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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, February 8, 2011,
Item 19

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19 is to consider and take appropriate action on the proposal to amend the county's economic development program policy to include an initiative by the county to utilize incentives to solicit and attract businesses that would provide job opportunities for low income individuals who are currently unemployed or underemployed.

>> judge, I知 pretty excited about this.
this is really an exciting time.
(stand by for change in captioner)

>> Commissioner Eckhardt, who has been working real diligently with her to look at what workforce can bring to the table.
but there is so much intensity behind this effort and I would like to thank the county attorney for generating the language that we need to continue this particular effort.
so with that the intensity has been so outreaching and farfetched that we would like to bring this item back on the 15th to allow alan miller, who is with the workforce to lay off his rendering at that point and then later have a work session item whereby it could be full disclosure of a lot of things that a lot of folks want to put on the table to assist Travis County in what we're trying to do here.
an example of the participation thus far, and they would like to have this on the third.
we've got pretty much consensus on March 3rd a work session, judge, if that's allowed for us to do.
that's why I kind of want to circle that, that particular date as far as having the work session.
because we have folks such as jerry martin with the chamber.
we have the city of Austin, kevin johns and rodry gonzalez who is also working on great initiatives with having the low income and the underemployed.
we have persons from -- representatives from the governor's office, that had curtis who we've talked to, and he said he would love to be at the table with us to see if we can assist as we address the underemployed and low income residents of Travis County to assist with employment opportunities.
of course we have all the other major chambers that we'd like to have on board with this, along with mr. Miller who will actually be here on the 15th to discuss their brief rendering of this particular endeavor.
so I think it's a great opportunity for us to do some things in this community, to enhance and provide unemployment type situations, the possibility of manufacturing jobs and other things.
and if you recall, judge, last week when we had the folks that were represented as far as our sister county over in china, one thing you heard me mention then that we would like to see if this is a global economy to see if we can unturn some rocks and things like that to ensure that we bring these type of employment opportunities here to Travis County even if it's -- it has an anchor from another country.
so we're looking at all of these attributes and manufacturing, just a whole list of a whole lot of things that I think that we can do here in Austin-Travis County, Texas to make sure that these become a possibility.
so this is just basically just a fleshing out time, judge.
I think there's a lot of good ideas.
the governor's office, the representatives are here.
we have some great ideas.
so I think it's a collection of a lot of good ideas to help us as we try to assist the unemployed -- underemployed, the low income residents of Travis County to bring them job opportunities.
and Commissioner Eckhardt, I didn't mean to go too long with that, mu bu I know you probably have a few words you want to say on that also.

>> I wanted to frame some of the conversation moving forward.
alan miller with workforce has developed a plan called path to prosperity under the auspices of the community action network.
community action network has part of its plan for this year intensive work on the underemployment and unemployment of the bottom third of our community.
as we know, the unemployment rate in Travis County is about double what it was three years ago.
that unemployment impacts those at 200 percent of the federal poverty index and below the hardest.
and we are likely to see layoffs at both the state level and at the isd's.
the state is one of our, if not our largest employer in Travis County.
so to be proactive in response to both the facts on the ground and the facts that are likely to be on the ground rather soon, workforce as well as a consortium of other entities through the c.a.n.
partnership are inviting robust conversation about what we can do.
this court had a subcommittee of Commissioner Gomez, Commissioner Davis and myself to look at our tax abay.
policy, and one thing we already have in the pipeline is at least draft language for provision 28004, which is an additional abatement above, base abatement to a company that wants to locate here that would only be available to them under three circumstances.
one is leadership and energy and environmental.
two is in locating in a center, activity node as designated by campo and approved -- acknowledged by us.
three is for the training and hiring of economically disadvantaged residents because one concern that I think this court has often raised is that the job creation of many of the economic development activity is for people who are at the master's degree level.
so this proposed provision in our economic developments policy would tap the tax abatement at a lower -- cap the tax abatement at a lower level unless the entity agreed to train and/or hire economically disadvantaged residents through programs that would verify that those individuals were at 200 percent of federal poverty index or below.
so I invite the listening public and those who would be involved on the work session moving forward as well as the Commissioners court to refresh themselves on 2804 draft policy for tax abatement as well as workforce is going to be coming forward with their estimate until the likely layoffs at the state level.

