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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, February 1, 2011,
Executive Session

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>> were we down to executive session?

>> thank you.

>> 25 I believe we're going to wait until this afternoon, shaun, so do I need to call that out?

>> if you're going to take it into executive session now, it's up to you whether you want to break for lunch.
I think the attorney is here to handle it if you wanted to take that one item.

>> we probably -- if y'all don't mind, we'll just take it into executive session this afternoon at 1:30.
is that all right?

>> that's fine.

>> and I move that we take a break until 1:30.

>> second.

>> all in favor?
thank you.

Thank you all very much.
and we are ready now for executive session.
and I am told that in fact we do need to take into executive session b.

>> 11 b.

>> of item 11.
11 is consider and take appropriate action consider and take appropriate action regarding executive managers and the following human resources management department items. B is approving the revised job descriptions, job titles, duties and grading.
if we call names and discuss individuals, right?

>> it was a question was brought up regarding attorney-client questioning so you would not need to list the individuals.

>> consultation with attorney exception.
and we don't need c.

>> no.
just b.
we will at some point need all of them at some point.

>> okay.
let's make it some other day.
Commissioner Gomez get brief odd that.
item 25 is posted for executive session, receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action regarding or concerning submission by Travis County of an amicus curiae brief in support of the state and galveston county with regard to the Texas open beaches act in the case of severence versus patterson.
severence is the name?

>> severence is the name of the california individual.

>> versus patterson, I thought that was just one thing before the Texas supreme court.
consultation with attorney exception.
26 is consider and take appropriate action for salary equity adjustment for executive manager, health and human services.
and 26 will be under the personnel matters exception.
we will discuss these three items in executive session, but we'll return to open court before taking any action.

>> > we have returned from executive session where we announced number 25, the matter involving the request for a brief from Travis County in the lawsuit severence versus patterson before the Texas supreme court.
I move that --

>> I move that we move forward with the brief to the supreme court to rehear the severence v patterson case.

>> second.

>> and make all of the arguments possible on behalf of the residents of Travis County and the state of Texas.
any discussion on the motion?

>> this will make the ghost of my father very happy.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
22 is a request for recommendation for a market -- for a salary equity adjustment for executive manager, health and human services.
move that we approve staff recommendation.

>> second.

>> that we increase this executive manager's pay.

>> and we need to look at salary equity for the other executive managers as well.
at the appropriate time.

>> actually it's market and performance.
this solves the equity issue.

>> okay.
we'll have to do that other.

>> the recommendation is for a new salary of $130,301.49 is what the motion includes.
that was seconded by --

>> me.

>> Commissioner Huber.
discussion on the motion?

>> well, I think the other thing that we talked about this morning was that we also wanted to make sure that everybody hands that some of these adjustments will be based on the ability to pay.
and that was the heart of the discussion this morning.
given the -- the -- all of the issues that will be passed on to local government by the state.
they have a huge burden of balancing their budget.

>> okay.
this motion would cover just one manager.
and the impact of this would be $12,000.

>> right.

>> roughly.
any more discussion on the motion?
all in favor?
show Commissioners Eckhardt, Gomez and Huber and yours truly voting in favor.

>> Commissioner Davis abstaining.
we also discussed item 11 b, the revised job descriptions, job titles, duties and grading we got legal advice.
the other parts of this item will be brought back next week or the week after.
I recommend that we bring all of them back.
unless is there another motion?
then we will treat that as a scheduling matter and have it back on -- since Commissioner Huber and I will be out of town the rest of this week, probably not the 8th but the 15th would be more appropriate and I think we would be in a much better position to mull over these and have another full discussion and take action then unless there is objection.

>> is that the same day we plan to interview all of the health care district applicants?

>> based on our discussion this morning.
is that a recommendation that the 22nd may be better?

>> I just don't think we can do it all.
I can't do what we need to do on the subcommittee for the health care district and the compensation item and expect to have it fully discussed in one day.

>> I join my colleague, the gentle woman from precinct 2.

>> exhausted.

>> February 22nd is the better date.

>> for this item.

>> miss porter?
how does that sound to you?

>> fabulous.

>> spoken like a true public servant.
we'll have it back on on February 22nd, and at least as many parts as we had today and if there are additional ones that we need to take up, we'll add those too.
I believe that is all of our work today.

>> move adjourn.

>> second.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, February, 2011 2:19 PM


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