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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, March 1, 2011,
Item 24

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24 is to and make appropriate action on making an appointment to the downtown Austin transportation management association board of directors.

>> on this item, this is the regional mobility authority -- I'm sorry.
we're doing the t.n.a., aren't we?
number 24?

>> 24.
Austin transportation management association.

>> my apologies.
the t.m.a.
was established under the good offices of the downtown Austin alliance.
it's up and running, going quite well.
they've got buy laws established and a person board established an are asking for our appointments to the board as one of the funding organizations of the t.m.a.
I recommend diane blank enship as our h.r.
representative since the benefits to us of the t.m.a.
is providing alternatives and information with regard to come mute solutions for our employees.
I've spoken with miss blankenship and she has agreed to be appointed if it is the will of the court.

>> I have two or three questions.
one would be, who else is on the board?
do we know that?
and what's their backgrounds?

>> I don't have the full list in front of me.
I know that chris riley from the city of Austin is anticipated to be the city's appointment to the board.
let me see if I can pull that up.
I do have the list in my e-mail.

>> I would like a week, anyway.
but I would like to know who's on there and for each person what his or her background is.
we've invested $37,000.
I need to know the total budget and what the the other partners donated or contributed.
I did see the bylaws.
and okay, what is the backup like a revised draft for the downtown Austin transportation management association?

>> yeah.
my apologies for that.
I noticed that as well.
it's a red-lined version.
and there is a final version.
I'm sorry that red lined was the one that ended up in the backup.

>> that's right.
but this is a revised draft of a previous document for this board.

>> yes.
it's the interim board which included myself and several others put together a baseline bylaws that organization could go ahead and be incorporated and then move to create a permanent board that would automatically have at least a baseline by laws that they could then tweak as they saw fit.

>> well, and when I look at the bylaws, my first thought was we need somebody with something to do with transportation.

>> the thought was actually that the board members, the most he cautious skill set for board members was to be able to get into the major employers in the downtown area to facilitate conversation and movement toward commute solutions in order to maximize downtown space and transportation.
because as many have remarked recently, we are pretty much maxed out on rubber tire capacity in the downtown area.

>> part of the problem if I recall -- correct me, judge I guess is requesting another week on this.
but if I recall when we're looking at this initially, there was a person that I opposed being, especial with transport-important persons to downtown, we were looking at for one example.
some of the complaints that I have heard in the community are those particular -- in example, Austin colony, good example.
as far as having a person that likely come to work downtown and do some things and also on 3177, another being that's kind of out of the setting as far as return routes and stuff like that.
so those issues have not yet still been resolved as far as looking at an opportunity for a day time transportation situation out, an example, Austin column next bringing them to town and then a nighttime, evening-time transit that takes them back to Austin column any.
and of course, I ask these questions -- I've been trying to get some answers to this.
and I know I did get a chance to talk to one of the cap mitchell representatives.
and of course, they're kind of out of the area.
I think as far as where they're going, I think it's probably out to where 3177 intersects 969, I think they were looking at the point of that route.
so there's still a lot of loose ends on a lot of things here as far as getting folks in town, using.
and I think the judge hit the key on the head there was in transportation.
because this is what folks are really looking at to try to get in and out of downtown.
captain mitchell right now is kind of not a part of that.
and then the question is now, ho do we bring those transportation-available forces to the table to bring those persons, especially in those perimeter e.t.j.
communities, to bring them into downtown.
so there's still a lot that need to be met on this.
but we can all still try to get some answers.

>> I can certainly get some more backup on what the organization's mission is, its permanent board members, the budget as well as a clean copy of the.
and I guess why dale knoll would not be a better person.
I think miss powell indicated she does not have the time to spend on this.
she's working on the other stuff?

>> correct.

>> dale noelle and t.d.r.?
I guess we funded it in air quality because --

>> I'm wanting to look at the situation as far as funding with t.c.q.
how we actually have done away with the library program, another type situation, in the course of other programs that the funding is not going to be made available.
so I'm kind of nervous about future funding for a situation that may evaporate away as far as funding source.

>> true.
that is definitely a concern.

>> we'll have it back on next week.

>> thank you.
thank you, Commissioner.

>> sure.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, February, 2011 2:19 PM


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