Travis County Commissioners Court
Tuesday, August 23, 2011 (Agenda)
Item 4
Item number 4 is to consider and take appropriate action on an order regarding outdoor burning in the incorporated areas of Travis County.
mr. Fire marshal?
>> yes, sir, judge, Commissioners.
herschel lee, Travis County fire marshal.
the current mean drought index in Travis County is 769, with some areas in Travis County being as high as 785.
and just as a reminder, when you get to 800 is a total lack of moisture.
we have had a number of recent fires in Travis County, in particular outdoor fires, and those have been the result of hot work, discarded smoking materials.
one was a downed power line.
the most recent fire was yesterday, improper use of a barbecue pit.
I would like to remind the public to be very careful, even though cooking on your barbecue pit at home is entirely legal, even a gas barbecue pit placed too close to combustibles will burn a house.
so placement of the barbecue pit, if you're using solid cooking -- solid fuel for cooking, disposal of ashes is very important.
they should be soaked in water before they're disposed of.
the forecast for the next 10 days is 100 degrees or better.
no significant chance of rain in the short-term.
drought monitor has our area in an exceptional drought category and through the fall and winter are still predicting warmer than normal and drierer than normal conditions.
the current burn ban will expire tomorrow.
my recommendation is for the court to enact a new burn ban which if enacted will expire September 21st.
>> move that we approve the fire marshal's recommendation.
discussion on the motion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
thank you very much.
are we sharing that list of recommendations regarding holiday barbecue with the public?
>> yes, sir.
my office yesterday sent out some safety recommendations for the upcoming holiday season and related to outdoor cooking, barbecue pits in particular.
>> those who wish to receive a copy of that can contact any member of the court, the fire marshal's office or the county website?
>> that's correct.
>> thank you very much.
>> I have a question as well.
I know that you've been working to put on your website a list of the precautions to take in doing work outside.
do you know when that will be up and running.
>> it is already up.
>> okay.
I encourage everybody to share that with their constituents.
>> people still need to work and it can be done safely, but there are a number of recommendations by the court that will allow the work to continue and go on, but you have to be very careful.
>> thank you very much.
apparently the consultants and deece need a little more time.
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