Travis County Commissioners Court
Tuesday, September 27, 2011 (Agenda)
Item 3
consider and take appropriate action on an order regarding outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Travis County.
>> good morning, judge, Commissioner, herschel lee, Travis County fire marshal.
the current drought index is 782, there are chances of thunderstorms in our area.
those are -- probably not going to do what we need as far as lifting this burn ban, but something that's very important for our citizens to consider that you want to be careful with any spark because blowing away from these thunderstorms are very high winds.
yesterday there were some recorded in the range of 60 miles an hour flowing away from those thunderstorms. So -- so it's just a time to be even more cautious.
my recommendation is to leave the burn ban in place.
by taking no action we leave the burn ban in place, it expires October 19th, 2011.
court members, any comments, questions?
thank you, mr. Lee.
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