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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, February 15, 2011,
Item 18

View captioned video.

>> 18 is to consider and take appropriate action on the following matters related to the Travis County healthcare district board of managers.
a, short lives of interviews to fill current county appointed vacancy.
b, proposed questions for interviews with candidates, and c, interview schedule and other related issues.


>> [inaudible]

>> no problem.
we have plenty of speakers.

>> good morning.
sherry fleming, executive manager for health and human services and veteran service.
I have a hard-working subcommittee who I believe have a report.
so I will yield to Commissioner Eckhardt.

>> I yield to amber because she yielded to me and I yielded to her the week before.

>> judge and court, we have a report.
we have a short list for you to consider for interviewing consisting of lynn hudson, our ncmp, rebekah litsey, rudolph yo arjemira, trish o'day and jeff nelson.

>> trish o'day is a r.n.
and jeff nelson is a m.d.

>> okay.
and I believe we maintained the same list of questions.
we were asked to shorten them last week, but basically several of them we had already combined.
and the last question is basically just a closure question.
so there are eight questions total.

>> okay is the prove the short list of individuals?

>> absolutely.

>> seconded by Commissioner Eckhardt.
discussion of the motion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
on the interview questions and b, my only question is on question one, is that supposedly a question that requires answers to three parts, or do we expect the interviewee to choose one, the mission challenge or opportunities, or do we expect the three to be addressed?

>> I personally would like to see the three addressed.
we did in our telephone screening use that as one of them.
and I received quite a variety of answers dependent on which one of those categories they wanted to focus on.
it's the single question in the list that's sort of the good broad lead open-ended question so that you can let.

>> and get an unvarnished response.

>> we would expect those three to be addressed, mission challenges and opportunities, right?
which is fine.

>> yes.

>> but what we expect of one we should expect of all six.

>> [one moment please for captioner change]

>> do I hear a motion to approve the list of questions?

>> I move the approval of the list of questions.

>> second.

>> discussion on that motion?

>> judge, if I may, the court had directed staff to correspond with ms. Trish young brown regarding what she considers to be her five critical issues and I just wanted to call that to your attention as part of your packet.
and it may not I am pack the questions at all, but you did have that and she did list five critical areas.
so that may be just for your information, but do you have that.

>> and we appreciate those.
miss artemus?

>> I'll refer you to and remind you of the e-mail that I distributed to everybody to mr. Salazar.
it has not only the suggested report card, but also what to screen for.
you were getting at the gist of some of the questions I thought should be asked asking and I was asking you to screen for the specific ones I was wanting you to look for.
I'll just remind you of those.

>> how do you pronounce your last name?

>> artemus.

>> anything further?

>> I would like to be appraised of the schedule for interviews and also the short list.
I couldn't find the short list anywhere.

>> I can provide you mine.
and that -- thank you for reminding me actually.
we wanted to firm up our schedule for interviews as March the 10th.
does that still work for everyone?
so that we can start contacting the list?

>> March the 10th at 1:00 is what we said last week.
if we started one, we would be able to get done by 5:00 hopefully.
and those would be in open court and they would be taped, but not televised.
and ms. Artemus the public would be come to watch the interviews, but not participate.

>> where can I find the bios on these candidates?

>> these the bio holder sitting to your left.

>> I can provide them.
we normally do not post them on the website.
I know some organizations may do that, but we have not historically done that.
but I can provide them to you.

>> okay.

>> March 10th 1:00 p.m.
still work for everybody?

>> okay.
I've been advised by legal that we would have to run them through legal before we release them.

>> or just redact the private stuff.

>> because they may have some confidential by law personal things in there.

>> you can just redact the private stuff.
I'm trying to get at what their background credentials are.

>> and we did work up a little chart and I'd be happy to just redact two columns off that chart and give it to you.
it has the name, the educational attainment and just a quick thumbnail list of their work history and the organizations to which they either belonged or participated in.
would that --

>> that would be great.
and additionally some of the candidates may actually want to voluntarily let the public know more stuff about them.
and if that's okay, I would like -- the more information the better.

>> okay.

>> Commissioner Eckhardt is correct.

>> the public is invited.
when we're conducted interviews publicly, anybody who wants to sit in here and listen, they can.
it's not a closed deal.

>> but I understand, but it's helpful to have their bio prior to watching them go through an interview.

>> I have to listen to what the county attorney is saying now.

>> without objection we'll schedule the interviews on March 10th at 1:00 p.m.

>> Commissioners' court?

>> right here in this courtroom.
anything else on item 18?
thank you very much, miss fleming and miss artemus.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, February, 2011 2:19 PM


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