Travis County Commissioners Court
Tuesday, August 30, 2011 (Agenda)
Item 3
Number 3 approve resolution encouraging the observation of a national moment of remembrance at noon on September 11, 2011.
we got the from a congressman.
it makes sense to me and what he's asking is that on September 11th, 2011, at 1:00 p.m.
new york time or eastern daylight time there be a one minute remembrance, and they are asking that you -- you do several things that would help and that you also spread the word.
that would be 12:00 noon here in Austin.
it is one of the longest resolutions I have seen, even including those that the county judge's staff.
I didn't know what the response would be.
what do you all think about it?
>> I think a moment of sigh sense is --
>> I think it would be fine.
>> -- on that day.
>> ask employees, ask residents and any others, and by the way, they are -- media outlets, military organizations, veterans organizations, airlines, airports, railroads, sports teams, the federal government, state and local governments, police, fire and other public institutions and others.
and so I guess if we are going to do this maybe publicize it to county employees and Travis County residents.
one minute seems to be modest time for such a grand occasion, but I agree, I think we ought to participate.
now, I did not retype the resolution, but my staff did so I need to take a look and make sure it's all right and make sure it's from Travis County.
that way if we go up on the Travis County website then it will be accurate.
with that I move approved.
>> second.
>> you all have a moment to read the whole thing.
-- you all don't want me to read the whole thing.
it's four pages.
that passes by unanimous vote.
we have two items before executive session.
and this morning we indicated our intention to call up the parking item at about 1:40, 1:45, and then we have the bccp item.
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