my hope.

>> okay.
all right.
thank you.

>> I have the dates of the two public meetings but what's the date of the work session?

>> October 20th.

>> October 20th.

>> and if the court -- if it pleases the court, I would propose to get the two work -- or the two public meetings posted so a quorum of the court members could attend, and I'll also get this out to everyone that's expressed interest to me about -- or had concerns about these proposed rules.

>> why don't we ask the -- I know we'll invite members of the committee of 15.
let's ask them to notify any interested persons and invite them to come to the public meetings also.
and we'll post these in such a way that if three members of the court do attend, it will be legal.
so -- anybody -- anybody else here on this item that would like to give comments at this time?
mr. Reeferseed, if you would hold on just a second.
if you would hold on we'll get to you in a minute.
anybody else?
I see one or two committee members.
any comments?
you see the direction in which we're headed.


>> [inaudible].

>> okay.
tom, were you about to say something?

>> I'm waiting to see if I need to say something.

>> [laughter]

>> mr. Reeferseed, you've got tom's attention.

>> well, thank all of you.
and, of course, I'm ronnie reeferseed, but this is a question, you said you picked it up, I was trying to write as fast as you do, sir.
where is the west service center is one question, and when is the public notice -- is it 10-12?
is that what you said?

>> the meeting, the public meeting that will be in the west service center will be October 12 from 6:00 p.m.
to 9:00 p.m.
and that's on 620 very close to mansfield dam.

>> good.
thank you so much.
that's it.
appreciate it.

>> court members?
why don't we on the need for an extension and time, why don't we hold off on that until I guess after those public meetings.

>> okay.

>> the -- the 20th of October is a Thursday?

>> the 20th of October is a Thursday.
the --

>> so the Tuesday would be --

>> the 25th.

>> the Tuesday before would be the 18th.

>> okay.

>> and we have the 18th and 25th to work with.
that's what I'm hearing?

>> yes, sir.

>> and the moratorium that we adopted expires October 31st.
this direction looks fine to me.
I move that we approve it.

>> second.

>> any more discussion?
and it's an opportunity for not only committee members but any other residents interested in water availability or what we're looking at doing to come and provide input or to come and learn.

>> absolutely.

>> and for those who want a copy of the draft that we are working with, if they contact our transportation and natural resources department, they can get one.
or any member of the Commissioners court, for that matter.
any more discussion?

>> was it also included in our backup?
I believe it's available on the backup from the agenda from last week.

>> yes.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
thank you all very much.
now, mr. Nellis.
you think we want to approve 37 first, the budget?
should he we reverse the order, 37 first and then 36?
these will be for 36, right?

>> first there's got to be a motion.

>> 37 first?

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 6:32 PM