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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, February 22, 2011,
Executive Session

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We are to executive session.


>> [inaudible - no mic].

>> we just announced that we would take 24-c into executive session.
that's the matter involving the executive -- the county executives.

>> now, judge, you only announced that.
you can have it under the personnel exemption.
were you curious to have any advice from attorney on that one?

>> I said I was hoping I would not, john.

>> okay.

>> do you have advice to give us?

>> no one has any advice to give you at this point, but in the discussions it may -- it may evolve into that.

>> then by all means, let's also announce under the consultation with attorney exception.

>> I'm wondering, judge, toddes on borne is still out in the hall.
I'm wondering if we shouldn't have him as the compensation director and hr give us just a brief overview of what's happening in the compensation committee with regard to funding priorities, because I know there's discussion about funding priorities.

>> is that in relation to each one of these positions?

>> todd, sorry to --

>> otherwise it's open court, right, john?

>> I believe that's open court, correct?

>> right.

>> are you suggesting we get that now?

>> I'm suggesting we get him to frame it up for us so we are all on the same page about what's happening in the compensation committee on the discussion of funding priorities because I know there's a fairly robust conversation there.
24c not to put you on the spot, but I'm putting you on the spot.

>> this is 24-c.

>> todd osbourne, compensation manager.
good afternoon.

>> afternoon.

>> 24-c, how that relates to funding priorities in the compensation committee, is that the issue at hand?

>> yes, sir.
nice haircut, todd.

>> thank you.
well, the compensation committee is scheduled to meet tomorrow, 10:00, and funding priorities is actually one of the issues that is to come up as.
as of today compensation priorities have not been explicitly written into the policy.
and the recommendation that was approved in the last meeting on the ninth was essentially that the compensation committee be reformulated every year beginning in the budget process, to give the Commissioners' court its best recommendations for what the compensation priorities should be in any given budget year.
in regards to the issue in 24-c, I don't think that there is a direct tie between that item and what's going on in the compensation committee.
so I can't give you great advice other than to say that the executive managers would be a part of the overall study that's taking place right now and a recommendation would come forward, more than likely would be the same recommendation you've already received on these.
in terms of the timing of when that implementation took place as compensation manager, my advice would be that it would take place at approximately the same time any other implementation took place, but I would certainly leave that the court's discretion.

>> so the only relation point would be the pay adjustment schedule that you're starting to, I suppose, better understand that final phrase, that the pay adjustment schedule, you would recommend it be an integrated pay adjustment schedule with everything else going on.

>> that would be my advice, yes.

>> thank you.

>> I'm advised that specific county executives may want to address the court on their respective individual positions on this?
so we'll certainly make it personnel matter.
so 24-c we'll take up under the personnel and consultation with attorney exceptions to the open meetings act.
we have been asked to postpone item 33 until further notice.
that's the matter involving the intrado.

>> that's correct, but can I substitute one, judge?
a matter has come up on item number 8 that I need to advise you in under attorney-client privilege.
that was an attorney that was approve on consent, but because the negotiations that happened today, one item I need to advise you on.

>> okay.
number 8 is a matter involving the microsoft enterprise agreement with Texas department of information resources through dell inc.
it will be consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act.
34 is the matter involving the potential acquisition of open space land.
consultation with attorney plus real estate exceptions.
and a-1, receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action regarding hamilton pool cleanup and remediation.
and that will be the consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act.
so those are four items that we'll discuss in executive session, but will return to open court before taking any action.

>> judge, number 14, did we postpone that?

>> no.

>> right.
is that okay?

>> that's fine.

>> is that the ground water?

>> yes.

>> yeah.

>> we've returned from executive session where we discussed the four items that were announced.
before we go there, we had a motion and a second pending on item number 12 regarding the 15 persons that we announced for appointment to the citizens advisory committee for the 2011 traffic bond referendum, the county judge had moved approval of those 12 persons, seconded by Commissioner Gomez.
anymore discussion of that motion?
all in favor, that passes by unanimous vote.
now, in executive session we discussed item number 8, the matter involving the micro enterprise agreement from Texas department of information resources through dell, inc., a matter that we had on the consent motion this morning, any further action at this time?
then we'll leave that approval standing.
we discussed...
24c, the matter involving various county executives that we used to call executive managers, in the positions that we approved early this morning.
we discussed after chatting with two of the managers the need for us to make some decisions before landing on any kind of a pay adjustment, and our general discussion was that we would commit to taking that action, or those actions as appropriate by the end of March.
and we believe we can do that.
and then revisit this item, and that's my motion any discussion?
all in favor?
show Commissioners eckhart voting in favor.
Commissioner Davis voting no.
Commissioner Gomez had to leave shortly after four o'clock.
we discussed item 34, the matter involving the potential acquisition, open space land that we were advised of land purchases, currently underway as well as some that would be recommended to the bond advisory committee.
any other further action require on the that item today?
if necessary for us to consider it further, we'll stick it back on the agenda.
we also want to discuss the hamilton pool cleanup and remediation item.
and we got a briefing.
any other action required today?
do we think we might need it next week?
if so, we'll just stick it back on tomorrow, Thursday or Friday.
with that, ms. Porter, I believe we are done for the day.

>> we're adjourned.

>> Commissioner Davis moves adjournment.
I second.
all in favor.
that passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Thursday, February 24, 2011 3:23 PM


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