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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, July 19, 2011 (Agenda)
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next.
this item gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda for up to three minutes.
the bond advisory committee's report will be called up at 10:00 a.m.
a time certain.
we will not call it up before that time.
we have told the committee members that we would call it up at 10:00 and I guess residents who inquired.
our goal is to start the bond advisory committee report at 10:00 a.m.
the following individuals have signed in to speak under citizens communication.
by the way, if you are here on that report, then you will not be able to speak during citizens communication.
this is for items not on the agenda.
jim awalt.

>> I'm on the item that's going to come up again.

>> and mr. Adams, john adams.

>> same thing.

>> ronnie reeferseed.

>> yes, I'm available for you.

>> david stone king.

>> bond advisory.

>> okay.
morris priest.
and sabino renteria.
on the advisory committee?
if I could get those three individuals come forth now, give yourself some elbow room, give us your full name, we would be happy to get your comments.
mr. Reeferseed.

>> thank you, sir.
yes, I'm ronnie reeferseed.
saying wake up, yes, the time is right for you dear citizen to face reality so you can react on your own behalf.
black america criticizing the occupant in the white house is absolutely required of you now.
so-called president, so-called barack obama is failing all of us especially you.
because he's counting on your counterproductive tribalistic amnesia, has us waging war against six nations right now.
stop the killing and servitude to banksters, the controlled military media industrial bankster complex of killers run the show.
these are people who want to kill you and your babies.
over 50% of them are killed now in the womb right now.
they are winning.
and truly for all others to die so that they can have more of everything.
it's evil greed.
read science czar, john holden's diabolical plan, his textbook in eco science and resource -- I forget the rest of it.
in it holder talks of protecting resources by reducing humans through tainted deadly vaccination of the masses, poison in our food like gmos, msg, as pertain and poising or water like sodium chloride made radioactive in the process of adding sodium chloride.
a horrific pesticide first used on prisoners by the some soviets.
dental hygiene was not the goal of the nazis.
keeping their prisoners docile was the program as today in the usa, why do you think most people don't bother with protesting or demonstrating anything?
well over 60% of us are forced to drink poison tap water, bathe in it, poison our pets and children and gardens and probably the people of Austin have provided a political path way right into political oblivion for toxic servant randi shade.
mayor lee laughing stock left laughing because they know their political scheme ology is evaporating from their nonstop poisoning of our water.
and by bringing that petroleum pollutant intoing chemical fox waste dump race track to Austin, this caballa criminals prove how much the evil schemers love you while destroying what is left of our unique and tragic eco systems here.
eco systems here.
old pollution don't mix too well with the live music capital of the

>> [inaudible].
let's protect it.
stop the madness.
because because weekly updates from founding father ob-gyn dr. Ron paul.
thank you so much.

>> thank you.
mr. Priest is next and would christy moffett come forward?

>> morris priest speaking on my own behalf.
the things campo are doing, I know there's been a lot of discussions about whether hard copies will be provided, but campo doesn't provide hard councilmembers and this is with the approval of the chairman of the campo board, our present county judge.
I was told by maureen mccoy she didn't care if I had ten years in the military with honorable discharges and medals and how many years I've been coming the board she won't provide me with hard copies prior to the meeting.
I've contacted each and every individual on the Commissioners court as well as their office and discussed this matter, but this harassment still is continuing.
we see some of these people that are on the campo board, connally is trying to destroy hays county.
cynthia long came to the meeting one day with her mouse in her pocket.
toll revenues are down.
of course, I was interrupted during citizens communication and my Commissioner mischaracterized what I said.
she said that kurt watson has never pulled citizens communication but he has.
from the campo board.
as well as the sitting county judge that chairs the campo board.
and what I said during that meeting was that miss long said that since we've already had four meetings, well, we hadn't had four meetings in front of the policy board.
they were from front of the campo staff.
you see the letter in the last backup from save our springs alliance dated June 17th, and I would encourage y'all to check with them.
I'm sure you can't get it from campo.
but we're having a lot of people that are not getting documentation.
but we're going to continue to fight.
if we can't win in the courthouse or through prosecutions, maybe you should familiarize yourself with some of the faces here.
you might be going in reporting to them soon.
but we're having a lot of issues here in this county and we're going to have to deal with it with recall elections.
we're going to have to deal with it with public embarrassment and there's going to be some videos come out and have some of these things actually said online where our county and city and campo staff and other people on these -- on this campo board that aren't going to allow people to get hard copies of the meetings.
and then get interrupted here or at campo, lied to, maligned, and then also harassed.
even on to the point they've used law enforcement.
but we're going to go ahead and continue to fight this tyranny, fully expose this corruption and this soft tyranny and going to demand that the jock hand and david escamilla said if you hear anything in citizens communication that you might want to put on a future agenda item all five of you should say you are in favor of not getting us the information or post it on the agenda and vote and let us know your true feelings.

