Travis County Commissioners Court
Tuesday, March 22, 2011,
Item 14
Those two items involving the expo center, 14 is consider and take appropriate action on special application Texas for a refund of all fees paid for an event canceled due to inclement weather February 3 through 5, 2011.
and the request here is for $13,180, all of the fees paid in advance, and the bad weather that day was an ice storm and I understand that the law enforcement folk at various levels encouraged the group to cancel that event and not have the participants and parents come to the expo center.
>> yeah, and this was really a rough day and they had a question and called a refund because they could not use the expo center and all the road work closed at that time on that day.
>> move that we give it to them.
the refund.
>> second.
>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
of the full court.
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Last Modified:
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 6:49 PM