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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, June 14, 2011 (Agenda)
Executive Session Items

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We did indicate that we would take item 2 into executive session as early as possible.
now, let me ask the court this, we have been asked to postpone the following three items: item 32.

>> 32?

>> 32, 34, by the way these requests have come from the county attorney's office.
and item 36.
now, in view of the fact that leaves only a few items, it seems to me that while we're in executive session, we should take up the items that are left.
did I indicate this morning that we were going to postpone 29.

>> yes you did, judge.

>> that was a mistake.

>> oh.
we are not -- actually, I have four or five legal questions that we need to get answered.
what I meant to say was 35.
we postponed because of a key county person that we need for that discussion.
I think.
so actually that only leaves about three items. Number 2 the matter that we discussed this morning regarding the regulation of fireworks in unincorporated Travis County and we would go into executive session under consultation with attorney on that one.
to get a few legal questions answered.
29 is just a briefing but we need to get legal questions answered.
seems we need to have that back on the agenda for Tuesday for action, is that right, mr. Nellis?

>> I think it said previously the following Tuesday.

>> did I say that or you said that.

>> I think you said that.

>> we need our legal briefing though, right?

>> right.
receive legal briefing regarding issues relating to historical exemptions.
1 consultation with attorney exception.
consider and take appropriate action on an offer to sell to the county approximately 147.39 acres of land in northwest Travis County in connection with the balcones canyonlands conservation plan in precinct 3.
that will be the real estate exception, that's also -- let's also announce consultation with attorney in 30.
receive briefing and consider and take appropriate action in jane doe v.
richard "dick" furrs.
number a-10-ca-00504-ly.
this is outside legal counsel, so we may be able to get the lawyer here.
we may not get the lawyers here before we -- before we finish the other executive session items, we'll take 31 up if not we'll have to take it up this afternoon, but it will be consultation with attorney.

>> 31, I'm sorry, 31, I have a question.

>> it will have to be after we come back from executive session, dr. Kim.
it will have to be when we get back from executive session.
consider and take appropriate action on an offer to sell approximately 10 acres of land between burleson road and onion creek, located west of u.s.
highway 183 south in precinct four, for inclusion in the onion creek open space parkland - 2005 bond program.
real property exception to the open meetings act.
and, by the way, this afternoon we will do the interviews posted in 37.
a 1, discuss potential acquisition of open space land in eastern Travis County and that's the consultation with attorney and real property exceptions to the open meetings act.
we'll discuss these in executive session.
but we'll return to open court --

>> judge.
I just want to make sure that -- there were some items that passed

>> [indiscernible] definitely going in on 31?

>> we definitely are.

>> we definitely are going in on 31.
34 should be -- should be --

>> we were told to postpone 32, 34 and 36.

>> yes.

>> yes.

>> are we together on the others?
now, on the on the firrs matter, dr. Kim, on that matter that you have a question on.
I know nothing about that, I don't think the court does, either.
you may want to ask the county attorney if they have information that they can legally share with you.

>> 34?

>> you said that you had a question on.

>> 31 and 34.

>> 31, I know the lawyers, whatever information is available the lawyers will have it.
all we know about that is that we got sued and the lawyers are -- are working on this.
outside counsel on that, too, so I'm not sure there's information that we can share with you on 31.
on 33, after executive session, we'll share with you whatever we can.

>> yes, sir.

>> and then I have a question on number 7, planning -- planning other department.

>> we've already put that on consent, you are fortunate in that the deputy director of the planning and budget is the gentleman right there in that blue dark gray suit.
ask him whatever budget related questions that you have.

>> yes, sir.

>> we can help you a lot more than I can.

>> the -- the executive session items to me should be open to the public, may I be there?

>> no, sir.

>> they are not open to the public.

>> not open to the public.

We did announce these this morning, number 29, legal briefing regarding historical exemptions, under consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act.
consider and take appropriate action on an offer to sell to the county approximately 147.39 acres of land in northwest Travis County in connection with the balcones canyonlands conservation plan in precinct 3.
real estate exception and consultation with attorney.
receive briefing and consider and take appropriate action in jane doe v.
richard "dick" furrs.
and there's another item, purchasing item, to increase the -- the line item available for outside the legal fees, which is sort of companion to this briefing, but that's consultation with attorney in 31.
32 we postponed earlier.
consider and take appropriate action on an offer to sell approximately 10 acres of land between burleson road and onion creek, located west of u.s.
highway 183 south in precinct four, for inclusion in the onion creek open space parkland - 2005 bond program.
real property exception to the open meetings act.
34 we postponed, that's the matter involving morrow versus hill.
also postponements in 35 and 36.
in executive session we will also conduct performance reviews in item 37 of 1.
steve manilla; 2.
danny hobby; and 3.
roger jefferies.

We have announced the executive session items at least twice today.

>> [laughter]


>> [indiscernible]

>> a 1.

>> a 1 should go into executive session.

>> [multiple voices]

>> did we announce it?

>> I think that you did.

>> the first time but not the second time.

>> well, you are recommending to the county judge to announce it a second time, too, aren't you?
as county judge I heed the recommendation.

>> I will endorse that.
discuss potential acquisition of open space land in eastern Travis County.
under the consultation with attorney and real property exceptions to the open meetings act.
we will discuss the announced items but will return to open court before taking any action.

We have returned from executive session where we discussed the items announced, consisting of number 30, the matter involving the offer to sell Travis County approximately 147.39 acres of labd for the bccp.

>> move that we offer to purchase this land from the seller at the state law appraised value.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
we discussed item 31, but in my view no action today.
we'll have it back on the court's agenda next week for a follow-up discussion and appropriate action.
33, the matter involving approximately an offer to sell approximately 10 acres of land between burleson road and onion creek.

>> judge, I move that we accept the offer for 10 acres for 120,000.

>> second.

>> any discussion on the motion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
we discussed -- we conducted the performance evaluations in 37 of mr. Manila, hobby and jeffreys.
in my view no action necessary today.
we did give them good evaluations.
we'll have four more posted for this Thursday.
beginning at 1:30.
a-1, the matter involving the potential acquisition of open space land in eastern Travis County.

>> judge, I would like to maybe see this language be repeated for next week.
the same identical language.
and also maybe direct pbo to have a possible language available or let them know that there may be possible language that needs to be available for funding source.

>> okay.
and that's just -- is that more direction for staff?

>> it's more direction.
more direction to pbo.

>> all right.
we'll have it back on next week and hopefully have that information.
the other thing is to try to figure out what the governor has done on the senate bill that contained language affecting this.

>> exactly.

>> okay.
anything further today?

>> 29 and 13.

>> 29 and 13.

>> 29 should be reset along with whatever.

>> 29 we did not have a chance to discuss because we ran out of time.
and mr. Elliott beck had other commitments.
so we'll just have 29 back on the agenda next week for the discussion that we had hoped to have today.

>> and item 13?

>> and 13 is -- yeah, we need -- well, no, we don't.
13 is a matter that we said we would bring back next week and a lot will depend on what we do next week on the first matter.
yeah, first is 31 which we're bringing back, so 13 is really kind of the companion item for 31.

>> okay.

>> thank you for calling it to our attention.
what we'll do on 13 is make sure we postpone it so it will be brought back.
thank you, miss porter.
that was just a little test there to see if you were on your toes.
and you are.

>> [ laughter ] move adjournment.

>> second.

>> all in favor?
it passes on a vote of seven to zero.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 6:55 PM