>> hopefully we can come up with good solutions because we have a lot of small businesses in this community also and of course I think that the city has -- I don't want to steal their thunder, but we have -- the city of Austin has want to share with us in what we're doing and opportunities involving small businesses.
so I think it's a wraparound type situation and, and desperate times as far as we're experiencing right now.
we can get through the low employment, underemployment and persons that are without employment opportunities.
I think it's a great move in the right direction and hopefully 1:30 on March 3rd we can start into this process as far as going forward.
again, I would like to thank mary etta for working with us and the county attorney's office for working with us to develop the type of language that we need to actually modify for the court is willing to do that to modify after hearing testimony, willing to modify the tax abatement policy.

>> we aren't done yet.
we're well involved with (indiscernible) and we'd like to make sure that we can have the language as tight as possible and meeting with the statutory requirements.

>> exactly.

>> there's still a lot bit of review we need to do.
but we're involved with you.

>> this is a jumping point.

>> I was out all last week, so I知 kind of jumping in here.
we are looking at going back and adopting the entire new policy with this new language and doing away with the policy that's in place right now?
is that the track we're on?

>> I think that the work session would be to illuminate our options.

>> a lot of stuff have put a lot of stuff on the table.

>> I thought we were going to add this to our current policy.
if we're moving to the no one, that's great and I値l be happy to move over the new language.

>> we want you at the work session.

>> I will be there unless somebody else makes plans if me.

>> mr. Rodes?

>> no, sir.
I知 just here to answer any questions regarding the draft policy that's currently in the works.
and to echo Commissioner Eckhardt in terms of the draft policy and it relates to not only employment of economically disadvantaged individuals, but also some needs based scholarships that would incentivize additional education of individuals out in the workforce.

>> we have two applications before us.
that we've had for some time.
so what effect, if any, would this proposal have on those two?

>> I don't believe it would affect them at all, even if we were to pass it today because the applications would have come in prior to the passing of the policy.

>> right.

>> okay.
we have been I guess waiting on a draft new proposal for some time now.

>> yes, sir.

>> so is our intention to look at the new draft proposal -- I guess it would be a policy.
plus this particular part of it at the same time?

>> yes, sir.

>> I believe that with regard to the work session, we would have what our existing policy is, which of course we can diverge from that policy by a super majority at any time, correct, mary?
and then look at the proposed policy that was developed by subcommittee and its constituent parts because of course it's a mix and match.
you can lift pieces out and rearrange.
but it too is only as strong as the super majority would allow it to be.
it doesn't have to be applied.
and then also look at some of the work that the workforce is taking a look at with regard to ways in which governmental entities and private entities like the chamber of commerce could have a more robust economic development and workforce development for those who are at the 200 fpl and below.
particularly in light of what we're seeing in unemployment and underemployment and foreclosure.
and home costs in Travis County.

>> are we going to look at the minimum pay that these folks would also receive?
you can have a job and still be poor, working poor, and be eligible for services.
I don't think we want to get into that --

>> if you will recall, when we had our subcommittee, the chamber of commerce planted the idea of requiring that 50% of those hired were from Travis County.
and that they have health insurance provided by their employer.
I think I 100% agree with you that a living wage is something that we should definitely advocate for.
I would anticipate that if we're getting kickback from the chamber of commerce just on a hiring requirement of 50% from Travis County, they're going to howl like a cat thrown in water if we demand a living wage, although I would absolutely support you in that demand.

>> the draft policy; Commissioners, specific to Travis County residents in terms of additional incentives for a percentage of abate meants.

>> and somehow I think that we need to make sure that Travis County residents benefit from a policy passed by Travis County Commissioners' court.
so --

>> you're right, Commissioner.
that is the intent as we look at this.
and I explained that very thoroughly to the person that I致e had a chance to talk to that -- from the economic person over the governor's office, thad, curtis all the way through the chamber and the city of Austin folks that we are focusing on Travis County residents and what can we do?
so there's a lot of good ideas I think they had, but I just think having them before the Travis County Commissioners' court on a court day, on a Tuesday I think would be too taxing on the other items that we have on the agenda because the intensity or the involvement of what we're trying to -- what we're trying to accomplish here.
I just think everyone should have an opportunity to express their concerns with the ideas.
and of course, I致e heard several of them say that they're going to bring some ideas to the table that they think that we can embrace it and we move forward in that direction.
so I知 kind of looking forward to see what we can do with it.

