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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 (Agenda)
Item 29

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29 is to consider and take approach action on request for funding.
renovation projects at 700 lavaca to include, a arc trek engineering service plus additional scope for level level first and second floors, b, furniture you had funding to support departmental moves into fa it is, and c, painting the 700 lavaca parking garage.

>> good morning, judge.
I have include the information from the department.
facility management department requests and recommended that the budget for the lower floor, first and second at 700 lavaca, be increased by $1,775,588.
originally it was budgeted for 8.8 million.
the increase is due to an unbudgeted item for the ae fees which is $906,600.
and also the $600,000 for the cafeteria.
those two items were not budgeted before.
then we have addition the 268,998 for other project costs.
for the lower level first and second floor project, only architectural and engineering fees of 906,600 will be released this year.
we're asking to be released this year.
the $600,000 cafeteria budget and the other project costs we are asking to be ear marked for fy 12, and we have checked this with pbo and they are on board on that ear mark and release of the funds now.
just to let you know, the facility went over all this budget and we are in concurrence of it and recommending increase of $1,900, 075,000.

>> good morning judge and Commissioners.
it's been a long time since being at this desk.
as roger explained very well, this is a budget increase that is needed to include some items previously not contemplated in the scope.
the food service area and the a and e fees are the primary, two primary else the.
and --primary items. This will be the last nitime we will be coming before you a/xan modifying the budget.

>> on the cafeteria and the other project costs, if we are going to spend the money in fy 2012, why isn't it a budget issue for fy 12?
cafeteria, 600,000 is as round a figure as any, but we would have a more accurate figure if we designed it first.
it will be designed by the budget process, won't it?

>> yes, sir, it will be designed to project.
what we are looking at is the ability to make commitments.
the cash will not be spent until the next budget year am we may bic making commitments in the design and construction process prior to that.
that is why roger is asking for that and we're in agreement with that.
I hope that answered your question.

>> comes close.

>> I think they wanted to give you a picture of where we were in the process too, even as some of it will be fy 12 funding.

>> I appreciate it.

>> good morning, judge, Commissioners, rodney rodes.
we're concuring with roger's recommendations to include the additional funds for the cap cafeteria equipment and other constructions costs in the fy 12 budget and we will recommend that it be included as part of the ceo's for fy 12.
we anticipate probably what we will have to do come back with a reimbursement resolution after October 1 to expedite the construction work itself.

>> what you are asking for today is not the money but you are asking for authorization to plan to spend it at the appropriate time.
there is a difference there.
the backup indicates that it would be taken from allocated reserve.
whereas I think I'm hearing you say it should be an ear mark against allocated reserve in 2012.

>> only for the cafeteria and the other parts--

>> yeah, 600 and 268.
but the other amount you need right now.

>> correct.

>> I think we are together on that.

>> yes, we.

>> we need 906 immediately and a commitment on the 600 and 268.

>> that is correct.

>> they are also asking for the 245 for the ssne and 81,000 for painting of the parking garage.
those three amounts for this fiscal year, the rest for next.

>> okay, but the figures we just covered, though, are in a.

>> that is correct.

>> okay.
Commissioner Davis.

>> judge, I'm trying to follow this.
in item 23, which is the amendment as, 2357 which attached itself to the occurrences that are happening in item 29, are you suggesting that the amendments that are really going against the allocated reserve, what are you suggesting?
in other words, don't apply?

>> if we follow my thinking.

>> don't apply 23 to 29?

>> the reason we didn't put 23 on consensus is that we need to discuss the substance items first.
they would be 29, 4 and 9.
maybe some others.
and depending on the decision that we make, we go back to 23 and figure out what transfers we need to make.

>> that is correct.
we probably should have packaged these together.

>> yeah.

>> sorry, Commissioner.

>> get a had ed.

>> we probably should have packaged these together.

>> yeah.

>> and I apologize for that.
that is absolutely correct, we're looking for action on 29 and then action on 4 and then action on 23.
yes, sir.

>> okay, that is the process.

>> yes, sir, if you please.

>> yeah, okay.

>> on.
a, what I am suggesting is that we tap allocated reserve now for the 906.

>> yes, sir.

>> and basically commit to the funds necessary for cafeteriaen an other project costs.
and when the funding is needed we basically will make it available.

>> that is correct.

>> that is just a.

>> yes.

>> and the painting of the garage, which is c, that is separate.

>> that is correct.

>> any other discussion of a?

>> I second your motion.

>> move approval.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor.
that passes by unanimous vote.
b is furniture funding to support departmental moves.

>> furniture, in your backup, I provided a spreadsheet showing the break down of the furniture we're requesting for about $345,000 for this coming fiscal year fy 11.
we went with our process with the furniture.
lex give an example.
one of the processes on this.
fir stands--for instance, you change the furniture, there's good furniture.
we look into our system if there's furn too --furniture for the new space.
if we don't find it then we buy new personal.
this is the case with the new office because they have system furniture.
the other case is if you have a case of furniture and you change the system to the other system, then just like we have right now with its, so this way we can have to work on their space and make sure that, you know, those system fist the new space.
so really it is kind of the existing system furniture and goes to a case good furniture and the on the system furniture goes from case good to the other system.
so this is a way I'm trying to explain the ist stands for purchasing which is needed on that.
on the other offices, we look at the existing furniture and then if we rate them to see if they are good furniture or not, then we go back and forth with the office and make sure that, you know, what we ask, what they are asking for is really needed in the new design space.
sometimes you have to do the space--

>> I'm glad you brought that point up because the policy we have looked at, just because it's a new building does in the --not necessarily get all new furniture.

>> correct.

>> that needs to be hammered across the county.
if we have good existing furniture, by god, let's use it.
I want to be sure that happens here and any other new building that we bring on line for use by county departments, again, if the new building does not necessarily mean you get new furniture with the building.
it's a mixture.
I want to make sure that is on.

>> right.
that is what we are doing all along, Commissioner.
we do have a process, you know, I'll be glad to send it to you all if you need.

>> exactly.

>> we go flowchart about everything in the system.
what we talk about inventory, inventory means everything, existing inventory like purchasing warehouse and other furniture that people leave behind.
we look at those first before we go and ask for new furniture to be purchased.

>> good.

>> that is what we did.
we recommend that the approval of $345,000.

>> move approval.

>> for this year.

>> second.

>> to get to 700 lavaca.

>> you would need to be able to access that immediately.

>> right.

>> okay.
motion and second to approve b.
any discussion?
all in favor.
that passes by unanimous vote.
and c.

>> the painting, the parking provided at 700 lavaca, we need to power wash and paint it all over.
so we are requesting that the $81,000 so we can move forward with it.
and this coming season because really we need to paint the garage and outside when we have a nice weather, not cold weather just like coming months.

>> how do we arrive at $81,000?
if you think of a house being painted for 3,000, 81,000 is a big number.

>> yeah, it's a huge garage.
it's about like seven story up and has half a city block.
it needs a lots of pressure washing.
they are going to put some scaffolding or some kind of a lift.
that is how we estimated that.
and we can go forward and talk to the vendor and see what the process is to do it.
but this is--

>> I will come over in the middle of the project just to observe.
can you do that?

>> the higher it is, the more the cost to point it.

>> I move approval of c.

>> discussion on the motion?.
all in favor d.
that passes by unanimous vote.
I would love to come over and see that in the middle of the project, let me know.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 7:34 PM