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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 (Agenda)
Citizens Communication

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Citizen's communication is first and this item gives residents an opportunity to address the court not on the agenda for up to three minutes, four residents signed in.
john brady, if you will come first, moris priest, ronnie reeferseed will be third and gus pena fourth.

>> good morning, john brady with hre, risk and safety.
6,000 teens a year are killed in motor vehicle crash, 500 in the state of Texas.
that is ten a week so we are losing a teen every day.
the court and the sheriffs department have addressed this issue the past couple of years by supporting the Texas alive team which teaches team specific driver safety.
I wanted to announce the Texas teen safe driver coalition which involves various agencies involved with Texas public sayty including txdot, national safety institute and the national safety council to name a few and the idea of bringing all of these groups that are interested in saving teens' lives, addressing this epidemic under one umbrella to work together to really get some awareness out there.
I was not aware of the startling statistics until I became involved in this a couple of years ago.
so the coalition will have its for natural coming out party, I guess, at the capitol next Monday, at the noon.
hopefully the legislature -- the legislators will be at lunch.
senator watson and representative

>> [indiscernible] sponsored the rally, teens from all over the as well as parents will be present in support of the coalition.
appreciate your time and support.

>> thank you very much.
next Monday, twelve noon, state capitol.
mr. Priest.

>> thank you, judge, Commissioners, mor ri s priest, for years I told campo to not bring in rainforest and they did, reames of material of back backup material.
they are using it against me, for years I have signed up and my topic always has been financing and the environment but they are telling me I can't get the documents.
I have been getting them for years and I tried to, you know, no success to get our chair and the board to address this issue.
they are not abiding by the bylaws.
they are supposed to provide copies of this in the office for public inspection.
they have never done that.
I have asked many people to look at the record.
they came to October meeting and the public told them they weren't abiding by the rules.
they were supposed to have four meetings, senator watson's response was 4-2, we will let campo staff decide and then December 1st meeting and don't get to speak.
September 18th, I believe it was, there was a letter written as a direct response to one of the complaints I made about this cameron road 130 ramp funded by gas tech dollars.
I told the campo board this won't be there because I was at the meeting with ben wear and bob day and bob arlich and many other people, Williamson county Commissioner and it wasn't on the agenda on txdot and marlene and joe told me no, it is not true and then the next month when they had the meeting it was pulled by txdot just as I said.
kirk watson said and he did pull citizens communication, although it was characterized by county Commissioner, we have a kick off meeting.
we will meet you where you live, come into your living room.
that campo meeting was canceled due to posting error.
I have receive quite a bit of harassment from the front desk and executive director which was a very bad hire by the campo board.
many people are aware of the entire history of this and a week from today, Wednesday at 10:00 p.m., I will air an entire show and encourage you to log on to or watch it channel 10 at 10:00 on access television.
more issues that have been broached but I do know I have quite a bit of support from the federal level and I think that in time, we will see this -- the lives of campo being unfolded.
I did talk to some of the people with the homeland security office because they do deal with governmental affairs on transportation, but basically my request was, since I have been harassed, to just go ahead and mail me the items as they do the board members.
I was told that I didn't have that right and I -- I beg to differ.
I think this is pretty exciting

>> [buzzer alarming] and we can't be treated as cattle by bureaucratics and I want the Commissioners court to put this on upcoming agenda to get the Commissioner's court position on this matter.
anybody open to that idea?

>> thank you, mr. Priest.
you are out of time.

>> obviously not.
thank you.

>> you may proceed.

>> thank you, sir.
place one engel, place three chris bailey.
look into it.

>> anyway, I ammaron any reeferseed, uniquely blessment I survived life altering traumatic brain injury with the help of hhc and the main chemical of mary, the flowering hemp plant.
I started way too young smoking pot, I know.
it's not for kids.
instead, now I know that it will be best if you started until your mid 20s at the earliest, say, after college, then I would suggest perhaps exploring the idea.
but -- but do what I say and not what I do, right, kids?
no, but truly, I started too young and my late father used mary to trick me into leaving my mother's home to instead live with my dad's house of sin with no rules.
I didn't know.
wasted many years.
lost my mother, anyway, but, hey, in libya the bbc reported that civilians in libya were cheering in support of being bombed.
keep them coming.
we love being bombed and killed to be liberated from gadhafi, who remember he voluntarily surrendered the nations weapons of mass destruction capabilities.
why punish that guy?
I mean, gadhafi is a role model for peace.
he decides to instead invest in infrastructure, benefits for the citizens, not wmds like we still do.
big time.
meanwhile, to get help to suffering civilians, that's why we are bombing libya according to the control of bbc, to help those suffering civilians, we help them by bombing them, get it?
they are cheering for us as wal bomb them, so says the bbc, so turn on your computer, people or elsewhere to find truth from the alternative media such as american free, that great populous weekly newspaper and call 1800aaa6397 and info has well documented and well written articles, free your mind and don't save your love for liberty and the constitution.
we are blessed and I got on after many, many months of being banned but somehow I got on.
listen to info wars dot-com, it is a great site is and it is there every weekday.
I am sorry, 10-1, 11-2 weekdays here on 90.1 and then 4-6 on Sunday afternoons, 90.1fm, absolutely free and I listen to them on bbc -- I mean, on the internet --

>> [buzzer alarming]

>> thank you so much.

>> thank you, mr. Reeferseed.
mr. Pena.

>> good morning, judge, Commissioner gus pena native Austin a proud graduate of johnston high school and a veteran.
Commissioner and judge what I have given you I am sure you know a what it is about, they had a meeting about social service contracts agencies in in Austin and council member randi shade and mayor pro tem mike martinez and laura morrison are the members that constitute the committee on health and human services.
we know that not all service providers are going to be funded or maybe funded as they were last year.
I want to tell you this much.
I have spoken with all senators, all state representatives and what I -- and even the lieutenant governor, speaker of the house, joe straus, what I hear coming from the capitol is catastrophic and devastating.
a lot of the programs, social service agencies won't be funded.
there are cuts big time in education.
we heard about the or stories of education, layoffs of teachers.
I want to tell you this much, we are fighting as we speak, bringing veterans hopefully two weeks before memorial day and surround the capitol, hopefully, good lord willing to show not only social service funding is critical, for not only mental health truancy prevention, drop out prevention and teen mom who is have babies and want to go to school and the other key critical of being social fabric if you will.
I want to say this much, as far as I am concerned, I am former educator, also.
I the will fight -- I will not fight go ahead and advocate for teacher retention and more funding for better service for our children.
at this time, I would like to recognize students from harris, and their teachers, will you stand up so we can give you round of applause for being here?

>> [applause].
thank you very much.
y'all are our future members of education is key critical to the the foundation of you and your lives, thank you very being here.
judge, I have proudly worked for the irs, department of treasury of irs, the city of Austin and Travis County and the state of of Texas.
I have proudly served these great agencies and sometimes I don't reflect it but my professional manner is above reproach, my demeanor is above reproach and I have respect for people and I find during my course of of visits here at Travis County and city couple and city of Austin that is not the case -- city council and city of Austin, that has not been the case.
there are individuals that defamed people, slandered people.
it is not correct, it is not appropriate.
and I hope, judge, these issues and these individuals are addressed on these issues.
you just don't slander a person, defame a person and say just incorrect issues and thoughts about peoplement respect for the people, okay of.

>> [buzzer alarming] thank you very much and students keep up the good work.
thank you, judge.

>> thank you.

>> thank you, mr. Pena.
let's call off consent items after we check the special items and resolutions if that's okay.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 6:56 PM