>> I also think that Commissioner Gomez, you raised a good point and I believe that to some degree we addressed the concern with regard to living wage in our definition of employee in the draft policy.
because we excluded from the definition of employee any non-full time or seasonal worker, which would give wiggle room for that.
you can't count part time or seasonal workers in your overall employment numbers and also in linking it to the Texas workforce commission requirements in the quarterly reporting from the Texas workforce commission.
so we may have -- we discuss this had pretty robustly, and marietta was very helpful in this regard of what we can put in and make stick with regard to our internal staffing ability to monitor.
so to the extent that we can hitch our pony to Texas workforce commission requirements -- I think that's when alan miller can be hugely beneficial in our further refinement of our policy in order to get where we want to go in terms of living wage, health care provided by the employer, and training, scholarships and employment of individuals who don't have as many options as someone with a master's degree.

>> I guess the only question I have would be if we're hearing everybody else on March 3rd, why wouldn't we hear mr. Miller on March 3rd too?

>> that is the intent that mr. Miller would be available as w.

>> but if we're hearing him on March 3rd, why is he coming next week?

>> the reason for next week is because, number one, that alan miller wanted to lay out some things to us at that time, which is the 15th.

>> why wouldn't he lay them out on March 3rd?
if everybody else is laying out on March 3rd --

>> I don't see a reason why he shouldn't.
it doesn't bother me on the other.
if he's able to make that date, that was the date that was struck for him, but he basically wanted to come in at that time.
I don't have any problem with that, but he kind of wanted to lay out some things prior to that.

>> I think it would be useful in order to --

>> I just think that -- I知 sorry.
go ahead.

>> I think mr. Miller had some additional input that would perhaps spark some interest by the Commissioners' court leading up to the work session so that we would have some more ideas about what options we might want to explore for that work session.

>> and I didn't see no problem with that, judge.
he beaskly wanted to come at that time.
and I didn't -- anybody want to help us out any way they possibly can in this endeavor, I welcome them.
and of course, the language will stay the same on the agenda.

>> sure.

>> so I welcome that.

>> well --

>> we may need to change the language, because when I was looking at this I was just looking at that one section.
and we could clarify that we are looking at the entire -- the possibility of the entire new policy, which includes this new language for under employed and unemployed.
but that we are indeed looking at the overall policy change and not that just one section.
so we can --

>> the impression is that it was just that 28084.

>> it fooled me.
I think we can do that and make our language clear that we are looking at the whole policy, which includes this section.

>> well --

>> but would the language as it exists now, without having to generate any new language for alan miller to come in next week.

>> all he's going to talk about is the low income, under employed, unemployed, yes.
if you want to talk about any of the other parts --

>> that's what he's going to do.

>> I think that's perfectly fine.

>> we'll leave the language just as it is on the agenda for his --

>> if that's all he's addressed, that's fine.
and when we do the work session we can broaden it.

>> let's do that then.
sounds like a plan.

>> my understanding is that alan miller's presentation on the 15th is with regard to the path to prosperity initiative that he is inviting c.a.n.
partners and the broader -- the broader community to participate in so that we will have a full court press, not just Travis County Commissioners' court.
but this is an invitation to participate in a larger dialogue about attacking the circumstance from many angles.
not just our tax abatement policy.

>> so we think mr. Miller, though, will say something different on March 3rd than he says on February 15th?

>> I do.
I think what he will say on March -- on.

>> if he's going to say something different that's fine with me.
I don't think I知 prepared to hear the same thing, though.
and with our agendas being full and us scrambling to find dates for fairly important matters, if he's going to say something different, fine.
but if he's going to say the same thing...
I don't know that I would have him twice.
now, I would never pass up an opportunity to hear mr. Miller, but I think I would pass up an opportunity to hear him say the same thing twice.

>> [ laughter ] just think about that.

>> okay.

>> now, so would we plan to take action next week if he comes?

>> well, it's just for discussion, judge.

>> all right.
because on our agenda we always indicate that it is a practice of the Commissioners' court to allow the public to testify on any item on the agenda, period.
so if a chamber member or others come next week and as long as they speak on hoos posted, our policy is to hear them.

>> I -- I did talk with the chamber folks.
in fact, they thought today -- I talked with jeremy.
he looked that the item today and he thought that he would need to come down today and speak on this.
I told him basically what the intent of this particular item was to do.
and of course, they have no problem with coming on the 3rd during the work session according to them.
they say they'll be in full force.
in fact, all the folks that I致e spoken to, that I mentioned to you earlier, it was a scheduling problem for a whole bunch of them.
so they say the third would be just fantastic for them to be here during the work session.