>> thank you, mr. Priest.
mr. Renteria is next.

>> can I give a piece of information.
the library --

>> that's not an answer.
you said that at -- I've gone down there and they've told me no.
ask Commissioner Davis.
and that doesn't answer the situation for the other four counties.
and we don't vote at our libraries for our roads.

>> the --

>> that's totally inappropriate, judge.

>> the libraries --

>> accusations, mr. Priest.

>> your staff interrupted me while I was making copies that I got from the judge's office, but that still doesn't answer the question.

>> the library here as well as the public library is available for downloading the backup for campo --

>> promise breaker.

>> -- or from this body, you can download the backup in advance of the meeting.
the same backup that is provided to us unless it's privileged.

>> mr. Renteria is next.
could I get dan mansur to come forth.

>> I'm here to plead to y'all to reconsider and take up the homestead preservation act by our representative eddie rodriguez.
we're facing a real dire situation in east Austin.
we are seeing our people displaced.
there are no affordable housing available in our area.
we're seeing our kids being displaced on our schools and we're going to face -- in the future the hard choice of having to close our local schools.
and this could have been prevented or, you know, if we would have taken up the issues years ago on that homestead preservation act, you know, we would have had an opportunity to build more affordable housing in the east Austin area, but we have lost a lot of opportunities being able to recover some of that money for affordable housing.
and I'm here pleading with y'all to really take -- take it into your heart to help us, you know.
you know, we worked hard with eddie rodriguez and city of Austin to pass that legislation and the city supported us.
it took us four years.
and we have nothing but, you know, blockage here in the county.
I don't know what's the hangup, but I wish that y'all would take it into consideration that there's a lot of people being hurt right now in east Austin.
I mean, you could just read it in the paper.
the story came out a couple days, it's been in the news where people have been displaced out of the low-income apartments, you know, and if we don't do something for these people, they have no place to go, you know.
you are going to have people out in the street.
so please, you know, help us out.
thank you.

>> thank you, mr. Renteria.
ms. Moffett is next, and would dr. John kim please come forward.

>> today I wanted to let you know about emergency home loan program that is a partnership between the u.s.
department of housing and urban development and neighbor works america.
Travis County does not have access to the money.
we are not taking applications, but there is a looming deadline that I wanted to make you aware of.
this program allows for one billion dollars worth of assistance for homeowners who are experiencing potential foreclosure due to unemployment or underemployment related to the economic downturn.
and this program allows for $50,000 of assistance which can be used to pay for back costs associated with your mortgage and taxes, as well as 24 months of consecutive payments, partial payments towards your -- towards your mortgage to help you get caught up and stay in your home up to $50,000.
this is a forgivable loan that is forgiven over a five-year time period, so if you were to stay in your home, if you were to receive the assistance and stay in your home for five years after receiving the assistance, when you sell your home, you would not have to repay any of the funds that helped you maintain your housing.
so there is a pre-screen -- or pre-qualification application that is available and must be filled out by July 22, which is this week.
and we have put it on the county's website as an easy link for you.
there's a frequently asked questions document as well as a flier in english and in spanish on how you can go and download the application.
if anyone has any trouble and has questions, you are free to call us if you would like and we can get something downloaded for you.
my number is 854-3460.
we also have provided this information to the community action network.
they've included it in their distribution list.
we also provided it to all the health and human services employees and have asked them to send it out to all of their community contacts.
so we just wanted to make sure that you -- you know, people were aware of the program, that the deadline if you are experiencing possible foreclosure, it's now that you can get into the pre-screening process.
and they are thinking that the -- that there will be an overwhelming response.
and so I also want to caution people that just because you fill out a pre-screening application does not mean you will receive assistance.
it's likely they will have to go through a lottery system based on the people that made the minimum guidelines from the first look at the pre-screening qualification list.

