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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, April 26, 2011 (Agenda)
Citizens Communication

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The next item is citizens communication and we do have three people signed up -- or four people.
first person is florenciofeliz.
following him will be ronnie reeferseed.

>> good morning.

>> good morning.

>> Commissioners.
we are now at the end of six months here from when we started our park cadet academy.
we graduate them tomorrow evening so I want to reintroduce them to you all.

>> very good.

>> this is the fen issued product, as you call it, of the -- hopefully is going to be a future career in the fire service, okay?
and they've learned many lessons, many experiences, and I think the one thing I keep hearing about them is their maturity levels have really had to, I guess, kind of grow up as a team, okay?
so I want to kind of just come back and let you see them and thank you for allowing us to host and conduct the fire academy.
this is class number 11.
as you all well know, it started with t.
smith well before my time.
I've been able to continue this great program.
we're here to say thank you very much and I just wanted you all to take a look at our cadets, and I did want to just part with one of the traditions we have in our cadet academy, they all come up with their own chant and they remember it forever, it seems like.
before we do that, do you all have any questions?

>> this is wonderful news.
I remember the first class when we first set up the program and it was really a wonderful thing to do.
thank you all.

>> I just want to say again, I was around when the first class came around, and, of course, a lot of folks have gone through this particular program and I want to thank you all for your service and for what you are doing.
and I think it's just a way to show we have the proper outreach to the young men and women of Travis County who would like to pursue such a career.
and it's a really, really dedicated situation and we definitely need that kind of service.
if you know what's going on right now, there's really a service you should be proud of and I know you are and we're proud of you all.
every last one of you.
I want to say thank you to you all.

>> thank you.

>> there's going to be plenty of work out there.
it's a tinderbox and the winds are high and I can't thank you enough for your desire to serve in this way.

>> you took the words out of my mouth.
I mean, thank you for your commitment to this.
we need you big time and we appreciate you.

>> thank you.

>> one of the unique items of our cadet academy, we require they perform rideouts as they are moving through the process, and we're the unique part of the academy training process, no other academy does that in Travis County, very few in the state or beyond this.
so they already have experiences that they put under their belt and they can share with you, but that's the first part of the process.
without further ado we'll let them do their class chant and get out of here.

>> [class chant]

>> [applause]

>> I told my mother every Tuesday afternoon and say mama, look what Travis County has done to me.

>> congratulations to each of you.
good luck.
next speaker is ronnie reeferseed.
I have number two twos then.
and number 3 will be mr. Reeferseed.

>> thank you.
ronnie reeferseed.
singing hallelujah, yes, the birdies still chirp, chatter and crow with enthusiasm and love for the right to live.
it's sacred.
let us all do what we can to help stop the killing so we can instead explore other options.
love is all you need.
we can all celebrate the gift of life while working to protect it.
people instinctively know in their guts that babies are never to blame for anything in their world so executing any of them for any reason is absolutely evil.
in my opinion.
so what african nation has our black president attacked this week.
of course, we always have the poppy war in afghanistan, the death wish in sociopathy and we are still bombing pakistan and drones are inherently evil with more innocent civilians destroyed as collateral damage.
the leadership of pakistan has been beg our so-called president the peace prize to invade.
targeted killing, so-called assassinations are illegal and have to remain that way for the sake of world peace so the dictatorial banks to openly move our nation into full blast killer mode against gadhafi and libya is a huge mistake.
never, never refuse negotiations.
it's simple.
I mean obviously why do we have to somehow correct all world leaders about how they treat israel.
let's lead by example promoting love for life worldwide with absolute freedom for farmers.
legalizing freedom for family farms just say no to truly evil monsanto.
more food means less starvation and pick up a phone and dial 1-888-322-1414 or weekly updates from our founding fathers as channeled through ob-gyn dr. Ron paul.
again, 1-888-322-1414 for weekly updates from Ron paul.
visit Ron paul@info
lots of information.
l-e-w for more ideas and facts and still more in fact.
yes, these problems seem immense because they are but we can do better to legalize freedom to, stop the killing, face reality, act accordingly.
hey, it is the best we can do so let's hear what joy in wherever we can, let's cancel the counterproductive war on hemp for absolute freedom for farmers.

>> [buzzer sounding] promotes hateful death with up to 40% of people rotting behind bars for nonviolent hempsters.
free pot now at

>> thank you.
mr. Pena.