>> Commissioner, would you entertain approximate just putting all of this on the work session?
I think what I知 hearing from the judge is concern about having another agenda item next week.
should we just put it all to the work session and then mr. Miller can provide his presentation with regard to the path to prosperity, which is a broader context?
perhaps will set it in broader context?
and I can provide written materials to the Commissioners' court in advance on the path to prosperity.

>> I have no problem with it.
either way I have no problem with it.
as I said earlier, it's just a point I wanted to make sure that he had to chance to get all the things out on the table.
that was my most concern.
of course I need to discuss and talk with him anyway.
but if you want to wrap all of this up into work session, fine.

>> I am concerned, however, that if we do wrap it up into work session, though, without having a running start into that work session, it might not be as productive as it otherwise could be.

>> yeah.
and I just --

>> but it will be if that's the only item set.
I didn't know -- if we give him three and a half hours, and that typically is how long work sessions are posted for, we can cover whatever we need to cover on this item.
it's the only item on March 3rd, right?

>> yeah.
I asked for this particular date to be reserved for -- to make sure we have enough time to deal with what the folks had to say instead after court session.

>> and may I ask to take this opportunity to get court input about what specifically you all would like addressed in the work session?
we have the draft tax abatement policy.
we have mr. Miller's path to prosperity effort through c.a.n.
are there other specific items that you would like to touch on in that work session?

>> well, maybe the appropriate jobs are getting created that would connect them with people who are here who fit those categories.
but if they're going to create a job that our folks can't fit into, then it really doesn't help anything.
you know, so we need to know -- there's got to be a fit with the folks that we're trying to put to work and the jobs that are being created.
so who would do that, alan?

>> should we ask the chamber of commerce and alan miller to both present on what efforts to date and what efforts moving forward would link the targeted industries to the individuals most in need of employment?

>> whoever wants to do it.
I think it's necessary to have a link there.

>> Commissioner, I might also recommend that rodney gonzalez address that issue.
he and I have had numerous conversations with regarding initiatives toward that particular segment of the population as well as the traditional economic development activities that they've done.

>> rodney gonzalez is under kevin johns, who is with the city of Austin.
of course, they are the ones that I have been dealing with and talking to as far as participating in this particular work session.
of course, the times that they would have wanted to be here wasn't a good time prior to the March 3rd work session day, but it appears that they have basically agreed to show up on a day now.
think did a a lot of information -- they did have a lot of information.
I think they can share that information with us.
I can also get in touch with the -- if the economic development department with the governor's office and thad curtis, if they have information, I think we can have all of that information brought forth, but those are some of the main participants that would have information, I guess, as far as to bring to the court as far as backup is concerned for the particular work session.
so I think it's all encompassing, those names that you have mentioned and others have mentioned, I think we can place all of this on the table during the term of the work session and discuss this.
Commissioner Eckhardt, I kind of yield to you with alan miller since that was your contact.
and so I知 trying to let you do what you want to do with that.

>> well, what I知 hearing is a possible agenda for the work session and I just wanted to get in on this, is that to have mr. Miller do a presentation on the path to prosperity through c.a.n.
to have various entities, rodney gonzalez with the city of Austin, alan miller, chamber of commerce do a presentation on the link between courted industries and the workforce in need.

>> jerry martin with the chamber of commerce.

>> we're trying to work out the agenda, but what I知 hearing is telling me that y'all need to put your heads together and make sure the language covers all of these different aspects because we're sort of getting away from the financial incentives policy, which is fine.
but if we meet on the path to progress or whatever it is mr. Miller is talking about, if we need him listed, we just list that specifically in the work session, you know, have it broad enough with specifics down there to cover because it looks like we're sort of expanding -- we're going to economic development, job creation and jobs, then the financial incentives policy, which is fine.
we can put all of it together.
my recommendation would be that if any court members had any additional ideas, get them to Commissioners Davis and Eckhardt by February 23rd, which is when we'll be putting the agenda together for the next work session.
and as long as we know it by then, we can make sure that the agenda item is appropriately worded to accommodate all of these concerns.
and we've got three and a half hours to work with.

>> yeah, it's a big deal.
it's a big deal when you really get down to it.
it's a big deal.

>> I知 excited about March 3rd.

>> it's going to take time.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, February, 2011 2:19 PM


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