Travis County Commissioners Court
Tuesday, March 1, 2011,
Item 16A
16 a, review and approve requests regarding grant programs. A is the annual application to the substance abuse and mental health services administration, center for substance abuse treatment for juvenile probation to receive year two of a potential four-year grant to continue to enhance the department's existing drug court.
your question, mr. Reeferseed?
>> well, thank you.
I just wanted to -- it was a comment that I think we would all -- we could -- they are doing great work and I admire the stuff that -- the leadership from our county on this issue generally speaking as a law enforcement issue, but we can do so much more when we just pay attention to people like dr. Ron paul and ignore the present administration's efforts to continue the -- the punishment phase.
and so I -- it's a way to comment we're on the right track, but we need to even do more along those lines.
so not a lot on substance, but we can be proud generally speaking here in Travis County, but we need to fight the war on pot smokers even harder because it's counterproductive.
>> move approval.
>> anything further?
>> that's it.
>> motion by Commissioner hooker to approved, seconded by Commissioner Davis.
discussion on the motion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
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Last Modified:
Tuesday, February, 2011 2:19 PM