>> thanks.

>> have you isn't it also to the city manager of the municipalities?

>> I have not, but I will do that when we get back.

>> thank you.

>> mr. Mansur.

>> judge, Commissioners, I'm here to remind all eligible employees open enrollment began yesterday and goes through August 20th.
it's important each and every important complete that.
we will be going on site Thursday, July 21st.
we'll have retiree appreciation today at the training room at 5501 airport on Thursday, July 27th.
we'll be out at the eastside service center on August 2nd and westside service center on August 5th.
so we'll be able to help employees at those locations or any employee that wants to go to those locations.
we also have our h.r.
location downtown here at 1010 lavaca where we can assist employees who need assistance, but anyone having access to a county computer can enroll online.
I do want to remind employees if you are enrolling dependents for the first time, they must provide the documentation to prove eligibility.
if they did so during the dependent audit last fall, if they provided the documentation at that point in time for their dependents, they don't have to do it again during open enrollment.
but if they are enrolling new dependents at this time, they do have to provide the documentation.
the nature of the documentation is in travis central website under benefits, it's also on the open enrollment page.
so they will be able to see what documentation is needed.
and if think need assistance, they can call 854-0404 for the 0404 forbenefit assistance.
the additional training on flexible spending is always a question employees have.
we expect to have someone from the fpmc administration here at least two days conducting training.
we'll have those dates and times and we'll publish those as soon as we have them nailed down.
but it's important for everyone to complete their open enrollment.
I know that sometimes we get tied up and forget to do so.
so I'm going back to the office right now and do my open enrollment so I'm not one of the last ones on the list.

>> what's the deadline?

>> August 20th.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> dr. Kim.

>> good morning.
good morning my honorable judge samuel thomas Biscoe and Commissioner Ron Davis and Margaret Gomez and sarah Eckhardt.
it is my time of the week when I spoke to all of you.
I have come here appreciate the praise and Texas and Travis County, better than heaven, kingdom of god, especially thanks to samuel thomas Biscoe, honorable judge.
I greatly appreciate you.
you are the best judge across the nation.
I have thought even though you did not allow me my motions or my petitions, still I respect you.
and I hope --

>> got you on camera, now, mr. Kim.

>> [laughter]

>> I hope that you will be the federal judge after this time.
after this.
you don't worry about campaign money, all those things.
I hope you will be federal judge instead of over there

>> [indiscernible] he should remine and leave the court.
-- resign and leave the court.
and 20 years ago, July 22, 1991, harvard professor edward wagner, his speaking is better than mine.
I am from south korea.
he wrote to me, I always have been thought of myself as a rather dull and boring fellow, but you have made me sound like a truly fascinating character, so powerful is the magic in your pen.
harvard university professor wrote to me, I have a magic pen in my writings, but over there the court, the court of Travis County and court of appeals and the Texas supreme court and the federal court decided me, declared me as a vexi out.
vexious litigant.
I did what the law asked me to do and they dismissed my case.
this letter from the white house on behalf of obama.
on behalf of president obama, thank you for your letter dated may 2, 2009 regarding the legal status of your

>> [indiscernible].
no, it's american terrorism kidnapping of high son and u.s.
government threatened south korean government to accept my son as alien terrorist.
as an aggravated felon.
but american court and the Texas court right here declared my son is not an aggravated felon.

>> [buzzer sounding] the case is pending.
thank you very much.

>> thank you.

>> thank you, dr. Kim.

>> you are welcome.

>> judge, under citizens communication, one comment made by one of the persons who spoke, he kind of laid the blame on the homestead preservation district situation, kind of laid it on the court, Travis County Commissioners court.
but you you've got to remember governor perry vetoed that bill.
governor perry vetoed the bill.
thank you.

>> those are the residents who signed in to speak under citizens communication.
anybody else whether you signed in or not?

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 6:17 PM