>> gus pena, native east Austinite, proud marine corps veteran.
what I gave you is the city of Austin, and I've been telling you about the lags, how many 12 years, more than that up here before this elective body is that the city of Austin is going to establish a -- it's styled Austin core students, an advisory group from students throughout the high schools of city of Austin, Austin independent school district, to advise the city council on the issues that affect the youth.
what better than the youth to tell us what the youth need and what the youth want instead of us adults simply mandating to the youth.
we have a very intelligent youth group.
this is something I had asked this elected body to think about maybe we could implement that.
I'll leave it at that.
item number 2 is that I've been walking the halls of the capitol.
I've lobbied, unpaid, on a volunteer basis, what a true activist is unpaid all the state representatives, the speaker, the lieutenant governor, the governor, I gave them a letter I showed you last week from me and my group the rainy day fund.
I want the people out there to listen very closely.
you can lobby all the senators that you want.
you can lobby all the state representatives, the ultimate decision comes down to the governor.
we have a majority of senators willing to tap into the rainy day fund for 2012 and 2013.
we have a majority of partisan, republican, democrat and tea partiers, but the issue is this, it ultimately comes down to the governor whether he signs off on it or rejects it.
I urge everybody to call not only your state senators and lieutenant governor, but call the governor.
let him know this is what we want.
we have a lot of people throughout the state of Texas calling.
we are going to have a group of veterans surrounding the capitol in about three weeks showing force of veterans.
whether you served in iraq, vietnam.
item last, I've always told you we need more mentors and students for students at Austin independent school district.
we've losing a lot of kids to dropout rate and truancy.
we need to have a lot more mentors and tutors for the kids to learn the subject matter and pass the taks test.
veterans, how care how you feel about the war, I served in the vietnam war, the tail end.
support our veterans.
a lot of issues, family issues, ptsd, mental health issues, substance abuse issues, we need to support our veterans.
show your appreciation.
veterans are the ones that fought the wars and established what the united states of america is and I'm still proud of it irregardless of whether we owe trillions to china which should not have happened but it's still ourer in and I will definanced it if I have to be back into the marine corps.
the society's worth is murder by its treatment of the homeless.
we need jobs with benefits.
thank you all very much.

>> mr. Shiply.
john shiply.

>> thank you.
I'm here to speak on item number 20, which is floating habitable structures.
my name is john shiply.
first of all I want to thank Commissioner Huber for hearing my side of the world on Friday.
I am a developer on Lake Travis.
I created and built sandy creek yacht club in 1998 on the sandy creek arm of Lake Travis and I am the developer, myself and my partner brian george that staff has referred to wanting to build floating habitable structures within a marina structure.
first of all, I would like to point out no one from county staff has contacted me.
it was news to me that this was even an issue with the county after I read the results of your meeting two weeks ago.
I simply would like to say that no one -- again, no one from county staff has contacted me or my consultants.

>> mr. Shiply, were you going to be here for item 20 when we get to it?

>> yes, ma'am.

>> if you want to wait and see what staff has to say.
it is an issue that is coming back to us and they will have some information and then you can address it at that time.

>> not a problem.
thank you.

>> okay.
thank you.
dr. Kim.

>> good morning all of you.

>> good morning.

>> thank you again.
I'm here to praise america and Texas and the Travis County court and all of you.
I'm here to democratize Travis County, Texas and Travis County.
this week time magazine published article democratization of influence.
and I received a letter from county judge Biscoe, but he's not here.
I planned to say about his letter, but he's not here.
I'm not sure why -- I'm sorry --

>> he's on vacation.
a well-deserved vacation.

>> he takes within small vacation a year.

>> so I hope he will enjoy.
I will not talk about his letter.
I will talk about it when he come back.
I checked my name, john k.
the first item is john kim is vectious litigant declared by Travis County court in supreme court Texas April 13 clerk gave me a notice without my writing.
gave me a notice of denial.
he didn't explain at all.
how the court declare me -- I'm sorry.

>> [telephone ringing] the court declared me like this.
I advise you by telephone last week not to say every -- not to ever again contact or attempt to contact my client in any way.
you are present yourself and you have the same obligation to comply with appropriate rules as applies to

>> [indiscernible] the presenting clients in the court.
this my request that you comply with the rules and no longer contact my client.
you have one, two occasions

>> [indiscernible] not only ignore my request, I regard this conduct as full evidence as a vectious litigant and intend to point out to the court if you do it again, I will ask the court to hold knew contempt and impose appropriate sanctions.

>> [buzzer sounding] this is defendant mark hammons' attorney.
he wrote court order, the judge scott jenkins assigned it.
court order February 25 before the hearing at all.
without hearing at all.
the defendant lawyer wrote court order February 25.
March 2nd scott jenkins assigned him.
that's a monkey court in america, in the united states.
judges are not supposed to let the defendant lawyer to write a court order.

>> thank you, dr. Kim.

>> you're welcome.
how they define me as

>> [inaudible].

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 6:56 PM