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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, September 20, 2011 (Agenda)
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next.
this item gives residents an opportunity for citizens to speak before the court.
gus pena is number one.
gus pena still here?
ronnie reeferseed is number 2.
morris priest is number 3.
and robert ayers was here for the other item so we have three left.
mr. Pena, mr. Priest and mr. Reeferseed.
with mr. Reeferseed being first.

>> okay.
thank you, sir.
well, here we go again.
yippee, finally hit the fan, people.
I choose to pronounce my name ronnie reeferseed because that's my right and in the first amendment of our precious u.s.
constitution absolute freedom of political speech is what it's all about here and thank you, sir, for stopping me before.
for our information, our tyranny shattering u.s.
constitution is unique because it limits not our rights but limits what our u.s.
government can do to us.
tyranny from the banksters was limited from the start by our founding fathers because we printed our own money based on gold and silver, and by golly in 1913 the so-called federal reserve which is not federal or a reserve was illegal aand constitutionally created by criminal banksters an evil powers to force the artificial cycle of booms and busts keeping our economy under control of the banksters forever.
freedom from the tee ran cal bank of london was under the very revolution to escape the u.k.
thomas jefferson says banksters controlling our money supply is a much worse threat to our label than a standing army.
our sovereignty was stolen without a shot fired and in 1971 richard nixon changed the dollar from a real currency cherished around the world based on gold and silver into that fiat currency based on nothing that we suffer from today.
never heard of the whymar rep?
that was collectively published -- the world punished them for world war I and that made the currency use less needing a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread.
sounds somebody wanted somebody like hitler to gain power.
war is a racket, to quote a patriotic leader in uniform, general butler.
kenyan born subject to queen of england and so-called barack obama, ie, barry sotero, is a full-fledged war criminal.
even -- pretending to be eligible to be president are bound by the rest of the repressive u.s.
constitution and foreign policy for these united states such as the ability to wage war does not come from any foreign interest group like the u.n.
but rests solely with the people of these united states, specifically the u.s.
congress, so-called president peace prize said he didn't even have to consult the u.s.
congress to wage war on libyan men, women and children.
instead so-called president peace prize waged war because u.n.
credibility was his issue.
Ron paul, he won the california straw poll out of 12 options on the ballot, dr. Paul got 44.9% of total votes cast.

>> [buzzer sounding] clearly he's the leader charged to change to replace so-called president pays prize --

>> thank you very much.
mr. Priest.

>> thank you.
I'll try to be just as formative but not as entertaining.
how is that hope and change working for you?
I know obama has the end of the don't ask, don't tell, but I guess he's got something in common with campo.
campo they don't let you speak, they don't want you to get the information and they claim they have a plan, but it's just a poor concept.
I was really glad to see our u.s.
congressman michael mccall at bastrop with our governor and lieutenant governor and the attorney general and all the firefighters that came to the aid of bastrop and we're continuing to keep them in our prayers.
it's great to have great leadership when you see it all at one place at one time.
joan fleming, the chair of the citizens advisory committee for the -- to the tea party caucus brought up the immigration matter, wanting to get clarification to our governor hoping he would put in an executive order or a special session to take up those matters.
front line Texas will be on Wednesday night at channel 16 at 7:00 p.m.
you can check it out.
7:00 p.m.
Wednesday going to have a producers meeting just before the show.
I believe we'll be airing in October on Fridays.
don't know the November schedule yet.
but stay tuned to get more information.
I did want to let you know that some of the comments I made earlier are still true.
they couldn't stop 2010.
we took the house over with a conservative christian based leadership and tea party activists, and you are not going to be able to stop 2012 because quite frankly many of us are fed up.
fed up with the overtaxation, fed up with the amoral agenda as much as some of the things we've heard today, abortion, planned parenthood.
many of these things have been defunded.
we've made great progress in this past year and this revival is still continuing.
one of the programs on the jeff Davis show last week talked about a person being facing 75 years with a lawsuit for

>> [indiscernible] the police.
that case was thrown out because it was deemed unconstitutional.
I know what it's like to have my 1st and 14th amendment violated, but there always are remedies whether civil or criminal and many people have had great successes.
we've seen the situation with the Austin fire department with this race based hiring.
with $850,000 settlement the city had to pay out.
we fought to keep access television.
we fought against many of the toll roads and many weren't built.
fought against the rv park and after a vote by the city we got them to vote it out 7-0.
midtown live, many other local issues have always we've brought the truth and facts out.

>> [buzzer sounding] and we're going to keep this fight alive and stay tuned.
the revolution will be televised.

>> thank you, mr. Priest.
let's look at the agenda.
I have to leave at 11:45 to go to luncheon where senator watson speaks.
the court can continue without me.

>> no.

>> no.

>> and that's fine with me.
but I guess there are two or three items that it looks like we will not reach this morning.
and even if you go -- go through noon.
so are you all breaking at 11:45 is this.

>> I think we better break at 11:45.

>> then unfortunately we will -- it will be this afternoon and I would guess at 2:00 before we take up 25, 26 and 27.
and the reason those items will take some time.
so 25, 26, 27 this afternoon.
I've already asked staff to contact the health care district to let them know that it will be this afternoon before we get to items 21 and 22 also.
so 21, 22, 25, 26, 27 will be this afternoon.
they are all county related.
so we can take them up one right after the other.
now, number 6 is consider and take appropriate action -- no.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 6:32 PM