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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, August 23, 2011 (Agenda)
Item 23

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23 is the -- 23 is the project recovery matter, and it is consider and take appropriate action on request to consider project recovery during the budget markup process for inclusion in the fy 2012 budget.
mr. Jeffreys, can you tell us what this is is about?
what the recommendation is?

>> yes, sir.
project recovery is a program that's been around since 2006.
it's folks who have been charged with enhanced public intoxication.
there's a specialized project recovery docket under judge nancy o'hen gore 10.
over the last -- in the last -- in the current fiscal year the city and the county split the cost.
the city pays for the in-patient treatment portion.
the county pays for the after care.
the county's portion is about $150,000.
it was not recommended for funding by pbo for fy '12.
recognizing that the program could be improved I think all stakeholders, the city, the county, the courts, we got together and we have proposed some improvements for the program to increase outcomes.
if you would like for me to go through those real quick, the changes include there will no longer be a project recovery specific docket.
referrals will come from the downtown Austin community court and the mental health docket.
the acceptance into the program, there's two changes.
as you know, the current program only accepts enhanced public intoxication.
we're proposing that that be changed to frequent residents or frequent fliers through the criminal justice system.
we've actually set up a three-tier system with varying repeat offenders.
learning what we have through the probation department here in Travis County that's been so successful in the trainings that we've had on evidence-based practice, we're proposing using on that population those tiered populations using an evidence-based assessment tool for risk and need.
we'll be able to target the people that will benefit most from the treatment option.
because of the move to the new atcic 15th street facility, which has other programs, we'll be able to increase the level and intensity of mental health care.
as you know these clients not only do they have a substance abuse problem, but they also have a mental health issue as well.
the city and county will blend the funds together, which will allow us to have access to the beds, particularly through the mental health docket in addition to the downtown Austin community court.
probably one of the most significant things that the city is offering up, units of permanent supportive housing, I think y'all have 20 units that you're going to be able to place folks into, plus they're funding some emergency transitional housing.
one of the things that we believe made the after care not so successful were these folks are homeless and they often disappear after they're released from the treatment.
having housing I think will make us -- I think we collectively will make a significant difference in their success in after care.
so what we're asking you to do is to include project recovery in the market-up, the budget markup process coming up in consideration for funding for fy '12.

>> I move inclusion in markup.

>> second.

>> I know others have come on this.
anybody here who would like to talk us out of doing this?

>> [ laughter ]

>> if you would stand, we would like to acknowledge your presence.
numerous friends and colleagues.

>> it actually is already on the budget agenda worksheet.

>> don't spoil our fun.

>> [ laughter ] all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 6:32 PM